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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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The Exorcist is great, but it looks horribly dated now.


For me, though, The Omen has always been a much scarier movie. Not just because it hasn't dated badly, but also because it relies on anticipatory horror, where the enemy cannot be seen to be fought against, whereas in The Exorcist, the demon is there for everyone to see.


I personally think it's a truism that no visible horror can ever match that which the human imagination can conjure up for itself, when given the basis for it and left to run wild.

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District 9


Eventually got round to watching this one last night


Wanna know more about it? check out the search function below and type in `District` all the previous reviews are right about this film


i could go into detail but I aint gonna waste your time like this film wasted mine.



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This is a Canadian Horror Movie. I decided to give it a go after reading a review about it in my local newspaper.


Shock Jock radio presenter starts a new job in a local radio station after being fired from his last job. He comes into the local radio station all guns blazing trying to stir things up when all his producer wants him to do is report on the weather and school closures. When he links to the `eye in the sky` reporter he discovers that theres some sort of riot happening. As reports come in it transpires that its some sort of zombie infection and the town goes into lock down.


Now I grew up on the twilight zone, cheap ass tv series that hooked you with the scifi/horror story rather than the big budget. This film does exactly the same. Theres only really 3 cast members and 1 set (the radio station) apart from that theres little else in this movie. The story is a little weird and `out there` when you start to discover how the virus travels and how it works, but its probably the best B movie i`ve seen.


The 3 main cast are excellent, their chemistry works well together and the acting flows well enough that with the character development you want to know more about them. Theres a good amount of black humour in the movie as well as a few dead end plots which were deliberetly placed in there.


If your a sci-fi or psychological horror fan then you have to see this movie. It works well on all levels.


It may seem like a dark and depressing movie but the final message made me smile and put a spring in my step.

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Been in a real film mood lately. Watched The Full Monty again last night, that's as great as ever. Bought my daughter the double box set off Daddy Day Care and Daddy Day Camp. I've seen the first one before so knew what to expect. It's a decent kids movie. My Daughter enjoyed it and so did I. The second one with Cuba Gooding instead of Eddie Murphy is an absolute abortion. It must be a serious contender for the worst sequel in the history of the fucking world. Gooding isn't that bad really but everything else about it, the plot, the rehashed "gags", the casting and the acting is awful. Oh, the acting. It's diabolical. Some of the kids are pretty much laughing during some scenes. My god, it's terrible.


Anyway, it's not all bad. On Sunday, I watched The Sting. It's an absolutely tremendous movie though I found it a bit confusing for the most part. It's well acted, Newman & Redford in particular are brilliant and the plot is incredible. It's a difficult film to discuss without spoiling it, so I won't, but I'd recommend it to anyone. It was made in 1973 but is set in the thirties so hasn't really dated at all.

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Anyway, it's not all bad. On Sunday, I watched The Sting. It's an absolutely tremendous movie though I found it a bit confusing for the most part. It's well acted, Newman & Redford in particular are brilliant and the plot is incredible. It's a difficult film to discuss without spoiling it, so I won't, but I'd recommend it to anyone. It was made in 1973 but is set in the thirties so hasn't really dated at all.

Glad you enjoyed The Sting Rick. I am not a huge fan of films, but that is easily my favourite film of all time, and the only film I have ever bought again on DVD when it was re-released. Robert Shaw is also tremendous as Doyle Lonnegan.

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I love Robert Shaw. I'm really gay for Shaw and Robert Mitchum at the moment, anything with them in is alright by me and that includes Force 10 From Navarone which was actually a bit poo.


I urge everyone with a soul or a love of film to watch The Yakuza on ITV4 tonight. Despite its title, it's not some over-wrought Japanese chop-socky movie, it's an awesome piece of cinema featuring Robert Mitchum, a retired private eye who goes back to Japan (where he was during the war) to rescue an old friend's kidnapped daughter. It's beautiful and exciting and has some amazing fight scenes in as well.

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The Crazies


went last night to see this movie. Its the run of the mill `small town american sheriff notices his towns folk start acting strange, then they go crazy and people get killed. The Military turn up to solve the problem and it looks like hell may just break out` movie that doesnt seem to start.


The problem I have with the movie is that it doesnt seem to go anywhere new. We`ve seen it all before with zombie films, end of world breakdown movies, theres nothing new here that took me and hooked me in.


Its an entertaining enough movie, theres a good deal of gun shooting and `crazy` folk, military teams running around, explosions, end of world dread and a few (well 2) jumpy bits but they just dont seem to melt together to make that something that allows us to care what happens next.


The main cast are dreadful, the sheriff is the guy that played `Hitman` in the film based on the game, and plays the same character (no emotion, no connectivity), his wife is one minute being all girly and pregnant and the next smashing folk in the face!


On a plus side though, theres an scene near the end of the movie where 2 folk are standing and you see explosion in the background and I was really impressed with the imagery, you could see that it was just cool looking. I liked that part.


the other parts are not so good.


If you want to see the movie i`d recommend a rental for it. Certainly not worth forking out any more than

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Green Street. I didn't expect much, and it was still a let down. Some horrible acting, a totally convoluted story, bad casting, it had the lot. I'm normally a fan (or at least tolerent) of fack this fack that cockney wankah films, but this was poor.

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The Life & Times of Tim - season 1 - downloaded it actually but it's a HBO cartoon for adults and it's damn funny. Tim gets in all sorts of awkward situations, quite Curb-esq in it's humour.


Check out this preview clip from season 1


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The Wolfman


It was good for what its worth, so its not going to win an academy award any time soon and still doenst beat the mother of all were-wolf films (An american werewolf in london), but again is good ad worth a watch. Very very gory in parts, and from what ive read (and would'nt have know otherwise) it tries to recreate some 40's/50's style moments with the wolfman, such as a light flashing and you see him in the dark etc.


Very very jumpy in parts, and again the gore level for certain bits is off the charts. Still its good to see a gory film! Antony hopkins (sp?) is the best thing in this by a country mile, and otherwise the guy failing in love (and vice versa) with his dead brothers wife, i personally found a smidge odd......as his brother is found dead at the start of the movie, so take you pic on that one.


all in all 6.8/10, good worth a watch on the big screen, but will doubt its anybodys fav film!

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Green Street. I didn't expect much, and it was still a let down. Some horrible acting, a totally convoluted story, bad casting, it had the lot. I'm normally a fan (or at least tolerent) of fack this fack that cockney wankah films, but this was poor.


Green Street is a weird movie. 'Movie fans'/'Buffs' hate it, casual movie watches love it.


Green Street is on many a top 10 film list, strange.

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The Exorcist is great, but it looks horribly dated now.


For me, though, The Omen has always been a much scarier movie. Not just because it hasn't dated badly, but also because it relies on anticipatory horror, where the enemy cannot be seen to be fought against, whereas in The Exorcist, the demon is there for everyone to see.


I personally think it's a truism that no visible horror can ever match that which the human imagination can conjure up for itself, when given the basis for it and left to run wild.


True, If you ever need a film to back this up watch the underated 'The Keep' an early film from Michael Mann, the tension generated is fantastic, right up until they show the evil through shonky paper mache level special effects which literally manage to ruin the film in minutes. Sadly this film is still not released on DVD but if you can get hold of a widescreen tranfer of the laserdisc its well worth checking out

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