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Someone I know seems convinced River Song is an older Amy Pond.

Don't see it myself!



As a side note, I finally saw what others see in Alex Kingston. :love:

Moll Flanders is currently being repeated on some channel, if you so desire to see her frollicking with her baps out.

>cue frantic checking of Freeview guide...<

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Need Fez.

I've had a Fez for years. Fez's are cool.


Someone I know seems convinced River Song is an older Amy Pond.

Don't see it myself!

I'm pretty sure she isn't too, but over the last 2 episodes I both considered that she maybe or that she was a future version of The Doctor, who much like Tennant had forgotten who she was. Of course the latter was easily ruled out. I am intreagued by River though and I have a feeling that she may turn out to be a future enemy of The Doctor.

I'd be dissappointed if it was suddenly decided that The Doctor can change sex when regenerating, although I don't thing that she'll turn out to be The Doctor as it's been mentioned that her significance in The Doctor's life is for something quite bad.


Someone I know seems convinced River Song is an older Amy Pond.

Don't see it myself!



As a side note, I finally saw what others see in Alex Kingston. :love:

Moll Flanders is currently being repeated on some channel, if you so desire to see her frollicking with her baps out.

Could she be The Rani?


According to Wikipedia it's been hinted that she's had a relationship with the Doctor, so would be interesting to see it turn into something like that. Not being familiar with the old series' I'm pretty much non-the-wiser as to their past conflicts.

Edited by Steveo2007
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Really another excellent episode and will hopefully work well in establishing Smith as taking Tennants reign as the greatest Doctor of all time. I like the idea of some plot lines crossing through into further series such as why the TARDIS exploded and what is meant by the "Silence" that we heard a few times. I'm really hyped for the next series now.


I was quite intrigued by that, that instead of just being a series long arc leading to the end, it feels more as if this series has been a set up for the next. Which I quite like.


Anyway, overall I've loved this series. I quite enjoyed the energy of the RTD era, but so far the Moffat era has been more my kind of thing. Just a better tone for my liking and it feels at times as if this could have followed on from McCoy's run to carry on the original series.


Overall... I can't wait 'till next year! The special should be good, but I'm just looking forward to the continuation and unanswered questions. And hopefully Arthur Davrill gets a credit next time round. I feared he'd be another Mickey, but this guy's far better.

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  • 7 months later...
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This is an extremely obscure question for the Who fans on this forum. Can anyone tell me the name of the song that's played in the Tardis at the beginning of the TV Movie, where the 7th Doctor is chilling out with his book and jelly babies? I think it's called 'Your Kiss was a Flame' but I may well be wrong. Can anyone shed any light? (Once again, apologies for the ridiculous obscurity!)

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It should of course be mentioned that Nicholas Courtney - aka The Brigadier - died the other day. It's a pity he never turned up in the series since it returned; especially since he made an appearance in the Sarah Jane Adventures.


For those who are interested, I've started reviewing Dr Who from the very beginning as part of my review blog. It can be found Here

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This site has the lyrics listed as a song called "In a Dream". No idea of the artist, I'm afraid.


Thanks buddy, turns out it was sung by someone called Pat Hodge and was actually written specifically for the film!


And yes, sad news to hear about Nicholas Courtney. He was one of the biggest contributions to the show's near 50 year duration, I look forward to Doctor Who Magazine's tribute on him.

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For those who are interested, I've started reviewing Dr Who from the very beginning as part of my review blog. It can be found Here


Christ, good luck with that! Hell of a hefty project. How are you going to do the missing episodes?


And yeah, real sad about Nicholas Courtney. Even if he was still around, Moffat's not that keen on bringing back old faces for the cheap pop, but who knows, there could have been a good story in it. Alas, we'll never get to know.

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For those who are interested, I've started reviewing Dr Who from the very beginning as part of my review blog. It can be found Here


Christ, good luck with that! Hell of a hefty project. How are you going to do the missing episodes?




The audio for every missing episode exists and companies like Loose Cannon have made reconstructions of each of them, mostly using off-air telesnaps (screen-grabs) of the episodes.


Overall it'll take me a good couple of years to do it, but I look forward to it.


By all means, let me know what you think of the reviews. So far I've done the first story, and I also review other stuff like films I've watched at the cinema etc.

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