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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I watched the new Robin Hood last night.


I won't say that it's necessarily a bad film, but I was disappointed because it wasn't at all the film I wanted it to be. It basically ended with him becoming Robin Hood.. There was no robbing and stealing, sherwood forest-based hijinx, and the Sherrif was merely a footnote.


It was basically a war movie. Not what I wanted at all.


They set it up for a sequel that will probably be the film I was hoping for though, so I reckon I'd watch that.


On the plus side, the guy who played Prince/King John was brilliant.


I rented it the other night. Again, its not terrible, but not great either. It never seemed to get going, I thought there would have been more battle than what there was.


Also, while not perfect, I thought Crowe's accent (of which he was heavily critised) was quite good

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Just got back from seeing BURIED at the cinema.


Went with a lovely lady which made the experience more enjoyable although I think I may have enjoyed it more than her, not sure what to think about the film really... Moderate spoilers ahead. SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

the whole film is Ryan Reynolds in a coffin buried underground... The WHOLE FILM! There's not a single other character shown for the whole film! I thought this was pretty brave film making because it's hard to do something new in a movie and I've never seen a film with only 1 character in it before. It made the film a little boring in parts but ultimately I think it was better for the film to be unique and slightly boring than have a bit more going on but be more similar to everything else. Plus it was Ryan Fucking Reynolds, if there's any man I'd watch alone on screen for 90 minutes it's Ryan Reynolds :love:



Anyone else seen it?

Edited by Pritt Stick Licker
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Day: Yesterday

Time: Evening

Company: Just me

Film: Saw

Rating: 4 stars

Comments: Some argue this is the only good film in the franchise. I am one of those. Not to say I didn't enjoy the rest, but this is a great film.



Day: Yesterday

Time: Evening

Company: The good lady and I

Film: Buried

Rating: 4.5 stars

Comments: Freaked the fuck out of me. All time top of my list of fears is being buried alive. A great summary of the film has already been written however...



Just got back from seeing BURIED at the cinema.


Went with a lovely lady which made the experience more enjoyable although I think I may have enjoyed it more than her, not sure what to think about the film really... Moderate spoilers ahead. SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

the whole film is Ryan Reynolds in a coffin buried underground... The WHOLE FILM! There's not a single other character shown for the whole film! I thought this was pretty brave film making because it's hard to do something new in a movie and I've never seen a film with only 1 character in it before. It made the film a little boring in parts but ultimately I think it was better for the film to be unique and slightly boring than have a bit more going on but be more similar to everything else. Plus it was Ryan Fucking Reynolds, if there's any man I'd watch alone on screen for 90 minutes it's Ryan Reynolds :love:



Anyone else seen it?


Yes I have. I don't think enjoy or like are the right words. Appreciate and respect are probably better. But it's cracking!

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I watched Damage with Steve Austin and the utterly gorgeous Laura Vandervoort. The premise is pretty stupid. Austin is an ex-con who is released from prison and then confronted by the wife of the man he killed who wants him to raise $250k that her daughter needs for a heart transplant. The only way he can raise the money is by entering the bare knuckle fighting circuit.


Despite sounding stupid, it's actually pretty good. Austin is great as "John Brickner" and his relationship with Reno and Frankie develops nicely. It is a quite well rounded story as he realises that trying to save the girl keeps coming at the potential cost of other lives. For a film that is probably sold on the fighting, I thought the fight scenes were pretty average but the character development was quite good.


I thought I spied Shawn Daivari carrying a stretcher after the boss at the building site had his heart attack but it doesn't say so on IMDB.

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Day: Saturday

Time: Evening

Company: The good lady and I

Film: Hellboy

Rating: 3 stars

Comments: An enjoyable way to spend an evening. Haven't followed the comic books however it was easy enough to get.



I watched this last night on telly... I had seen the second one previously and thought it was OK, but this was a lot better.

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I could well imagine that Triangle is the type of film that loads of people loved and loads hated. I definitely fell in to the former camp with it.


I quite like Chris Smith's films. I thought Creep was quite effective in places (it felt a bit like an extension of that Unkle video for Be There) and Severance was great fun and had a cracking ending - and all this despite having Danny Dyer in it. But this really was nothing like I expected, I was just expecting some ghost ship slasher film.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

But then after about half an hour everyone has been murdered except Melissa George, who really does now look a hell of a lot like Heather Graham, and I was wondering what the fuck was going to happen now. Then the loops start happening, everything gets explained and tidied up pretty well as long as you're not expecting there to be a logical conclusion to it all.


I do like films like this though where history repeats or you get to see the same events happening. Retroactive is probably the best film of this type that I've seen, it deserved a lot better than a straight to video release. But this runs it close and Melissa George does a great job of basically carrying well over a half of the film and I reckon they could probably get a decent sequel out of it as well.


