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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Caught the entire 2010 season of Saturday Night Live on Netflix over the last few days. Very hit and miss but for the most part it was enjoyable.

It'd be good if we had something similar over here but most of our "top" comedians are either shit or could not pull off a character-based sketch show at all. You'd have to go more towards the Harry Hill, Vic and Bob, Rob Brydon types and less the Michael McIntyre, Russell Howard sorta route.

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The Shield is my favourite show ever, I watched it all quickly bar the last couple of seasons which I watched as they aired. I want to watch it all again but can't find the time, I will one day though.

When does Breaking Bad start again? That's my fave now the Shield is gone (other Than Arrow obviously)

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Anyone who loves The Shield and hasn't already should really check out the French show Braquo. It's the only crime show currently running that comes close to the tone and excitement of its predecessor, IMO, and its protagonist is basically Vic Mackey with a tache and a houseboat.

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Anyone who loves The Shield and hasn't already should really check out the French show Braquo. It's the only crime show currently running that comes close to the tone and excitement of its predecessor, IMO, and its protagonist is basically Vic Mackey with a tache and a houseboat.


Cheers for the heads up, I've been looking for a new show to watch, taches are awesome and I can speak French.

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Yeah, nice one, Magnum. I'd never heard of Braquo until just now. A quick googling makes it seem right up my street. Aside from Luther, there's fuck all on telly for me right now. This should help kill the time until Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy come back.

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Vic Mackey is one of the best arsehole characters I have ever seen on TV and not in a "Dr House" amusing arsehole way, but in a "this bloke is a total cunt" kind of way. Yet... you love him. Well, I did anyway, maybe that says more about me.


I found myself rooting for him the whole time. Yes, hes a total cunt, but its all about bringing down the badguys at any cost. And the way that LA is sort of used as an extra character who corrupts Vic is very well done. You get the feeling that he would have been a by-the-book kind of cop when he was in Boston (which i know isn't ever mentioned in the show, but Michael Chiklis is the most Boston-ised man in the world, even moreso than Mark Walberg), but once he came to LA is changed him.

While I agree his main aim is taking out the trash, it's the amount of clear pleasure he takes in being feared and loathed by everyone that makes him a bad guy at heart I think. He enjoys being a total bastard too much. I'm avoiding anything too spoilery here, but it's clear from the very first episode that it's all about protecting himself more than anyone or anything else.


That's not to say he's not a layered character or that there aren't tons of "shades of grey" moments, of course. That's why it's such a great show.


I too will take Magnum's advice on that other show. Nice one.

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Aside from Luther, there's fuck all on telly for me right now.


The Bridge looks like it could be fun and FX have a pretty high hit-rate for shows (their current dramas are Justified, The Americans, Sons of Anarchy and coughamericanhorrorstorycough). Only one episode in but it's an intriguing premise and the two leads are very good (although leads with Autism is getting somewhat played out these days).

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I can never quite get past the fact these people who are deeply self conscious about their genital mushrooms etc are willing to have their leaky disfigured bits broadcast on national television. Like an embarrassing vagina, it all seems a bit fishy.

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