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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Finally got around to watching The Limey yesterday. Ive been wanting to see it for ages, and then it pops up on Film 4. In a nutshell it's fantastic.


Terence Stamp, comes to America to avenge the death of his daughter. It's superbly shot, has some great set pieces and is really enjoyable. General Zod, really goes between hamming it up, with the English slang and a cauldron of kick ass crazy in the film and is further enhanced by spliced footage of A Ken Loach film he did to show his 'younger days'. Bill Duke has a memorable cameo in it as a DEA agent and a class retort to Terence Stamp's over exaggerated diatribe. Peter Fonda is good as the sleazy Record producer and Luiz Guzman is great as the criminal who helps Terence Stamp piece together what happened to his daughter.


Belting Film

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It's an absolutely corking film, spoilt only by the wandering mysteries of Terrence Stamp's accent. It's not quite bad enough to ruin it, but it's close. The fact that it has the guy from Vanishing Point in as well is a big geek bonus.


Quite surprised Stamp didn't get the Liam Neeson treatment by Hollywood after it, he looked hard as nails.


If you enjoyed The Limey, you might want to check out The Good Thief starring Nick Nolte from 2002. A similar vibe in many ways, though the story is completely different.

Edited by Loki
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If you enjoyed The Limey, you might want to check out The Good Thief starring Nick Nolte from 2002. A similar vibe in many ways, though the story is completely different.

I'll add it to my to watch list. Any film with Tcheky Karyo in is usually worth a watch :thumbsup:
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Watched David Lynch's Eraserhead last night. Can anyone here recommend any other Lynch-directed films?

If you want mental Lynch then check out Lost Highway or Mulholland Drive. Blue Velvet and Wild at Heart are less mental but far better films (Blue Velvet probably being his best)
Wild at Heart is brilliant, One of Nic Cage's best films too.
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I just saw The Raid at an advance screening Cineworld put on for Unlimited card holders and it is fucking awesome. It's brutal, stylish and just a blast to watch. If you're a fan of stuff like Ong Bak or anything like that, definitely get down to a theater and check this out.

Edited by Harvey Dent
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Watched David Lynch's Eraserhead last night. ..what the fuck!? Just...what the fuck!? It's the weirdest and creepiest film I've ever seen. I wasn't really clued up on Lynch beforehand so didn't know what to expect, I'd just heard it was a cult classic. After watching it, I don't really have any opinion on it because I don't know what Lynch was trying to achieve with it. Oddly though, I now want to see more of his stuff, out of curiosity more than anything else. Can anyone here recommend any other Lynch-directed films?

If you want mental Lynch then check out Lost Highway or Mulholland Drive. Blue Velvet and Wild at Heart are less mental but far better films (Blue Velvet probably being his best) If you wanna see what he can do when hes working on a more refined studio pic check out the Elephant Man which is beautifully shot and probably his most accessible film
Not so mush Lost Highway, but Mulholland Drive definitely fits into the category of just trying to be smart for the sake of it. I've seen it a couple of times now and couldn't tell you what the hell its about. I've seen people try to explain it on the net and I have no idea what they're on about. And I swear Finch did an interview once where he said he didn't even know for sure. The phone scene in Lost Highway is creepy as fuck though. I can watch that film for what it is. Eraserhead is pretty linear as far as these three Finch film goes. Ironically, these are the only films I have seen of his as I bought them in a box-set.
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Eraserhead is pretty linear as far as these three Finch film goes. Ironically, these are the only films I have seen of his as I bought them in a box-set.

Why are you calling him Finch? Edited by Loki
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Eraserhead is pretty linear as far as these three Finch film goes. Ironically, these are the only films I have seen of his as I bought them in a box-set.

Why are you calling him Finch?
It's his pet name they share.
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The missus and me watched LA Confidential over the weekend. Cracking film and for a first time viewer a bloody rollercoaster ride. All the lead roles are performed brilliantly and the story has some terrific twists to it. Glad I watched it. For tommorow I shall be going through the Psycho boxset. We all know how good Psycho is, but the sequels are questionable. Still I enjoy them for something to pass the time. I actually really enjoyed Psycho II the first time I watched it, even though a sequel to Psycho seems pretty unnecessary.

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Mulholland Drive is a fantastic film. It is one of the very rare films I have ever seen where everything you are watching is so good that you actually don't care if it is making any sense or not. You just enjoy watching the imagery and the performances, and there is so much of both of those elements to enjoy in it.

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Finally got round to watching Drive. I must admit, I wasn't crazy about it. Went in with pretty high expectations so maybe I set myself up for a disappointment. Apart from the story not being what I was expecting at all, I just couldn't get into Gosling's character, apart from the fetching jacket. I found him really awkward to watch.

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Finally got round to watching Drive. I must admit, I wasn't crazy about it. Went in with pretty high expectations so maybe I set myself up for a disappointment. Apart from the story not being what I was expecting at all, I just couldn't get into Gosling's character, apart from the fetching jacket. I found him really awkward to watch.

I'm leaving Drive for a couple of years until everyone shuts up about it. It cannot possibly live up to the hyping it's received from so many people, so I'm giving it the required 2 year cooling off period.
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I dug out Glengarry Glen Ross again last night after it being mentioned on here. Its an acting masterclass and the dialogue is just beautiful. How Lemmon wasn't even nominated for an Oscar i'll never know (Pacino got a nomination for the film but lost out to Gene Hackman in Unforgiven)

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