The best bit? The pile of dead Sallys. Brilliant.


[close spoiler]




Edited by Gladstone Small
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Finally got round to watching Angel Heart, which Sephjnr advised me had some tits in it.


Overall not bad.

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

A little obvious that De Niro was Satan, and the whole selling the soul apect of it. Harry didn't seem too phased when he realised he'd fucked his own daughter either.


[close spoiler]


Considering its age, it didn't look too much like an 80s movie, with the exception of a few scenes that were lit like a music video. It was a visually very nice film, I thought. I'm sure it could have all been avoided had he just gone up against Steve Vai at the end though. Worked for Ralph Macchio.

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I always like to watch some horror films in October, what with Halloween coming at the end of the month and all that. Today I gave the new Nightmare On Elm Street a go, and it's the first film in a long long time that I had to switch off halfway through because it was just so utterly shit. Everything about this film sucked massive balls, from the script (some of the dialogue makes The Room look well-written) to the actors to the "special" effects (or defects). I did wonder if it might have improved in the second half, but I didn't really fancy spending another 45 minutes on it so off it went. I do love the original series of films and I went into this with a completely open mind, thinking it would be interesting to see how they reintroduced Freddy to the kids of today who wouldn't really pay any attention to the original films seeing as they're, like, so old (OMGLOL etc). But no, it was just bollocks. Really bad bollocks.


Speaking of which, I've just got hold of Hellraiser 1-8 (EIGHT!!) which should keep me going for a few nights. I've only seen the first one before and I enjoyed it a lot, but it'll be fun to see how the quality goes down and down as the sequels go on and on (and on)...

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Haven`t seen Hellraiser in a long time. seen parts 1 to 4.

I remember them being excellent movies, well wrote but fell into the something not quite right category, as in there was excellent storylines, excellent characters, decient gore for a horror, but they all just didnt seem to gel properly, like the movies were missing some sort of `IT` factor that would make them great.


But the planned remake, reboot in 3D I`m not holding my breath about.

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Anyone seen A Perfect Getaway?


Like with Triangle, I was expecting a pretty standard slasher film but it turned out to be nothing of the kind. In fact, nothing much of that variety happens at all in this, it really was a little treat of a film. I like Steve Zahn and Milla Jovovich (for very different reasons), but the whole cast is pretty well rounded.


I wasn't sure what to make of Timothy Olyphant's character and whether he was just a rampant bullshitter, plus I didn't really like the ending all that much, but it times its twist just right and it was nicely offbeat in places. It's also the first David Twohy film that I've liked.




Also watch Ils again last night and although, because of the ending and the plot as a whole, it's not really a film that should reward repeated viewing. But it does just because it's great. I'd like to see more subtle horror/thriller films like this from Europe but at the moment they're getting bogged down with extreme horror, and few of them are that good. Still, this is one of my favourite films of the last few years.


Plus, Olivia Bonamy gives me the outright horn.



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Speaking of which, I've just got hold of Hellraiser 1-8 (EIGHT!!) which should keep me going for a few nights. I've only seen the first one before and I enjoyed it a lot, but it'll be fun to see how the quality goes down and down as the sequels go on and on (and on)...

8? 8?


I only knew of five, and was aware that the fifth was supposedly a big pile of dragged out shit. I've only seen the first three, and thought that the third was one too many.

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Hellraiser 2: Hellbound

Hellraiser 3: Hell on Earth

Hellraiser: Bloodline

Hellraiser: Inferno

Hellraiser: Hellseeker

Hellraiser: Deader

Hellraiser: Hellworld


Not off by heart, but from the Hellraiser Wiki page..


Edited by bAzTNM#1
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They're all atrocious, barring the amazing first one, and Hellseeker, which is basically a remake of another famous movie. To say which would spoil them both though, so I won't. Hellraiser 2 is the most insane movie ever, and 3 is where Pinhead turns into a generic slasher villain. It even has the classic 80's ironic horror deaths, like a DJ who gets CDs stuck in his face, or twins who become conjoined.


Oh and Bloodline could have been cool, with all the revolution-era France stuff about the guy who made the boxes, but it got taken out of the director's hands and recut, with Pinhead in space and whatnot, so he took his name off of it.

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It makes me sad that I remembered all the sub-headings. :(


Just watched Damage starring you-know-who. Not a bad film at all and it had more of a plot than I expected. Worth a watch if you've got time to spare: there's one scene that I watched a few times over (from around 4:08). It's partly down to the scene but mainly for the awesome music.


Edit: Just to cover myself, the link is a spoiler. :sly:

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