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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Do films always need a plot though? Withnail and I doesn't really have a plot, and it's ace. I do think you're right though, your enjoyment of Easy Rider does somewhat rest on how cool you think it is to take loads of drugs and ride a bike across America with a bandana on.



I think that right there has just sold me on wanting to watch Easy Rider.

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That would spoil the whole film though! It really sounds like you missed the allegorical story altogether.


I'm aware of what the film is about - the search for freedom and the American dream, the split between the counter-culture and mainstream America and so forth. For me it just didn't have a plot strong enough to hold my interest. Perhaps I see it more of a film for its time. A film for made specifically for young adults in the 60's which hadn't really happened before.


Do films always need a plot though? Withnail and I doesn't really have a plot, and it's ace. I do think you're right though, your enjoyment of Easy Rider does somewhat rest on how cool you think it is to take loads of drugs and ride a bike across America with a bandana on.


I agree Withnail & I is ace, being my favourite movie and all, but it so does have a plot. Not a complex or far-reaching one, but it's still a plot nevertheless.

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That would spoil the whole film though! It really sounds like you missed the allegorical story altogether.


I'm aware of what the film is about - the search for freedom and the American dream, the split between the counter-culture and mainstream America and so forth. For me it just didn't have a plot strong enough to hold my interest. Perhaps I see it more of a film for its time. A film for made specifically for young adults in the 60's which hadn't really happened before.


Do films always need a plot though? Withnail and I doesn't really have a plot, and it's ace. I do think you're right though, your enjoyment of Easy Rider does somewhat rest on how cool you think it is to take loads of drugs and ride a bike across America with a bandana on.


I agree Withnail & I is ace, being my favourite movie and all, but it so does have a plot. Not a complex or far-reaching one, but it's still a plot nevertheless.


Withnail and I is great and it also has a wonderful script.

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That would spoil the whole film though! It really sounds like you missed the allegorical story altogether.


I'm aware of what the film is about - the search for freedom and the American dream, the split between the counter-culture and mainstream America and so forth. For me it just didn't have a plot strong enough to hold my interest. Perhaps I see it more of a film for its time. A film for made specifically for young adults in the 60's which hadn't really happened before.


Do films always need a plot though? Withnail and I doesn't really have a plot, and it's ace. I do think you're right though, your enjoyment of Easy Rider does somewhat rest on how cool you think it is to take loads of drugs and ride a bike across America with a bandana on.


I agree Withnail & I is ace, being my favourite movie and all, but it so does have a plot. Not a complex or far-reaching one, but it's still a plot nevertheless.


Withnail and I is great and it also has a wonderful script.


It's got great characters, awesome dialogue, delightfully dark humour, superb cinematography, a good story, heart-breaking characterisation and a beautiful, bittersweet ambience summarised by its culmination in THAT ending monologue by Withnail, and the accompanying realisation that the poor guy is probably doomed.

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'Funny People' is rubbish. Just rubbish.


They abandon the central premise about halfway in, and then the film just wanders aimlessly. Shite.


And, whilst we're on the shite train, I've recently turned the following films off midway through; 'Adventureland' and 'Observe and Report'.

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'Funny People' is rubbish. Just rubbish.


They abandon the central premise about halfway in, and then the film just wanders aimlessly. Shite.


And, whilst we're on the shite train, I've recently turned the following films off midway through; 'Adventureland' and 'Observe and Report'.


I liked Adventureland, though it was nowhere near as good as I thought it was going to be. I fell asleep about 15 minutes into Observe and Report because it was shite. I traded it back in a day later. I have Funny People knocking about on DVD because my girlfriend wanted to see it (she's a fan of Adam Sandler). We've still not got round to watching it though because it looks pants.

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Groundhog day again. My main thought when it finally was the next day was "ohh and he bought all that insurance he doesn't want, ohh no". How sad of me.

Groundhog Day is awesome. Recently bought it on DVD (

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I watched Funny People on a flight recently, as it seemed the best available option. I actually quite liked it, it's not great, but I wasn't disappointed that I killed two hours of my flight by watching it. There are a few laughs in it and it's easily the best thing I've seen Adam Sandler in for years. The plot of the film does go to shit after

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Sandler's character is given the all-clear


[close spoiler]

");document.close(); though.


I went to see The Expendables last night. Difficult to review really, because it's really pretty shite at the same time as being great fun to watch. On the negative side- the dialogue is really poor, the plot is weak and the direction lacks any style. It really is like a bad eighties action flick in those respects. On the positive side though, it's fun seeing all the famous faces together, the fight scenes are entertaining, the action doesn't let up, and you get plenty of heel Stone Cold Steve Austin. If they make a sequel I'd go back for more.

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Groundhog day again. My main thought when it finally was the next day was "ohh and he bought all that insurance he doesn't want, ohh no". How sad of me.

Groundhog Day is awesome. Recently bought it on DVD (

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It's no predator or commando (a film so good I even enjoyed it in a foreign language) but I do always enjoy it.

I watched 8 Legged Freaks in Spanish because the dialogue is delivered a lot quicker and a lot more manically. It made the film ever so slightly less dull.


Today whilst perusing a used DVD stall on our indoor market, I saw the spine of a DVD called "Rock 'n' Roll Highschool". At first I rolled my eyes and moved past it, thinking it was some shitty Jonas Brothers type affair from kids that think wearing braces over a shirt and playing guitar automatically qualifies them as rock 'n' roll, but I went back to it as I suffer from Daily Mail syndrome, where I like to read things that I know will annoy me. It reminds me that I'm alive.


Okay, firstly, this was made in 1979, so is definately no Disney/Nickelodeon shite.


Secondly, it's basically High School Musical as written by The Ramones. That's right, it's a musical, in a highschool (in the late seventies, all frisbees and cheerleaders), and it's got The fucking Ramones in it.



As an added bonus, the lady on the DVD stall couldn't find the disk, and gave me a lengthy view down her top as she was searching for it. I'm neither proud nor ashamed of this, just appreciative.


Also, DVD extras? Additional footage of The Ramones. :thumbsup:

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Just watched Killer Klowns From Outer Space. It was the first time I've seen it for about 15 years so I didn't remember much about it except that I loved and to be honest I still do.


It's easily dismissed as a straight to video crappy horror comedy like the raft of others from the 80s, but it's much better than most. There is real originality and inventive ideas running through it that are really impressive, while the set designs and costumes are fantastic. The acting is complete dogshit (apart from John Vernon, but he was never capable of a bad performance) but it really is great fun.


The best bit? The balloon dog.


7 popcorn guns out of 10.

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Anyone seen The Stranger, starring Steve Austin? I know it's a low-budget straight-to-DVD Bourne Identity but figure it might be worth a watch.


Think it's only been out a couple of months on DVD, but after watching The Expendables I'm tempted to pick it up to see more of Ol' Stone Cold whipping ass.

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On Friday evening, with the good lady away for a holiday with Zackface, myself and my good friend Jumbo went to the cinema.


"What is on at this time?" I asked. As it turned out, Grown Ups was the only choice.


What a nice film! It has a host of fine comic actors playing just normal guys (well, relatively normal) and it just goes on about its business with no real lumps or bumps in the road. As someone on here has said before, it does its job of having you smiling from start to finish. Cornier that a bowl of Frosties at times the film is enjoyable but doesn't really take you anywhere.


3 stars

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