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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Buried starring Ryan Reynolds. Quite good I thought considering it's basically Ryan Reynolds in a box! It's a strange way to make a film but a very interesting and intriguing one as the story progresses.

I saw it last night. I had heard a lot of bad things about it - mainly from morons with criticism along the lines of "it's really boring/must have been really cheap to make". I guess because Ryan Reynolds keeps his shirt on in this one the females hated it.

I thought it was fantastic. A really interesting idea and something I haven't seen in a film before. It sort of reminded me of a one-act-play which I guess it's the movie equivalent of. Excellent stuff. :thumbsup:

Edited by martyngnr
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Got a bunch of friends over last night to watch Ong Bak 3 on Blu Ray. Unfortunately its not a patch on the previous two or Warrior King. There's a whole load less action and the action there is feels no where near the quality of the previous films. Ong Bak 2 has some of the finest weapons martial arts ever so its a real surprise that it takes such a dramatic nose dive in quality. It has its moments but with Tony Jaa films I expect it to be top notch. There's a great deal of slow mo posturing which starts to feel like they are stretching half an hour into its own film. Not only that but the plot is ridiculously convoluted to point of losing interest by the end. My understanding of the making of the prequels is that Tony lost the plot half way through shooting and went AWOL which didn't seem to hinder Ong Bak 2 but 3 seriously feels like a film with trouble in the production. A bit let down to be honest.


Tonight my viewing is the Blu Ray of Steve Austin's new actioner Hunt To Kill. The trailer makes it look tremendous and its got Eric Roberts and Gary Daniels in to so its got to be an actiontastic winner.

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Buried starring Ryan Reynolds. Quite good I thought considering it's basically Ryan Reynolds in a box! It's a strange way to make a film but a very interesting and intriguing one as the story progresses.

I saw it last night. I had heard a lot of bad things about it - mainly from morons with criticism along the lines of "it's really boring/must have been really cheap to make". I guess because Ryan Reynolds keeps his shirt on in this one the females hated it.

I thought it was fantastic. A really interesting idea and something I haven't seen in a film before. It sort of reminded me of a one-act-play which I guess it's the movie equivalent of. Excellent stuff. :thumbsup:


Yeah, my friend at uni basically had the same criticism, citing the potential cheapness and how it's basically just a man in a box. Admittedly, I did wonder how the pitch would go for that idea! Agree though, really interesting way of making a film and I thought Reynolds was fucking ace. I've always been a fan of his anyway, but if you're going to put one guy in a box and keep an audience interested for the whole duration he's an excellent choice. The bloke can act, and brilliantly to boot. I loved how his reactions were basically what I think we'd all be doing in that situation, like when he gets through to someone and they're like "We need to keep the situation contained" And he's rightfully like "I'm in a fucking box! Is that not fucking contained enough?!" Great stuff.


The thing about Reynolds is that he can draw in an audience to this kind of film that otherwise wouldn't have bothered checking it out. They see a Hollywood type like Reynolds in there and their interest peaks and everyone wins, because he delivers a bigger audience but also does the artistic side of it justice with a top performance.

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Bad news on the Hunt To Kill front. Steve Austin's latest 'action' film is little more than badly paced unoriginal TV movie. I didn't hate it but I'm sure not in a hurry to watch it again as there's very little action and a plot that's done better in a great deal more films. The only saving grace is the all to brief fight scene between Austin and Garry Daniels. 3/10

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Caught a preview screening of The Social Network . I thought it was top banana. I've already heard some people calling it the most epically brilliant film of the year, of which I have to disagree. It was great, but not something I'd consider to be an all time classic. However, there's some great acting and a good turn in particular from none other than Justin Timberlake. Jesse Eisenberg delivers the goods as Mark Zuckerberg and the rest of the cast deliver too.


I'm not one to bitch about factual correctness or anything, but from what I gather and from what I understand the real personalities portrayed in the film have said, their lives were actually nothing like that of which was depicted in the film. Not a problem for me at all though. On the contrary, I say good arrows to Mr.Fincher for taking a story like that and adding some spice to it. Enjoyable and well worth a watch.

Edited by El Nicko Loco
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I watched UP


I thought it was shit, I've heard so many people say it was amazing and moving but it wasn't either.


all the "sad" bits were heavy handed and didn't make sense, all the characters were horrible, it was boring and annoying at the same time.


I have no idea what all the fuss is about, I can't imagine any kids enjoying it either, extremely disappointed.


Fuck you JLM, I claimed gay, buried Ryan Reynolds love first!

Edited by Pritt Stick Licker
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I watched UP


I thought it was shit, I've heard so many people say it was amazing and moving but it wasn't either.


all the "sad" bits were heavy handed and didn't make sense, all the characters were horrible, it was boring and annoying at the same time.


I have no idea what all the fuss is about, I can't imagine any kids enjoying it either, extremely disappointed.

Watched it again last week having seen it at the cinema. I thought it was even better the second time. The characters weren't horrible at all. it wasn't massively moving but had a few touching moments. The story is preposterous but wonderful at the same time.

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I watched UP


I thought it was shit, I've heard so many people say it was amazing and moving but it wasn't either.


all the "sad" bits were heavy handed and didn't make sense, all the characters were horrible, it was boring and annoying at the same time.


I have no idea what all the fuss is about, I can't imagine any kids enjoying it either, extremely disappointed.

Watched it again last week having seen it at the cinema. I thought it was even better the second time. The characters weren't horrible at all. it wasn't massively moving but had a few touching moments. The story is preposterous but wonderful at the same time.


This, I absolutely loved it. Brilliant film and actually quite moving. The character I found even close to being annoying was the chubby kid, but even that didn't annoy me much. I can only think PSL's mates had ridiculously overhyped it before he watched it and thus this may have affected his opinion on the film slightly.

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Fuck you JLM, I claimed gay, buried Ryan Reynolds love first!


Did you coin the term "Rysexual" to describe the "all straight guys would totally do Ryan Reynolds" phenomenon though? DID YOU?


We can share Licker, we can share.


It can also apply to Josh Hartnett and, despite his best efforts to ruin it since American Psycho, Christian Bale.

Edited by JLM
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Fuck you JLM, I claimed gay, buried Ryan Reynolds love first!


Did you coin the phrase "Rysexual" to describe the "all straight guys would totally do Ryan Reynolds" phenomenon though? DID YOU?


We can share Licker, we can share.


It can also apply to Josh Hartnett and, despite his best efforts to ruin it since American Psycho, Christian Bale.


Finally a word for it. So obvious!!

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