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I'd try them all. They're all different so it depends what you look for. It's always a divisive show. I don't think any of them have been terrible. Space Babies is probably the most skippable if you didn't want to watch them all.

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I liked the idea of Space Babies, but the weird uncanny valley mouths were a bit offputting.

My Mum was telling me the other day that the S*n have decided new Doctor Who is bad now because it's "gone woke" as though they weren't doing stories about how awful racism and discrimination are back in the 60s...

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Posted (edited)

My thoughts on Dot And Bubble (SPOILERS):


+ Jesus this episode was dark and I loved it!
+ Lindy being as deep and complex as a bowl of cornflakes amused me at first.
+ Genetically Engineered Alphabet Murder Slugs.
+ If the message of the episode was what I think it was, I agree. Some people need to look up from their phones once in a while.
+ Interesting set designs. This always pleases me.
+ Ncuti and Millie being amazing.

- Lindy got no comeuppance on-screen for murdering Ricky September.
- I feel Ricky September's death would have been more meaningful if we knew more about him
- Lindy being dumb as a bag of hammers wore on me after a while
- The idea that all rich people suck. I'm sure there's some good ones out there.
- The message of the episode, again if it was what I thought it was, was a bit heavy-handed. 
- "Nooooo, what do you mean we can't survive out in the murder-forest?!" was dumb. Sorry, it was.

All in all, another banger of an episode. I give it 4.5 High Priest Autlocs out of 5.

Edited by CharlesTuckerTheThird
Edited for typo goofs
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On 6/2/2024 at 10:39 AM, DavidB6937 said:

Yeah the "gone woke" stuff is daft. As if Genesis of the Daleks was a fluff piece.

The original Daleks serial with Hartnell has a speech about how it's stupid to hate the Thals just because they look different. There's loads of "just because they don't look like humans doesn't make them bad" stories going on even right at the start. 

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Far be it for me to speculate, but the ‘woke’ arguments only started after the last white male doctor left, probably just a coincidence of course…

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5 hours ago, Retro Red said:

Far be it for me to speculate, but the ‘woke’ arguments only started after the last white male doctor left, probably just a coincidence of course…


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As I've mentioned a few times, there was a same-sex couple working for UNIT during the 3rd Doctor's era, The Brigadier walked in on them once and his reaction was "Not while you're on duty, eh?" So the idea that Doctor Who has "gOnE wOkE" is ridiculous and only spread by people who have no idea about the show.

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When the show came back in 2005, there were definitely some cries about the gay television mafia, thanks to RTD, and any reference to a same-sex couple was treated with tutting and eye-rolling. Not amongst most people, obviously. But it's always been there - we just somehow hear more about them now.

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Definitely my favourite of the series so far. The dance scene was wonderful.

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My thoughts on Rogue:


+The set designs remain fantastic, the costumes were impeccable, it warms an old media nerd's heart to see.
+"600 years is a long time to suffer." The fury of a Time Lord indeed!
+The psychic earrings were an interesting concept which actually paid off in the story!
+Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. Love that song.
+The Ruby plot twist.
+Ncuti and Millie being excellent together. This seems to be a running theme so please assume I'm giving it a + from now on, unless I mention otherwise.
+The teaser at the end.
+Evil Bird People.

-People acting outraged at 2 men dancing was a historical inaccuracy I couldn't forgive. Two men dancing in the 1800s was no big deal, people would just have assumed that they couldn't find a woman to dance with but wished to do so anyway. See: The Bounty (1984). 
-Needed more Rogue. Fascinating character that we knew basically nothing about.
-The reason they couldn't go find Rogue seemed a bit bullshit, seeing as Clara managed to locate Danny Pink by putting her hands into the T.A.R.D.I.S console. 
-Rogue seemed to get over his being impressed by the T.A.R.D.I.S interior a bit quickly for my liking. A minor nitpick, admittedly.

Overall, definitely my favourite episode of this season so far, they'll have to work damn hard to beat this one. 4.95 Duggans out of 5.

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There's been speculation that Rogue was popped in there instead of Captain Jack due to Barrowman being a wrong 'un, and that this may even be a different incarnation of him. Certainly seems to tick some of the boxes. 

It was a good episode. I think they've all been decent, and the inky real issue I've had was that the space babies looked weird because of the shonky effects when they were talking. 

The trailer for next week is interesting. First part of the finale. It's come along far too soon. 

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Thoughts on The Legend Of Ruby Sunday (SPOILERS):



+Mel and Rose are back! Yay!
+Nicholas Briggs as the voice of Vlinx was a treat, if a little underused.
+The Susan Triad plot reveal was excellent!
+The Doctor being snarky about U.N.I.Ts attempts at temporal technology.

-RTD relying on Egyptian deities again.
-RTD relying on the wrong Egyptian deity. Set is the God of foreigners, deserts, storms and disorder. Anubis is the God of death. I know you know this, RTD.
-Mel being reduced to associated hanger-on.
-Once again we were given Susan Foreman Blue Balls. 
-Morris Gibbons. I feel like, unless he's a plot twist or working for Set, which would make no sense, he didn't really add anything.

All in all, a good set up for the next episode but it had some head-scratching decisions. I give it 3.9 Kamelions out of 5.

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