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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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After years of meaning to, I finally watched Ghostwatch tonight. Fucking brilliant.


I really wish the mother and daughters were better actors, but the TV presenters were all excellent, and I loved imagining a technologically different 1992 audience panicking like fuck. It all got a bit silly by the end, but I was clenching my arsehole when they had the nightvision camera on the go. The glancing shot of Pipes in the bedroom was nice too.


Really, really enjoyed it.

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I really wish the mother and daughters were better actors, but the TV presenters were all excellent, and I loved imagining a technologically different 1992 audience panicking like fuck. It all got a bit silly by the end, but I was clenching my arsehole when they had the nightvision camera on the go. The glancing shot of Pipes in the bedroom was nice too.


I think the mum and the studio expert were the weakest links. Having said that it's still good fun.


Agreed, I thought the kids were pretty good, it was only really the mum that let it down.

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I really wish the mother and daughters were better actors, but the TV presenters were all excellent, and I loved imagining a technologically different 1992 audience panicking like fuck. It all got a bit silly by the end, but I was clenching my arsehole when they had the nightvision camera on the go. The glancing shot of Pipes in the bedroom was nice too.


I think the mum and the studio expert were the weakest links. Having said that it's still good fun.


Agreed, I thought the kids were pretty good, it was only really the mum that let it down.


Actually, I'm being harsh on the younger daughter. She was okay. The older one got better when she had to lie there emotionless with scars on her face and other madness, but at that point the show had become a much more conventional horror story way beyond any sort of attempt at reality.


The key was in the first 15 minutes when they were still establishing things. I watched it with Mrs NEWM who knew nothing of it and I'd decided to lie and say it was real and see how far I could get away with it to see how well it resonated. The interraction between her and the mother pretty much killed it from that end right out the gate. The dialogue was a touch too scripted and they were wooden as fuck. Like I said in my original post, the whole thing would never work today, but the one major improvement I'd wager would be the quality of actors trying to play it like real life and a better more natural-feeling script.


Still great though, I've dwelled it on more today since watching it, and I'd still recommend it. A good piece of work by today's standards, and a tremendous effort for something made 19 years ago. I'd have fucking shit a brick and not slept for weeks if I'd have seen that as a 7-year-old back then.

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It freaked me the fuck out when I watched it live, I remember waking up from a nightmare that night at my aunties where I'd been stopping and I had to wake her up and sat up the rest of the night in the sitting room cos I was scared to sleep.


I was only 7 like but I was sure it was real no matter what she said.

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I really wish the mother and daughters were better actors, but the TV presenters were all excellent, and I loved imagining a technologically different 1992 audience panicking like fuck. It all got a bit silly by the end, but I was clenching my arsehole when they had the nightvision camera on the go. The glancing shot of Pipes in the bedroom was nice too.


I think the mum and the studio expert were the weakest links. Having said that it's still good fun.


Agreed, I thought the kids were pretty good, it was only really the mum that let it down.


Actually, I'm being harsh on the younger daughter. She was okay. The older one got better when she had to lie there emotionless with scars on her face and other madness, but at that point the show had become a much more conventional horror story way beyond any sort of attempt at reality.


The key was in the first 15 minutes when they were still establishing things. I watched it with Mrs NEWM who knew nothing of it and I'd decided to lie and say it was real and see how far I could get away with it to see how well it resonated. The interraction between her and the mother pretty much killed it from that end right out the gate. The dialogue was a touch too scripted and they were wooden as fuck. Like I said in my original post, the whole thing would never work today, but the one major improvement I'd wager would be the quality of actors trying to play it like real life and a better more natural-feeling script.


Still great though, I've dwelled it on more today since watching it, and I'd still recommend it. A good piece of work by today's standards, and a tremendous effort for something made 19 years ago. I'd have fucking shit a brick and not slept for weeks if I'd have seen that as a 7-year-old back then.


I'd pretty much agree. It wouldn't work now, but primarily because people have seen it all before. I never saw it when it was on originally, mostly because my folks were so strict about what I could watch- I was 11 when it was on. If you watch it with an open mind, you can see why it caused so much fuss, especially given the choice of the TV presenters involved. The daughters' performances aren't great, but I don't think they really give the game away, it's the mum's wooden performance that does. In fact, I'd say the only thing that makes it REALLY obvious that it's a work is the destruction of the studio at the end. If they closed the broadcast suddenly when they lost transmission as they went into the cupboard under the stairs, the whole thing would still be really convincing.

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I wished I hadn't rewatched it. Ghostwatch had this huge mystique in the ten years between airing and when it first came out on DVD. I can't even remember how many times it'd come up in conversation with people in that time, with everyone agreeing how shit-scary it was. In 2002 though, it was just hokey, and totally robbed of its power through the conventions of TV having bled that live broadcast thing dry for real. It's similar, in a way, to how really iconic movies don't feel the same if you're coming to them late, because all the iconic beats are so familiar through parody or cultural memory, and by all the things that were so original having been done dozens of times in other stuff since. Plus, with the utterly horrific acting of Craig Charles and co.


Did acting just get better since then? Rewatching it a decade or two later, you're really struck by how a lot of those performances would simply never, ever make it onto screen now. Generally, it feels incredibly flimsy. Then again, TV of that era probably does anyway. I doubt an episode of Noel's House Party would be that different. But for a reality horror, that kind of aging means it doesn't work at all.

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I watched Mr. Bean's Holiday yesterday and I was pleasantly surprised. About 90% of the film is either subtitled (Russian and French) or dialogue free which, for a modern kid's film is amazing really. The plot is basically Mr. Bean wins a holiday to Cannes and a camcorder. He inadvertently separates a child and his Russian director father and sets out to reunite them. He has a run in with Willam Dafoe playing a pretentious director. He meets a girl and the three of them travel to Cannes. The father/son are reunited and Bean finally gets to the beach while 'La Mer' plays on the soundtrack. Everybody is happy.


I recommend it if you enjoy silent-era style comedy. There are some great visual gags and lots of shots of the French countryside.

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I'd have fucking shit a brick and not slept for weeks if I'd have seen that as a 7-year-old back then.


Funny you should bring that up. I was watching it as an 8 year old, got about half way through the show, and was sent to bed by my parents who saw how scared I was of it. Presumably, they changed the channel and forgot all about it, as I went a good year or two still believing it was a documentary and nobody put me right. Slept with the lights on until I was 10 becuase of that fucking show.

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