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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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A little late to the party, but I just watched Saw 3D. I hate 3D films so I didn't see it at the time and just watched this in regular Blu ray. In short, this is rubbish. The first thing that struck me is how cheap it looked, most of the budget obviously went on the 3D part of it. The blood all seems to be bright pink, I assume it's because 3D glasses would make it darker and thus more an actual blood colour but they just couldn't be bothered to change it for the home release. The story itself is convoluted and dull, the acting and script are hilarious as ever and the traps this time round are all pretty uninspired. There's an entertaining B-movie quality about it for a laugh, but let's be honest, has anyone really cared about these films past the second one?


Pretty much what I was going to say. The first, although poorly acted, was good, with one of the best twists I've ever seen (I'll always remember the chill down my spine when Jigsaw stood up). The second still managed to get me with the twist, slightly more gory and overall better performances. After that it was just 'how much more blood can we get into this one?'.

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Anyone know if Harry Potter was shot in 3D or is a conversion? if it was shot in 3D then I'll give it a go otherwise its pointless.


Watched the new Blu Ray of Tobe Hooper's The Funhouse. Hadn't seen it before. It comes close to being a classic Slasher but unfortunately only manages mildly entertaining.

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Anyone know if Harry Potter was shot in 3D or is a conversion? if it was shot in 3D then I'll give it a go otherwise its pointless.


Watched the new Blu Ray of Tobe Hooper's The Funhouse. Hadn't seen it before. It comes close to being a classic Slasher but unfortunately only manages mildly entertaining.


I think it was filmed normally and converted to 3D. I've also heard from everyone that has seen it that the 3D is pretty bad and adds nothing to the film at all.

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Been caning some films last couple of weeks


Rocky 1,2,3,4,5 Balboa- What can I say? Seminal bunch of films, Burgess Meredith should really have got some award for playing Mickey, he got nommed for an Oscar, but was amazing performance in Rocky, nonetheless. Paulie is a cunt of the highest order and really is the biggest irritant in the entire series even more than Sage Stallone in 5. Talia Shire looked hot in 1 and had hints of Sandra Bullock to me, but as the series went on by gawd did she get rough.


As for ranking 1,2,Balboa,3,4,5


Rocky 4 has aged terribly and other than soundbites and a class soundtrack its fucking gash. The narrative is bollocks and the acting is woeful. Its 25 years old this year and Im really disappointed with it tbf. Its like a childhood memory being raped in so much that you have watched it a load of times and it evokes great memories and whatnot yet watching it now its utterly terrible.


I was quite surprised by Rocky Balboa, Id avoided spoilers and it was a pretty decent watch all told ( fucking Milo Ventaglia could piss off, what was the point of his character, yes it was Rocky's son, but he was a fucking douche all the way through it) I liked the stuff that continued from other Rocky films especially, meeting up with characters from the 1st one and seeing how they developed and the one last shot thing was done well. It was so much better than the Rambo new film as well.



Moving on from that watched Scott Pilgrim Vs The World. Geeks delight from the 8 bit rendition of the Universal theme through to the XIII style noises coming from onscreen. The plot was paper thin and his amour was a complete grot bag. The plot reminded me a little of Wayne's World in so much that the evil Boss/producer or whatever has been with or will get with the girl and its up to our plucky underdog hero to make ammends. Chris Evans was fantastic as was Culkin as the sarky flatmate from hell. Some good fight scenes considering that non of the primary cast are fighters afaik and its very well done. Im not sure I could say it was brilliant but I did mark out for some of the Sound effects such as Sonic Rings.


The Running Man, was excellent. Is creaking at the seams though and would be I think ripe for a remake ( yes I said it!) The film stock it was shot on was terrible and is aged badly. The helicopter Scenes for the Bakersfield Massacre especially in Cockpit havent held up well and the masking/bluescreen or whatever for the skyline view is shonky at best. What shocked me was how grim it was as in, its very down beat and dirty and dystopian. That still holds up really well as does the plot overall and its odd that Dynamo comes up and stinks the place out as he appears utterly out of place in the whole thing. Id be interested to see those who have read the Richard Bachman, sorry Steven King Book/Novella/ Short Story and see how it compares. The special effects other than that are generally good and I want to know how they did the tunnels from the gameshow set to the game zone. Fuck it even Mick Fleetwood isnt awful.


Grosse Point Blank. Ive not seen for ages. I didnt remember Minnie Driver being so 'square' Its a good film nicely dark and Dan Ackroyd completely steals the show imo as the other assassin, Grocer.. The Ultimart Shoot out to the Ace of Spades is also still cool as well as a nice but slightly predictable twist with Martins last assassination target.


