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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Guess I timed the turning off of it right then if the bits I missed were even worse than what I watched. Oddly enough I changed the channel to Robot Wars on Dave. Wasn't much better but at least something was happening and it wasn't just one robot picking up scrap metal for 40 minutes.

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California man. I've not seen this since I was about 7 when my sister got some tapes out from the local shop when she was looking after me. I was disappointed by just how annoying Pauly Shaw is and how little plot there really seemed to be at times. I really liked it when I was younger. It was enjoyable enough but it wasn't as good as youth had led me to believe.


I now however have an urge to watch the other film I watched on the same night all those years ago, Dr. Jekyll and Mrs Hyde, as I assume thats also going to end up just being "alright".


Prior to that I watched Jumanji, which is still amazing but some of the CGI seems to be showing its age. That doesn't hold the film back mind, its top.


I've dug out some films I'd not watched for ages while I was coughing up a lung over Christmas, we were soldiers which was as good as I recall it being first time I watched it, it really does seem very well put together with every scene having maximum meaning and impact bar one or two taht seem to slow it down. Other films include the running man and predator which we all know are amazing bits of film and we have all seen them many, many times. Unless you're a slack jawed fagot, in which case you should watch more predator and running man as it will make you a sexual tyrannosaurus like me. Might watch terminator, commando and robocop when I can be arsed


Kickboxer also got an airing, it was that or bloodsport and I've not long watched bloodsport. Both are amazing films but I do love Kickboxer from them just leaving poor Eric crippled in the street to Tong Po forcing hims self on that lass so he throws them off training to Van Dam kicking the shit out of a tree and then fucking up tong po big style and getting his revenge. Thats not to knock Bloodsport, which is amazing.


I've also been watching what I can find of heavy metal on youtube

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ive always had a soft spot for Paulie Shore...Biodome is widely regarded as shit but back in the day me and my buddies watched that film continuously, fucking funny film.


Fuck the haters :)

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I watched Wall E when it was on, I didnt know what to make of it tbh it was neither enthralling nor absolute crap. It was just middling. I get that there are lots of subtle nuances and Story told without words etc, but it left me, well, cold. I didnt care about Wall E I couldnt give two hoots about Eve and the shift to typical Disney fair second half was just baffling, complete with villainous auto pilot.


Followed that up with Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. Again not implausibly shit felt more like a ' The Mummy' movie than Indiana Jones though, Mac was useless as was Shia le boeuf' as Mutt, then piling on the characters for the sake of it just kept the feel plodding along. Best scene for me was the mark out moment of Seeing Jim from Neighbours, Janitor from Scrubs and Harrison Ford in the same scene. Not so faffed about him seeing aliens. After all Last Crusade was about the Holy Grail and Raiders was about the Ark of the Covenenant so its not like its grounded in accuracy is it. Still cant work out how Indy's dad died after drinking from the grail hey ho. Okay but nothing special. As one of me mates pointed out if it had been released in that form before 1996 people would have probably lapped it up.


Also watched Iron Man... or should I say Robocop 2! dont believe me? consider the following


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler



Robocop 2 starts with an intense drugs bust, Iron Man starts with and intense fire fight in Afganistan


Robocop 2 the bad guys are really the suits The Old Man, and the psychiatrist bint. In Iron Man its Obidiah Stone.


Both Robocop 2 and Iron Man involve body modifications to keep the main protagonist alive. Both get disassembled and re assembled during the movie


Both protagonists have something of an epiphany, Stark becomes anti war per se and Robocop is re reprogrammed to become anti violent. Both renege on that promise by their actions subsequently


Both films feature heavily on prototypes.. See the Iron Man prototypes (war machine?) etc. then see Robocop 2 prototypes and so on


Compare Cain and Robocop's fight (which involves a fall from an extreme height) and Iron Man and Iron Monger's, that does the same. The two sets of robots/mecha even look alike, Compare Cain to Jeff Bridges' Robot interms of weapons etc etc.


Both protagonists have semi high ranking sidekicks that can be disguarded at will, but are ultimately very helpful. Robocop has Lewis, Iron Man has Rhodes


Tony Stark Industries and Omni Consumer Products are basically the same company


Similar targetting systems for Ironman/Robocop See afghan shootout, drugs bust and same POV shots


And so on



[close spoiler]



Only got thinking of all that watching the final fight at the end of Iron Man, but felt cheated by it at the end. Not sure whether to watch 2 or not now for fear its Robocop 3.

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So i watched:




For those who hadent seen this, im nearly sure it is some sort of 60's/70's musical produced by various people, but from the looks of it.......mostly the who.


