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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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can you watch Stargate Universe without having seen the others?? im intrigued by the Carlyle factor.


erm...yes and no. If you get the rough idea of the stargate, then yeah you can as in theory this is a whole new thing, but also if references back to older sg1 storylines in little ways, which i suppose you could just guess whats going on, but otherwise it might be worth giving the old series a wtach if possible!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Absolutely loving Misfits! :cool:

I thought the Irish one would finally find out his ability this week but it wasn't to be.


Horizon was bloody interesting about the world being over populated and the problems of sharing the resources of the planet. Anyone else see this? Worthy of it's own thread to be honest. Before when I've read about governments controlling a countries population such as China I didn't like the sound of it all but after watching this programme I saw things in a different light.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Finally got round to watching Season 2 of Californication, about 2 years after it was first on. Overall, really impressed. Just the relaxed enjoyable show it was before, but what pleased me most was the sheer fact that the relationship trials and tribulations between Hank and his missus were kept fresh and believable. After such a satisfying payoff to Season 1, it was a definite concern for me over how they would balance things. Funnily enough though, I've now got the same worries for Series 3, which I'll watch whenever it comes along on Fiver or wherever. Charlie Runkle's evolution as a character was remarkable as well, I look forward to seeing his further rises and falls.

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Finally got round to watching Season 2 of Californication, about 2 years after it was first on. Overall, really impressed. Just the relaxed enjoyable show it was before, but what pleased me most was the sheer fact that the relationship trials and tribulations between Hank and his missus were kept fresh and believable. After such a satisfying payoff to Season 1, it was a definite concern for me over how they would balance things. Funnily enough though, I've now got the same worries for Series 3, which I'll watch whenever it comes along on Fiver or wherever. Charlie Runkle's evolution as a character was remarkable as well, I look forward to seeing his further rises and falls.


Unfortunately, I've heard nothing but bad things about season 3. But then, the IMDB "critics" will always find reason to shit on anything, regardless of quality.


As for season 2, agreed - some quality episodes, really enjoyed it. I really liked the character of Lew Ashby, too. He added an interesting dimension to the show and turned what could've been a one-note playboy into a believable, flawed, human character. His ex- was very easy on the eye too, as was her maid.


Charlie Runkle is just amazing in every way. I'm looking forward to seeing where they take the character in season 3.

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I love season 3, I think it's much better than 1 and 2. The main thing is, they're now properly playing it for laughs. You've got Rick Springfield playing himself, Kathleen Turner as the horniest woman alive, strippers, and none of the problems that plagued it before - they even resolved the unbelievably dumb storyline from season 1 (no spoilers here, folks).


Also, last night on US TV saw the return of Chuck. I'm looking forward to seeing him all powered up.

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  • Paid Members

I was expecting a series about a giant anthropomorphised length of cable that strangles drug dealers and detectives alike. In that regard it was quite a disappointment.

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