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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Watching Hannibal on Dave of all places.


Watched it at the cinema, it was shit. Watched it when it was on normal telly 'cos I might of misjudged, it was shit. After a gap of about 5 years thought maybe it was me, no you guessed it, it is still shit.

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A family adopt and Orphan. Bad things start to happen. Is it all a coincidence or is this Orphan an evil demon child?


This is a very strange and interesting outing. Nothing seems to happen for the first 30 minutes of the film then, bang, death! Then nothing seems to happen for another 30 minutes then all hell seems to burst loose. The last 30 minutes is a cool joyride and theres some excellent images that`ll stay.


Its not a scary movie although theres some use of the mirror opened, then closed style of jumpiness suspense. The gore is pretty good, although there isnt loads of it. Theres some really strange use of characters and set ups, like the daughters deaf (although good didnt seem to have anything to really do with the film) and a few sub plots and back stories that they use but unlike most american films they only hint and give some info, they dont go into graphic detail about it (which means you got to piece the backstories together yourself). The story ticks along well, although there are patches of what seems like nothingness. And an amazingly abrupt ending.


The Orphan herself is an excellent character and is very memorable. A few scenes of uncomfortableness if you have kids of your own.


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The fact they kill off main characters is amazing and definently shocks as this stuff doesnt happen in mainstream movies. I knew there was a plot twist at the end so i was looking out for one, I had a few in my mind as the film went on but the actual twist itself I had thought of as she was having a hissy fit in the toilet but I thought it was too much outthere so dismissed it (i thought she would have been the daughter of a psycho family and been taught all the killing and stuff by them)




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I liked the film on a dark gothic level and when the last 20 minutes kicked off then all bets are off and anything is possible.


Certaionly worth a look if your into the `SAW` `Amitiville Horror` `Psycho` psychological style of plot.

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I'm on a bit of a movie kick. In the last four days...


Whip It - Ellen Page plays a small-town teen stuck in a 50's-esque life and seeking refuge in the 70's-esque world of roller derby. Except it's in the modern day. It was weird. It's not such a bad movie though, even if it is essentially clich

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The promotional campaign put me off, featuring Page and Barrymore kissing, in an entirely un-erotic and entirely desperate please-come-and-see-our-film way. I think there's a documentary about roller derby from the 70s which will probably be more fun than this film.


That wasn't a promotional campaign as such, it was one picture in a photoshoot for one magazine article, which naturally, got singled out and passed around many websites.












One AWESOME picture.

Edited by Woyzeck
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I should have qualified that statement a bit, but they presumably knew what they were doing and that that would be the only photo anyone would give a damn about.


Ellen Page was awesome in Trailer Park Boys and has been less awesome in everything she's been in since then. Probably, I've not seen some of it, I'm not a masochist.

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Has anyone seen Daybreakers?

Vampires seem to be everywhere at the moment, but I enjoyed this very much. A fresh twist the the standard vampire flick.

I recommend.


Also saw a trailer for 'The Crazies'

Have now found out it's a remake, but I really want to see this aswell.

Edited by stuey2dope
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had a week off this week and planned on making a few trips to the cinema...weather put a stop to that, so i ended up movieing it up in the house, some quick thoughts...


Carriers - bleak as fuck, illness ruins the world, road survival flick. The film looks and feels like a zombie movie to the point, where i expected flesh eayer to turn up at any minute, it doesn't happen. It's a depressing flick, but i recommend it to anyone who likes movie a little bit dark...


Before The Devil Knows Your Dead - loved this. Story of a bank robbery going wrong, follows the story from several different angles, each one just dropping the mian character deeper and deeper in to a world of shit. Excellent performances, tense and at times hard to watch. I loved this film. Philip Seymour Hoffman is amazing.


Pathology - 2nd viewing of this for me. Like the two movies above, this lacked any kind of humor but i really enjoyed it. Harsh story of mortuary students playing some games with dead bodies, it sounds fucked up, it is fucked up but it's a pretty cool movie with a real solid ending.


It's been a miserable week :)

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The Time Traveler's Wife - Eric Bana has a genetic condition that causes him to flit through time at random while romancing and then eventually marrying Rachel McAdams. This movie bummed me out because for the logic to work at all it presumes time is just an eternally repeating loop of things that have already happened and that will happen again. That everything is pre-determined. And that doesn't feel very romantic to me, but hey...what can you do? Honestly the movie isn't unbearable, but it is schlocky romance with no real purpose or lasting feeling.


Paper Heart - Charlyne Yi (Asian female stoner from Knocked Up) sets out to make a documentary about love. She has never been in love and wants to find out what it is and what's wrong with her. She interviews people - some famous, most not - and soon finds herself entangled in a romance with Michael Cera. But does she actually end up loving him? Or what would that even mean? How would she know? All these questions and, well, that's about it. I actually quite liked it, but really it's only for people who aren't sick already of mumbly, quirky, American indies with more charm than content. Oh, and kind of awesome puppet sequences.

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The Marine

Well, I say watched, but have to admit I turned it off after 25 minutes. It's really cosmically bad, and it's not even Cena's fault. The script is appalling, absolutely barrel scraping, and the actors are left struggling with clumsy and unamusing lines. It's also really low-rent action - it feels like one of those straight-to-DVD Segal movies, but without the attraction of Segal. Finally, the action is edited so badly that it generates no excitement at all. The fight scene in the foyer kept having a shot of fat security guard tackling a baddie, followed by a shot of Cena taking a baddie down, and vica versa. Incredibly amateurish and confusing.


The worst bit though was the music - a rare example of film music being so bad it makes things worse. Clich

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