The general story (and i mean from what i could pick up) is that a child loses his father during the war, as he gets shot down. The child is born after this, but her mum moves on and gets a new fella (oliver reed). This guys dad turns up and see his wfie in bed with oliver reed, reed goes mental and kills the formally missing RAF'er. The kid (now about 4) sees this, but his mum + step dad convince him that he didnt see/hear or think he knew anything about what happend. As a result......he goes blind/deaf and dumb. (At this point id like to mention if a 4 year old suddenly went blind , deaf and dumb after 4 years of being perfectly fine.......id be worried).


We then go on to see him as a grown man, (now played by the whos front man), with his mother trying to heal him in some sort of church (although its devoted to maralyn munroe). This goes on and on, and includes cameos from elton john, tina turner and jack nicholson. That as well as the rest of the who.


So imagine that story i just to you, on acid. Lots and lots of acid. And thats tommy for you.


for me, it was worth a watch, not the best thing ive ever seen......but i couldnt help but watch with all the famous people in it.


6/10. Give it a miss if your not into 70's acid musicals.

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Tommy is a "Rock Opera", written by The Who and originally released as an album in 1969, and then later made into the movie. On the album, all the songs are performed by The Who.

Its the most F'ed up thing ive seen in a little while. Everybody who is in it, is great....everybody acts/sings really well.......but the way its done was just very.......60's? Full of crazy trippee drugness.

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I watched Wall E when it was on, I didnt know what to make of it tbh it was neither enthralling nor absolute crap. It was just middling. I get that there are lots of subtle nuances and Story told without words etc, but it left me, well, cold. I didnt care about Wall E I couldnt give two hoots about Eve and the shift to typical Disney fair second half was just baffling, complete with villainous auto pilot.


Followed that up with Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. Again not implausibly shit felt more like a ' The Mummy' movie than Indiana Jones though, Mac was useless as was Shia le boeuf' as Mutt, then piling on the characters for the sake of it just kept the feel plodding along. Best scene for me was the mark out moment of Seeing Jim from Neighbours, Janitor from Scrubs and Harrison Ford in the same scene. Not so faffed about him seeing aliens. After all Last Crusade was about the Holy Grail and Raiders was about the Ark of the Covenenant so its not like its grounded in accuracy is it. Still cant work out how Indy's dad died after drinking from the grail hey ho. Okay but nothing special. As one of me mates pointed out if it had been released in that form before 1996 people would have probably lapped it up.


Also watched Iron Man... or should I say Robocop 2! dont believe me? consider the following


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler



Robocop 2 starts with an intense drugs bust, Iron Man starts with and intense fire fight in Afganistan


Robocop 2 the bad guys are really the suits The Old Man, and the psychiatrist bint. In Iron Man its Obidiah Stone.


Both Robocop 2 and Iron Man involve body modifications to keep the main protagonist alive. Both get disassembled and re assembled during the movie


Both protagonists have something of an epiphany, Stark becomes anti war per se and Robocop is re reprogrammed to become anti violent. Both renege on that promise by their actions subsequently


Both films feature heavily on prototypes.. See the Iron Man prototypes (war machine?) etc. then see Robocop 2 prototypes and so on


Compare Cain and Robocop's fight (which involves a fall from an extreme height) and Iron Man and Iron Monger's, that does the same. The two sets of robots/mecha even look alike, Compare Cain to Jeff Bridges' Robot interms of weapons etc etc.


Both protagonists have semi high ranking sidekicks that can be disguarded at will, but are ultimately very helpful. Robocop has Lewis, Iron Man has Rhodes


Tony Stark Industries and Omni Consumer Products are basically the same company


Similar targetting systems for Ironman/Robocop See afghan shootout, drugs bust and same POV shots


And so on



[close spoiler]



Only got thinking of all that watching the final fight at the end of Iron Man, but felt cheated by it at the end. Not sure whether to watch 2 or not now for fear its Robocop 3.


Tut tut tut, drinking the holy water or whatever it was only had effect if yous tayed within that tomb thing. Thats why that old knight was there, if he left he would age and die as the effects only existed if you remained to protect the magic cup. Thats why it healed his gunshot wound when poured over it but cant stop you from ageing once you left the tomb.

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Tut tut tut, drinking the holy water or whatever it was only had effect if yous tayed within that tomb thing. Thats why that old knight was there, if he left he would age and die as the effects only existed if you remained to protect the magic cup. Thats why it healed his gunshot wound when poured over it but cant stop you from ageing once you left the tomb.


Been a long time since I watched Last Crusade. I stand corrected

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