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There's basically a revolution happening in Tunisia today!




Don't know if many you have been there, but it's a great country that is basically a benign dictatorship. However the pro-democracy movement's exploded this last week, the President of the last 25 years has said he's stepping down, and he's just sacked the government and called for new elections. Could be a crucial moment in history, and you can follow it LIVE on the BBC (just like the cricket).



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I went there this year and it's an impressive country. Tunis itself is a very European city, reminiscent of Madrid, and they have all the trappings of modern life. However, they don't have democracy. They trusted in President Ben Ali and he delivered slow economic growth. The cost was civil liberties and political discourse. Now, given the economy is tanking, the spotlight has turned on him, his family and the ruling elite. I suppose it becomes a game of "What have you done for me lately?" and the Tunisian people have seen enough. Good luck to them, they'll need it. It'll get worse before it gets better.


Personally, I'd like to stop seeing vague suggestions from the international community, I want to see commitments. "The Tunisian people have spoken and we fully support a free and democratic Tunisia. As such, we are at the disposal of an interim Tunisian government that is fully committed to democratic elections." Nature abhors a vacuum and we need to stop an hint of islamofascism getting in there.

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Decided to share in this thread about the Lawful Rebellion movement. From time to time I put links related to it in my sig, thought it high time to post about it and share with the uninitiated!


I've took an interest in the movement the past year, going to meetings for the local British Constitution Group here in Bournemouth. I'm one of the youngest people that go at 34, its mostly over 45s but more younger people are getting involved. BCG isn't a political party but some members have stood for election as independents. Anyway check it out for yourselves.


The British Constitution Group - www.thebcgroup.org.uk


We, the British People have a right to govern ourselves. That right has been subjugated as a consequence of acts of treason having been committed by the collective political establishment, aided and abetted by corrupt segments of the judiciary, the police, the Church and the civil service.


Furthermore, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, whose position has been usurped by a corrupt House of Commons and who has been forced into the destruction of her Kingdom and the breaking of her coronation oath, no longer governs us in accordance with our laws and customs, as was the situation when she was elected by the people as our Sovereign and our Head of State.


Why Her Majesty has failed in her duty is not for us to judge at this point in time - Her Majesty has however been made aware of the situation and is now duty bound to make amends.


A political elite has for some time manipulated the electoral system to deprive the people of true democratic representation by constructing a party political system that has allowed, indeed encouraged, acts of treason to have been committed.


As a direct consequence of the betrayal of the British people by the collective political establishment, and others, the British Constitution Group is calling for Lawful Rebellion, as is our right under article 61 Magna Carta 1215.


Related sites:




www.ukcolumn.org (in my sig)


TPUC - The Peple's United Community

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We, the British People have a right to govern ourselves. That right has been subjugated as a consequence of acts of treason having been committed by the collective political establishment, aided and abetted by corrupt segments of the judiciary, the police, the Church and the civil service.


Furthermore, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, whose position has been usurped by a corrupt House of Commons and who has been forced into the destruction of her Kingdom and the breaking of her coronation oath, no longer governs us in accordance with our laws and customs, as was the situation when she was elected by the people as our Sovereign and our Head of State.


Why Her Majesty has failed in her duty is not for us to judge at this point in time - Her Majesty has however been made aware of the situation and is now duty bound to make amends.


A political elite has for some time manipulated the electoral system to deprive the people of true democratic representation by constructing a party political system that has allowed, indeed encouraged, acts of treason to have been committed.


As a direct consequence of the betrayal of the British people by the collective political establishment, and others, the British Constitution Group is calling for Lawful Rebellion, as is our right under article 61 Magna Carta 1215.


The bit in bold pretty much tells you these people are too stupid, or, at best, too ignorant, to be worth listening to. If you're going to advocate revolution or any kind of meaningful change, you should know what you're rebelling against first.

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It's basically an excuse to not learn about politics properly, isn't it? For people for whom actually reading newspapers and manifestos is too hard, just assume that the system is at fault, rather than your own ineptitude.