The Replacement Killers. I hadnt heard much about this when it came out dont remember it being on the cinema or even hyped much at the time. I got it on VHS because of Chow Yun Fat after I had seen Hard Boiled in the Mid 1990's. Even though its only produced by John Woo it has a lot of stylised killings and mentalistic slow mo's and usage of purposely set up images just so shoot outs so can look cool. The story is okayHitman against his will turns against bosses as wont kill a kid, and then turns to fear for his family and ends up going to a forger for help. Side plots with a cop who wants to catch the hitman and then respects him for saving his son from being killed after replacement killers are hired come and go and Michael Rooker's goatee is laughable. Decent film, cracking soundtrack Enjoyed it


The Quest- Basically Bloodsport rehashed given the Frank Dux/ JCVD connection its no surprise only that its set in the 1920's/1930's Its alright and Roger Moore hamming it up certainly helps as does James Remar in the 'Jackson' role as boxer Maxi Devine. Watchable but not nearly as good as Bloodsport

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The Running Man, was excellent. Is creaking at the seams though and would be I think ripe for a remake ( yes I said it!) The film stock it was shot on was terrible and is aged badly. The helicopter Scenes for the Bakersfield Massacre especially in Cockpit havent held up well and the masking/bluescreen or whatever for the skyline view is shonky at best. What shocked me was how grim it was as in, its very down beat and dirty and dystopian. That still holds up really well as does the plot overall and its odd that Dynamo comes up and stinks the place out as he appears utterly out of place in the whole thing. Id be interested to see those who have read the Richard Bachman, sorry Steven King Book/Novella/ Short Story and see how it compares. The special effects other than that are generally good and I want to know how they did the tunnels from the gameshow set to the game zone. Fuck it even Mick Fleetwood isnt awful.

Bit of aging aside most of Arnold's films are still very watchable and enjoyable I always think. I like Dynamo, he was like the thing I hated most as a kid, just a fat ridiculous character but now he makes me laugh, I believe the actor was a Wrestler & Opera singer, he'd have made a perfect WWF character back in the day, sadly he died shortly after filming. I also think of Vader when I see Buzzsaw.

Anyway I've read the book and although it was a long time ago, I recall it being fack all like the film, yes it has a game type hunt with Ben Richards but thats about where the similarity ends. Same went for my reading of Jaws around the same time, its not the same as the movie. These days films stick pretty close to the source material.

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Anyone know if Harry Potter was shot in 3D or is a conversion? if it was shot in 3D then I'll give it a go otherwise its pointless.


Watched the new Blu Ray of Tobe Hooper's The Funhouse. Hadn't seen it before. It comes close to being a classic Slasher but unfortunately only manages mildly entertaining.


Was that the Arrow Films release? I've just bought the brand new release of Slaughter High from them haven't got round to watching it yet and already I think it could possibly be the best

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Rocky 4 has aged terribly and other than soundbites and a class soundtrack its fucking gash. The narrative is bollocks and the acting is woeful. Its 25 years old this year and Im really disappointed with it tbf. Its like a childhood memory being raped in so much that you have watched it a load of times and it evokes great memories and whatnot yet watching it now its utterly terrible.


but i guarantee that 4 out of 5 boys around my age will say it's the best one...


it's a guilty pleasure no doubt but it's by no means the best in the series.

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watched 3 movies today (lazy day)


Big Trouble In Little China - had my bluray through so i gave it a whirl, the movie looks awesome and despite having not seen it in about 3 years i loved it more than ever. Endlessly watchable and quotable. Jack Burton is one of the greatest useless hero's ever put to screen. Amazing movie.


Art of War - oldish Snipes actioner. I'm always a fan of the 90's action guys but this was one Snipes movie i hadn't seen. This is kinda the stage where he was taking that horrible transition from box office star to DTV guy. Having said that this was ok, the plot was overly complicated but it had some slick action. Snipes kinda phones it in with his smooth style, he basically plays the same character in every actioner he's ever been in. I'd recommend it if you like this kind of thing.


The Loved Ones - completely warped Australian horror movie, i loved this. A prom date goes wrong, that's all i'll say... but this was fucking crazy, i will be recommending this to my mates. Check it out!!

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Was that the Arrow Films release? I've just bought the brand new release of Slaughter High from them haven't got round to watching it yet and already I think it could possibly be the best
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I know I already feel like I should have waited for a Blu-ray release. But I bought it on impulse really, me and some mates used to watch this all the time on vhs and because it's never been released on DVD I just felt like I needed to buy it straight away.


Whats the Battle Royale transfer like, I know there are some dark, gloomy and sometimes hard to see scenes on the original SE DVD tin that I've got, I'd be willing to pay out again if the Blu-ray version is much better.

That's a very nice collection you've got there, bet the look great altogether. :sneaky:

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Speaking of the best in different series, I've been watching all The Terminator films over the last 2 weekends.


I reckon it goes 1, 2, 4, 3.


If you go into it with the right mindset though, 3 is piss funny.

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