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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I watched the remake of A Nightmare On Elm Street the other day. It has zero redeeming features, its just terrible. Studios are becoming too dependant on CGI gore which never has the same impact as physical effects. I would honestly say that the effects in the original are more realistic. The film lacks any genuine scares and relies on shitty 'jump cut, loud noise' edits which seems to have become the formula for 90% of the horror being made now

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Whilst I liked Due Date, I agree that neither character is likeable in the slightest and thus I didn't give a shit if they made it or not.

Same here. An unlikeable main character isn't a deal-breaker for me, and sometimes it can add to the film. Although I do like Galifianakis.

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Watched Buried the other night and man was this just a great film I was never really sure about Ryan Reynolds but this film changed that for me, well worth a look at


Seconded, I thought Reynolds really did the business here in fairness. Considering it's essentially just him in a coffin for 90-odd minutes he really did a good job of keeping you interested throughout.

Edited by El Nicko Loco
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Uknown is definately being marketed at Taken II.



I was flicking through the channels the other night and came across an advert for Unknown and genuinely thought it was for Taken II.


Neeson has the exact same American accent in the film, either that or he can only do one accent.



Films looks alright either way and it has Diane Kruger in it so I will be going to see it at some point.

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There is apparently actually going to be a Taken 2. Hope that's awesome as the first.



Can't quite see what the plot of 2 would be about.




<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

She gets kidnapped again, but then its probably her own fucking fault and he should be a better father for allowing it.


[close spoiler]

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A film with a superb setup that sadly it never lives upto and at the end all I could think was is that it?, in the end it all just felt so pointless and the over use of slow motion was annoying.


It also touchs on many subjects (bullies, over protective mothers, worthless teachers, etc) yet never really commits to anything other then teenagers are cunts I guess.


KoS Rating: 6/10


Could have and should have been so much better but since its Japanese it will no doubt be hailed as an absolute masterpiece of epic proportions which some people just "don't get"


The performances were superb though its just a shame I hated everyone in the film.

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Could have and should have been so much better but since its Japanese it will no doubt be hailed as an absolute masterpiece of epic proportions which some people just "don't get"

Exactly what you said in your review of Love Exposure. Of course the only reason that is hailed as a masterpiece is down to which country it's from, nothing to do with the fact it combines everything that is fantastic about cinema with the good moments and the hell that is life but simply because it comes from japan.


Big Tits Zombie In 3D has won monster acclaim from people around the world, Scorsese called it groundbreaking, Coppola was inspired and Tarantino died from it's sheer awesomeness. If it had been made in Tajikistan nobody would have cared but all japanese films are mini bloody marvels.


Rant sponsored by the JFF (japanese japan foundation)


Confessons: Although over directed (how many times can you put slow motion rain into a bloody film!!!) it's a tense, unpredictable, heartkicking bunch of great. Takako Matsu gives an incredible performance part vengeful bitch part sympathetic crushed soul. If you can see it without knowing too much you'll be gripped and shocked from the very start, read the synopsis and it kills the first 20 minutes of the film. It's not for everyone, if your looking for happy happy people, with happy happy lifes with no sign of gloom then walk on by and go watch a Jennifer Aniston movie. 4/5


Just voted japanese film of the year over at Midnight Eye recieving over 30% of the vote. Golden Slumber should have won.


A week or so later i watched an early film from Nakashima called Memories of Matsuko (KoS: don't bother watching it, if you hated Love Exposure this will probably give you aids) Misery of a woman's life which includes being abused by her many boyfriends, prostitution etc mixed with ridiculous song and dance numbers and big bright and happy colours, it shouldn't work but it's even better than Confessions. 5/5

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Today I watched Big Tits Zombie. With a title like that, I thought it would be a sure fire winner. It was in 3D too.

Firstly, either my eyes aren't working properly, or the 3D hasn't been done properly, as I just got a psychadelic effect, and not one of depth.


Secondly, it was a bit shite. It looks like it was made for those that used to watch The Real Catfight on TWC Fight, and not for the lolz. I actually fell asleep and missed the ending, or rather I didn't see the ending. "Missed" is a bit of an exaggeration.

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There is apparently actually going to be a Taken 2. Hope that's awesome as the first.



Can't quite see what the plot of 2 would be about.




<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

She gets kidnapped again, but then its probably her own fucking fault and he should be a better father for allowing it.


[close spoiler]



Somebody else's daughter gets kidnapped? Or the chick from Neighbours gets kidnapped.


To be honest, it doesn't matter. Just have that character break some necks in a foreign setting.

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Anyone seen Save the Green Planet?


Waiting for that one in the post and it looks like a good one, also ordered Happiness of the Kakaturis(sp?) which is a Miike film so I will either love it or hate it since there has never been any middle ground for me when it comes to his work.


Back to Confessions I simply didn't care about anyone or anything by the end of the film and I certainly didn't find it tense but revenge thrillers have always been a hard sell for me (I fucking hate Oldboy with a passion), the opening 20 or so minutes of Confessions was amazing though and the acting was superb.


And whats with the explosion in low budget Japanese garbage gore films hitting the west? I couldn't even get through Tokyo Gore Police (I really should finish that one day) and looking at some of the shit that is hitting stores that is probably a masterpiece in comparison.


And when I post "hailed as a masterpiece because its Japanese" I actually mean the tossers who infest places like imdb.com who believe that being able to read subtitles makes them superior to everyone else and I don't mean everyone in general.

Edited by The King Of Swing
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There is apparently actually going to be a Taken 2. Hope that's awesome as the first.



Can't quite see what the plot of 2 would be about.




<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

She gets kidnapped again, but then its probably her own fucking fault and he should be a better father for allowing it.


[close spoiler]



Having unfortunately wasted 2 hours of my life watching Unknown, I can confirm it's not Taken 2.


I'd not seen Taken, but heard some good stuff about it so watched it when it was on Ch.4 this week, aside the decent kills and fight scenes, I was begging for a twist, but no. I wasn't a fan. I got the twist I was after in Unknown, but was left with the sound advice of "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it" ringing in my ears. Where the twist was OK, it was left far too late in the movie and as a result there were more holes in Unknown than in a block of Swiss cheese. Sky Movies, Tuesday night film. NOT one for the cinema, save your money, it's shit.

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Unfortunately though your opinion is completely invalid because you didn't like Taken, which is fuckin badass. What twist did you want? Why did there need to be a twist? You're totally wrong, M-dudz Shamylam. So sadly I still don't know if Unknown is worth a watch or not...

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