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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Did anybody catch Kat Dennings new TV show "2 Broke Girls." Its awful and Dennings is awful in it. Got 19M viewers though but thats going to drop.


Still think MTV have brought the 2 best new programs this fall in Awkward and Death Valley with Zooey Deschanel "New Girl" looking quite good from the pilot.

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The Mentalist is back to it's usualy awesome self, Strike back has just ended it's 2nd season (I do hate how british tv only shows around 6 episodes in a 'season' The Big Bang Theory seems to be back to it's usual good self too, and Nikita is back! Some new shows I've been getting into are:#


The Lying Game - A story about twin sisters who were separated through adoption trying to find out about their birth mu,.


A Person of Interest - This looks to have great potential and has references to Lost co-starring Michael Emmerson who recruits a guy to prevent crime.


The Secret Circle - I thought by the first episode this would be quite good however I've quicly lost interest in it. I'll give it a couple of more viewings but I don't hold great expectations of it.



X Factor U.S

The Ultimate Fighter

Comedy Central's Roast of Chalie Sheen (Definitely recommend this one! If only to see a drunk Mike Tyson, I'd also recommend hunting out other Roasts that have been done such as Pamela Anderson's)

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Watched It's Always Sunny and Community.


I think it was last weeks but Charlie projectile blood-sicking on the date who he was trying to set up with Frank ('who wouldn't want a night with a limo driiver?') because 'he ate about a hundred blood capsules'. One of my favourite Sunny moments, just brilliant.


Community- Jeff channelling Pierce with the casual racism was a stroke of genius. Also Shirley the dark (lol @ pun intended) horse with perhaps best line 'This may be a good time to baptise him' (or something to that effect)


John fucking Goodman.





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I've been watching Katie Price's new programme, where she's searching for new model for her agency. Jay from BB got kicked off. The best hopeful is the campy-Essex-boy-metrosexual, would be great addition to the Gay mafia/Team Price :p


An Idiot Abroad - comedy gold.

Ace of Cakes

Junior Apprentice

Two And A Half Men - just as good if not better without Charlie Sheen. Alan is the best character IMO.

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finished the first season of Falling Skies, it was very underwhelming. The show is basically The Walking Dead with aliens but despite a strong opening it just kinda dragged for 10 episodes, it teased a big battle at the bet yet inexplicably that took place off camera! with Spielberg's name attached i have to admit that it was a massive disappointment. Not sure if it'll be back for Season 2 as promised?

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I'm halfway through it, and I have to admit I'm enjoying it! It's not exactly Battlestar Galactica but it's still enjoyable. Much better than the terrible remake of 'V'.


I won't make any defence of it as a work of art though.

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Finally finished Entourage. Loved it for the most part. Ari Gold is up there with my favourite TV characters now. God bless HBO.


On that note, I have finally started on The Sopranos, moving me closer to completing my list of "I really must get around to that" HBO shows. Deadwood is next on that list.


I'm enjoying Season 6 of Dexter so far but I won't get into that here because there's a nice spoiler marked Dexter thread.


Oh, and I watched the pilot episode of Grimm. It was utter dogshit.

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Finally finished Entourage. Loved it for the most part. Ari Gold is up there with my favourite TV characters now. God bless HBO.


On that note, I have finally started on The Sopranos, moving me closer to completing my list of "I really must get around to that" HBO shows. Deadwood is next on that list.


I'm enjoying Season 6 of Dexter so far but I won't get into that here because there's a nice spoiler marked Dexter thread.


Oh, and I watched the pilot episode of Grimm. It was utter dogshit.


The Sopranos is possibly my favorite drama of all time. What do you think of it so far?

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I'm currently loving the fuck out of Boardwalk Empire season 2. It's a huge leap in quality from season 1, but unless you had seen season 1 you wouldn't truly appreciate the plots going on now. It's like season 1 was just them writers slowly getting everything into place and creating the world of the show and now they are just going full steam ahead.


Richard Harrow is also definitely one of the most brilliant TV characters ever and will go down in history with the likes of Omar Little, Simon Adebisi, Ben Linus, Al Swearengen and Paulie Walnuts as side characters that are just consistently stealing every scene they are in.

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I'm already pretty hooked about half way into season 1; I'll come up with some more substantial thoughts when I've finished the first series. So far Tony is already an interesting and sympathetic character, and I like Chris although he has that air of Ziggy from The Wire about him where I expect him to fuck up and get himself killed every five minutes.


I've miraculously avoided spoilers for the vast majority of what happens too, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it unfolds. I vaguely know how the very last episode ends, but not in any kind of context so I don't consider that a spoiler. It's weird going from Entourage to Season 1 of the Sopranos and watching Jamie Lynn Sigler magically un-age by 10 years. Also Diane from Oz sounding a who lot more New Yawwky than I'm used to. Damn HBO show cross-breeding.


I also forgot to mention in that post that I've loved a lot of the more recent Futurama episodes also. I actually think some of the episodes from 18-25-ish is as good as some of their best work pre-cancellation. "Maybe if I move the compasses like this, it will somehow kill the whale".


Lastly, I can't stress enough how much I hated that pilot episode of Grimm. After True Blood I was quite into the premise of mythical characters turning out to be real in a modern day setting but it was just such dross. The lead is a charisma vacuum, his ludicrously stereotypical wise cracking black sidekick is dreadful, the dialogue is robotic and some of the scenes are Tommy Wiseau-esque in terms of not conveying at all how human beings behave and how the world works. I was upset that I wasted 50 minutes on it when I could have been watching another Sopranos.

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Boardwalk Empire is all kinds of awesome. It has all the potential in the world to be "the greatest TV show of all time" if it goes a couple more seasons and continues the quality.


I've been watching Southland recently, really really like it, its kinda different aswell. Watched all of Season 1 and 2 pretty quickly, and i'm now watching Season 3 at More4 pace. Anyone else a fan?

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Did anybody catch Kat Dennings new TV show "2 Broke Girls." Its awful and Dennings is awful in it.

To be fair, she does have a cracking pair.


The Sopranos is possibly my favorite drama of all time. What do you think of it so far?

I am watching the entire collection second time around as they're repeating them on Sky Atlantic, into series 3 at the moment.


JLM, it's fucking superb. IMO the best drama of all time by a long shot. The characters are superb and you become so drawn into them. I've never felt for any tv or movie characters like this before, they captivate you. And it seems to get better with each season I think.


Be warned though- after you watch the final episode, you will hit depression when you realise there's no more Sopranos to watch :(

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