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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Watched Commando for the billionth time (approximately) last night. Its still good, the action set peices and one liners still shine through as does the stunt work, but it is really beginning to show its age which is not suprising given it was made in 1985!



To put it in perspective its 25 years old!.. I feel REALLY fucking old :(

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Apparently some people thought it was genuine, and clever...


this review for instance

I actually really like that review. I'm not sure he credits the director with a special amount of intelligence, but says it's equally likely that the entire thing was an accident. That pretty much sums up my thoughts on it, but cleverer than I would have written.


I've been following this with great interest since the first trailer came out and everyone thought it was viral marketing for Where the Wild Things Are. Apparently it's a tax con, which is believable when you read an interview with the director and he puts the budget at $5m. Supposedly he knocked together this shitty movie, then claimed the visual effects cost the bulk of $5m, so either it is a tax thing, or the VFX company fucked him like nobody's ever gotten fucked before.


Filmmaker: In an earlier interview you stated that the film
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I own two copies of that film. FACT.


Elegia sent me a copy to review, then a friend who knows of my penchant (yes Mort, I use this kind of pretentious language as a matter of course ;)) for terrible romcoms bought me a copy for Christmas.


Did you like the menu music? "Perfectioooon... in EVERY WAY.

Penchant is fine, because you're describing yourself and it's the appropriate word. "Ode" was describing a video game criticiser talking about things he liked every now and again, and was pretty inappropriate.


Woyzeck, if you're interested in seeing the film itself, you can either pop to Chesterfield and watch it, or I can send you a copy in the post next time I'm copying things. Now I've heard about him doing it as a tax dodge, I don't mind pirating the DVD.

Edited by Famous Mortimer
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Oh my god, I'm actually getting a lesson on the appropriate use of language now. I even used a wink smilie. :(


Yes, I know the use of "ode" wasn't strictly appropriate. Sometimes though Morty, sometimes, human beings use words which will get the gist of their point accross even if the word in question is not the absolutely ideal one for the occasion. This might be for the sake of brevity, humour, or simply adding a bit of colour and variety to their language. On other occasions, it may even be the first word that pops into their head, allowing them to make their point more quickly and efficiently.


Also, I was using "ode" to describe the times when AVGN makes short films starring Michael Myers/Jason Vorhees/Leatherface/Freddy whilst talking about a game in passing. These reviews are tributes to the horror films (he adores horror films) as much as a platform for reviewing a shitty game. I didn't think it was grossly inappropriate in that context.


Did you know what I meant when I used the word? Is "ode" actually quicker to type than many alternatives? SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Yes! :thumbsup:



It's wasn't you calling me on using a word that wasn't strictly correct that bothered me, it was more "Is he paying you money???" This implied, to me at least, that I had specifically chosen the word to sound intelligent and pretentious, when in reality it's a word that came naturally to me in the course of typing up the post because it captured what I wanted to say in a succinct and easily understandable manner. I wasn't trying to make the art of reviewing bad videogames and putting said reviews on the internet into something grander than it is, it's just a word I use. "Tribute" is a bit strong and "nod" isn't strong enough. I don't know why I'm justifying this to you anyway. I think I'm a bit touchy or something.


As I say, I think you're one of the best posters here and I actually agree with you far more often than not. I'm especially glad that's the case now because I won't make the mistake of disagreeing with you again, lest I receive another infuriatingly condescending response.


EDIT: Whingey ranting aside, yes, get The Social Climber Loki. All the cool kids have it. I like that you initially committed to watching in January 2009 Hage. You really saw that shit through.

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Looks like you spent all the time you saved typing a short word in on that reply, so I don't understand that part of your argument.


It's wasn't you calling me on using a word that wasn't strictly correct that bothered me, it was more "Is he paying you money???" This implied, to me at least, that I had specifically chosen the word to sound intelligent and pretentious

It struck me as something that the guy's most uncritical fan would have said. I don't think you were doing it to sound pretentious, I just think your praise of him went over the top.


I was perfectly happy to just say my piece and leave it at that in thread actually on the subject- you're the person who sparked this up again in another, entirely unrelated thread.

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watched a good load of movies the past few days, probably post some thoughts later...


Dirty Harry (again)

A Perfect World (still working through Eastwood's back catalogue)

Benny & Joon

Nick of Time (girlfriend is a Johnny Depp fan, so ive got access to her dvd collection, hehe)

The Ruins

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Percy Jackson & the Lightning thief


Another of these `Kids have special powers` movies this one rather than using mutant powers or superhero stuff goes for Greek Demi-God powers which, with the imagery and heritage of the Greek gods, is quite a good twist.


Percy Jackson discovers hes the child of a Greek God as he gets accused of stealing the Lightning rod of Zeus. He gets taken to a special camp where all the kids of Gods and Demi-Gods get trained in how to use and control their powers. Hades appears and explains that if Percy doesn`t give him the rod then he`ll Hades will kill Percy`s mother, so Percy decides to set out on a quest to speak to Hades and explain that he is not the thief.


Now the confusion I have is that the film is almost great. The use of Greek gods combined with the Harry Potter element(lets cast kids and use them for the entire series of films) is more appealing to me than the harry potter series is. But the film isn`t too engrossing. The special effects are good in some areas, the hydra and monotaur are well worth seeing, but the medusa is terrible, absolutely terrible. Hades himself is a strange cast (dont look up who plays hades because the reveal is worth the suprise) but it seems to work on a `thats cool` level.


Its worth seeing in the cinema, especially for the monsters and fight scenes but i`m hoping that the second film has a much more solid storyline and manages to go past the interest stage and actually hook me into the plot.

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You'd have to struggle to tell it's not a Harry Potter game from the posters. They are EXACTLY like Harry Potter, they even have from the makers ofHarry Potter on the poster. It's pathetic marketing.

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You'd have to struggle to tell it's not a Harry Potter game from the posters. They are EXACTLY like Harry Potter, they even have from the makers ofHarry Potter on the poster. It's pathetic marketing.


clever marketing surely?

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Saw Princess & The Frog at the cinema on Sunday! Pretty good Disney film, very true to their style. It was funny, charming and had a decent score.


Two thirds of my trips to the cinema in the last 18 months have been to watch kiddy films. I really must go and watch films I want to see too.


You'd have to struggle to tell it's not a Harry Potter game from the posters. They are EXACTLY like Harry Potter, they even have from the makers ofHarry Potter on the poster. It's pathetic marketing.


clever marketing surely?


I've only seen the poster on the side of a bus, I assumed it was a spoof?

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I suppose so. I just think it's a bit cheap, as an adult it makes me think "HP rip off and therefore crap" so it's definitely not working for me. But I guess a kid might buy it.

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I went to see Youth In Revolt on sunday. Michael Cera is a sex obsessed no hoper teen who meets his dream girl on a short trip out of town. He needs to find a way to get kicked out of his house to go live with his dad back near this girl, so he invents a badass alter ego named Francois. Michael Cera essentially does Michael Cera again, but shows a fair bit more range, especially in portraying Francois. In parts this is almost a dark comedy (it even has Steve Buscemi in it!) and has a very indie feel to it, I really enjoyed it.

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