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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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The City Of Lost Children below The Matrix. Clearly put together by someone with a sense of humour. And I Robot? What the fuck?


It's a pretty good list on the whole though. I thought Dark City was a missed opportunity on the whole, plus I detest Joss Whedon and his stuff only belongs on shit lists so Serenity shouldn't be here. Great to see Mad Max 2 place so highly, it's an amazing film. Brazil is wonderful too, Gilliam's true masterpiece.

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Top 50 Dystopian Films of all time


Lists can be kinda lame. But I thought this one was cool.. It picks a good genre for me - although not nuts about sci fi on the whole there is a real appeal to this kind of thing in particular. All the stuff on there that I have seen I enjoyed, so it'd be cool to check out more of the stuff on there.


Anyone got some thoughts on this list? IT'd be cool to hear particularly from those of you that have seen some of the lesser known titles on the list.



SPOILER! Blade Runner isn't #1.

Equilibrium isn't nearly high enough. :angry:

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Saw The Fighter the other night, Christian Bale is superb in it and deserves all his Oscar adulation - it's worth seeing just for him.


Two days later, i'm still not sure if I really liked the story or not. It was a bit odd at times and i didn't buy into Marky Mark being a boxer either, shame since apparently he'd been training for 4 years for it... fight scenes were limited (probably because Whalberg wasn't convincing in the ring) but overall, i enjoyed it. Nice touch in the credits at the end.

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Saw 'Funny Games' (2007 remake) last night. Great suspense and some very good casting, although it had a few post modern elements to it that didn't really contribute anything to the film. What the hell was the point of that 'rewind' bit?? But asides from that a very gripping yet brutal film.

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Tucker & Dale Vs Evil - I'm the last person anyone would want to take advice from, but in spite of that, I implore you to have a crack at this flick.

Maybe it's because I'm probably mildly retarded, but I found this to be a very entertaining movie, and the most fun I've had watching a flick since Splash My Gash.

Honestly, honestly, I have not laughed and enjoyed a horror as much since Evil Dead 2. So many great moments...and I love Tyler Labine, I think he's one of the greatest men on the planet...

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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I'd be interested regarding your thoughts on "The Exorcist" film.


It was on a few nights ago on TCM and Mumzie could only watch it until the bit were Blair pishes herself beside the piano. She managed to stumble on through though. She *really* had to stop watching when the bed started shaking (which looks rather shit and not particularly scary now).


What are your thoughts on the film? Thanks there!

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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I saw it when it became "unbanned". After years and years of hype, it really was a let down. I sat there thinking "it's going to pick up in a minute", and then it ended. It was a rather shit ending too. It felt as though the writed felt he'd dragged it out long enough, realised he had no idea how to resolve it, and went with the first possible conclusion that came to his head.


Horror films used to have abrupt endings back then though, so maybe it worked for the audiences expectations at that time. Ten years ago or whenever it was I watched it, I just thought "This is shit".


Watch The Omen instead. Gregory Peck is awesome.

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I'd be interested regarding your thoughts on "The Exorcist" film.


It was on a few nights ago on TCM and Mumzie could only watch it until the bit were Blair pishes herself beside the piano. She managed to stumble on through though. She *really* had to stop watching when the bed started shaking (which looks rather shit and not particularly scary now).


What are your thoughts on the film? Thanks there!


Probably shit-scary at the time, but all these years on, the things that were shocking 40 years ago just aren't now, and all the well known beats of the film - spinning head, soupy vomit, your mother sucks cocks in hell - have been mined for a million parodies and references over the years, so they're just old hat.

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I'd be interested regarding your thoughts on "The Exorcist" film.


It was on a few nights ago on TCM and Mumzie could only watch it until the bit were Blair pishes herself beside the piano. She managed to stumble on through though. She *really* had to stop watching when the bed started shaking (which looks rather shit and not particularly scary now).


What are your thoughts on the film? Thanks there!


Probably shit-scary at the time, but all these years on, the things that were shocking 40 years ago just aren't now, and all the well known beats of the film - spinning head, soupy vomit, your mother sucks cocks in hell - have been mined for a million parodies and references over the years, so they're just old hat.


I only watch it these days for Tubular Bells, immense.

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