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We, the British People have a right to govern ourselves. That right has been subjugated as a consequence of acts of treason having been committed by the collective political establishment, aided and abetted by corrupt segments of the judiciary, the police, the Church and the civil service.


Furthermore, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, whose position has been usurped by a corrupt House of Commons and who has been forced into the destruction of her Kingdom and the breaking of her coronation oath, no longer governs us in accordance with our laws and customs, as was the situation when she was elected by the people as our Sovereign and our Head of State.


Why Her Majesty has failed in her duty is not for us to judge at this point in time - Her Majesty has however been made aware of the situation and is now duty bound to make amends.


A political elite has for some time manipulated the electoral system to deprive the people of true democratic representation by constructing a party political system that has allowed, indeed encouraged, acts of treason to have been committed.


As a direct consequence of the betrayal of the British people by the collective political establishment, and others, the British Constitution Group is calling for Lawful Rebellion, as is our right under article 61 Magna Carta 1215.


I got an E at politics A Level, I don't mind admitting, and even *I* know that this is basic stuff that anyone should know to be wrong. Fucking hell, Duane, you massive idiot.

Edited by Gladstone Small
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We, the British People have a right to govern ourselves. That right has been subjugated as a consequence of acts of treason having been committed by the collective political establishment, aided and abetted by corrupt segments of the judiciary, the police, the Church and the civil service.


Furthermore, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, whose position has been usurped by a corrupt House of Commons and who has been forced into the destruction of her Kingdom and the breaking of her coronation oath, no longer governs us in accordance with our laws and customs, as was the situation when she was elected by the people as our Sovereign and our Head of State.


Why Her Majesty has failed in her duty is not for us to judge at this point in time - Her Majesty has however been made aware of the situation and is now duty bound to make amends.


A political elite has for some time manipulated the electoral system to deprive the people of true democratic representation by constructing a party political system that has allowed, indeed encouraged, acts of treason to have been committed.


As a direct consequence of the betrayal of the British people by the collective political establishment, and others, the British Constitution Group is calling for Lawful Rebellion, as is our right under article 61 Magna Carta 1215.


The bit in bold pretty much tells you these people are too stupid, or, at best, too ignorant, to be worth listening to. If you're going to advocate revolution or any kind of meaningful change, you should know what you're rebelling against first.

Looks like a misunderstanding, I'm sure the person who typed that doesn't mean the Queen was a elected by the form of vote from the public, it can be read that way though.


The point is our monarch is allowed to be our monarch because we allow her to be so. I don't have all the answers but I'm listening to some clever people who know their stuff about our constitution and the Magna Carta. I'm also starting to study up the history of it all.


Forgive me if I'm wrong but the British Constitution isn't taught as part of the national curriculum having been removed in the 70s. Is there anyone on here who has studied it in further and higher education?


The people running BCG are ex policemen, retired naval officers etc, not a bunch of idiots. Check out the videos on the sites I've provided links to and listen to the lectures at events around the country.

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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On the topic of the world's economy check out the Keiser Report on Russia Today.


Watch the Keiser Report on Russia Today, Freeview Channel 85 or Sky 512


08.00am Tuesday and Thursday and repeated at 12.00pm.


Every week, Max Keiser looks at all the scandal behind the financial news headlines. I am impressed by his truthful, emphatic and straightforward manner of speaking... I'm also impressed by the fact that RT allows so much economic truth to be spoken of on their programs/shows/reports, especially "Keiser Report"... Quite contrary to most if not all of the world's mainstream media.

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The people running BCG are ex policemen, retired naval officers etc, not a bunch of idiots.



Why are we assuming those things are mutually exclusive? You get idiots in all walks of life and jobs.

It's Duane, all he has are assumptions.

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The people running BCG are ex policemen, retired naval officers etc, not a bunch of idiots.



Why are we assuming those things are mutually exclusive? You get idiots in all walks of life and jobs.

Be your own judge of character, watch a couple of the talks and decide for yourself when you are able to (presumably you're at work). True you do get idiots in all walks of life and jobs, I don't disagree.

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