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The Cum Doctor

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What did Human Traffic Remix do differently?


Edited in some new scenes, change the graphics and updated the soundtrack (which ruined the film) There was a big thing at the time with the cast and Director disowning it as it was recut by the producer

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What happened to Denzel anyway? Training Day was like 11 years ago and the only thing he's done of remote interest since then was that runaway train movie...the one that wasn't a remake...


Off the top of my head American Gangster, Man On Fire & Inside Man all came out after Training Day and all were awesome.

I tried to get through American Gangster but I found it very bland. Probably wont attempt sitting through it for a while after Ridley Scott's recent attempt at destroying his legacy as a film-maker. Man On Fire, admittedly, I'd forgotten about and it was decent. Inside Man is ridiculously awful though.

Edited by Green
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This is the most pretentious film review of all time. It's about Drive. See how far you can get:-


It is a one way street and there, Walter Benjamin says:
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Got to the second line of the second paragraph.


Marko Bauer is a publicist, a failed copywriter and an even more failed writer, a horoscope author that does not believe in astrology and a renowned translator of jokes and inventor of headlines. He lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia.


Surely he works in the media department of a university as well.

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The message is an endless proliferation, reproduction, a reflection of a reflection of a reflection


2nd line.


Though I returned to it and forced myself to read it all. I have a sore head now.


I usually like reading a lot of stuff posted on Senses of Cinema, but this, no thanks.

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See, now, Casino Royale is a good film. But it's not a good Bond film. In fact, it's not really a Bond film at all.


It is overrated, but I enjoyed it. Eva Green is a fantastic actress, too.

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See, now, Casino Royale is a good film. But it's not a good Bond film. In fact, it's not really a Bond film at all.


It is overrated, but I enjoyed it. Eva Green is a fantastic actress, too.


In some ways its a spoof of a spoof of a spoof of a spoof. Spoof.

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I didn't think Mads Mikkelsen was all that great. I think I was distracted by how much he looked like Andrew Marr as well. But Isaach De Bankole was ace. He really should have been in it more.

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As much as I enjoyed the Moore-era Bonds, you couldn't make them now, it'd be ridiculous. Casino Royale was a return to the darker style of the first few Connery movies, so to that extent it's "authentic".


I really love Casino Royale. It was a huge, huge quality leap up from the miserable Brosnan films, ranking up there with my favourite ever Bonds. Quantum of Solace dropped the ball a bit, but it was still a decent watch.


One thing they're doing differently is having Bond as a character develop and change over the series of films, whereas previously he essentially reset at the start of every movie. His relationship with M is particularly good, and it looks like this film will develop that a lot more.


In my weird headspace, the name "Bond" is basically something that comes with the 007 position. Each Bond is a new person that's taking over the mantle of 007, and therefore taking on the Bond name. So this chap is very much a 21st century Bond.

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The thing that worries me about the next Craig film is that yes, Casino Royale was pretty good, but I think that has a lot to do with sticking so closely to the original novel (or at least the last half of the film did). They then had a chance to make their own plot and it was a mess. You could tell whoever scripted QoS had no confidence whatsoever.


The other issue is that they sold Casino Royale as a true depiction of Bond, which isn't really true. Even if you ignore the films, the Casino Royale novel is quite different to some of the ones that followed.

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