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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I read an article on the BBC website by Theroux before the porn episode aired, where he talked about the porn stars essentially doing porn as advertising, and making most of their money from escorting. Thought that would have been very interesting if he had covered that in the show. As it was, there was too much bland stuff featured, such as the couple where the woman was a porn star.




I watched the first episode of "Oceans" on BBC, which was awful. Ive seen a few nature shows now that have this sort of format, where they focus as much (if not more) on the actual people doing the exploring, rather than the nature itself. Maybe its because they have to pad out the shows to make an entire series. What you end up with is a show where its mostly these annoying people talking about what they are going to do, only to not actually end up doing it. Sort of like that show Harry Hill always used to take the piss out of, for making claims and then never actually getting any footage of said thing.


Here is the description of the show; "Series revealing the hidden stories of the deep as a team of four marine experts voyage across the globe to explore our planet's last true wilderness - its oceans". What you actually got in the show: 15 minutes of talking about finding hammer-head sharks, but never doing so. 15 minutes of sea lions (hardly a mysterious creature of the deep), a few minutes of squids, and a few minutes of whales. All padded out with relentless talking on their boat.




As recommended by Sickboy, I too have started watching Spartacus. Im only up to episode 4 (The Pit), and have been impressed so far. Seeing Spartacus get arm-barred, then countering into a rear-naked choke in The Pit was one of the more bizarre fight scenes Ive seen. From reading this thread, it only gets better from this point. I was expecting the first three episodes to not be very good, but they were not bad at all, and had enough action thrown in to make the episode fly by. It seems like they spend most of their budget on the fight scenes (which so far have all been really good looking), as the CGI and 'outside' sets do come off as pretty cheap.

Edited by Dai
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so a couple of weeks ago my sky+ each week had the new series of game of thrones, have i got news for you, house, ncis, lip service, not going out & big bang theory. now they're nearly all finished so all i have is ncis and raw/impact - suggest me something please!


If you like NCIS, then Rizzoli and Isles might be worth a try. I think its on Watch (or some channel like that).


thanks, i'll try it - its on in 10 minutes.

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Me and Mrs Small have become addicted to Man Vs Food. As soon as the kids fuck off to their own places, we're off to America to eat ourselves to death as a result of that show.


It's great, though, I think it's good to have a show that embraces a different side to good food.

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Watched most of Morgan Spurlock's New Britannia. It's mainly just Spurlock dying on his ass because his style doesn't suit the talk show format. He's much better in the VTs.


The show does cover a range of important topics (power, law and order, class, humour), but never in much depth. And the lighter bits are only mildly amusing. It's the kind of show you watch when you're half out of it, but don't want something with no real value at all.

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Thanks to Netflix, watched the first series of Pete VS Life in one late-night sitting. I don't like the gimmick of the show with the two commentators as that aspect is quite forced and it doesn't really do anything new with the 'guy does things at the start of the episode that will come back to haunt him by the end' but I like Rafe Spall and some of the writing is decent. I get the feeling the show didn't make much of a splash though?

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Just got through Season 5 of Mad Men. I enjoyed it, but came out of the end feeling like nothing had happened.


You thought that of Season 5? Really? How? I'd get that criticism of other seasons (although I quite like the slow paced Mad Men episodes where nothing really seems to happen) but season five seemdc to have big moments each and every week.

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Thanks to Netflix, watched the first series of Pete VS Life in one late-night sitting. I don't like the gimmick of the show with the two commentators as that aspect is quite forced and it doesn't really do anything new with the 'guy does things at the start of the episode that will come back to haunt him by the end' but I like Rafe Spall and some of the writing is decent. I get the feeling the show didn't make much of a splash though?


No, got one series and was binned. It was heavily advertised by Channel 4 but I don't think anyone watched it.

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Thanks to Netflix, watched the first series of Pete VS Life in one late-night sitting. I don't like the gimmick of the show with the two commentators as that aspect is quite forced and it doesn't really do anything new with the 'guy does things at the start of the episode that will come back to haunt him by the end' but I like Rafe Spall and some of the writing is decent. I get the feeling the show didn't make much of a splash though?


No, got one series and was binned. It was heavily advertised by Channel 4 but I don't think anyone watched it.


Not quite, a second series aired at the end of last year. I know it's throwaway fluff, but I quite enjoyed it and Rafe Spall is Rafe Spall. It's hard to imagine anyone else playing Pete quite the way he does.

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Thanks to Netflix, watched the first series of Pete VS Life in one late-night sitting. I don't like the gimmick of the show with the two commentators as that aspect is quite forced and it doesn't really do anything new with the 'guy does things at the start of the episode that will come back to haunt him by the end' but I like Rafe Spall and some of the writing is decent. I get the feeling the show didn't make much of a splash though?


No, got one series and was binned. It was heavily advertised by Channel 4 but I don't think anyone watched it.


Not quite, a second series aired at the end of last year. I know it's throwaway fluff, but I quite enjoyed it and Rafe Spall is Rafe Spall. It's hard to imagine anyone else playing Pete quite the way he does.


Really? Bloody hell, I must have blinked and missed that.

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Netflix don't have series two. Damn. Do I dare delve back into the world of Heroes? I gave up after season two because it was fucking wretched and I've heard it just gets worse from here. Admittedly, I'm curious to see just how bad it could possibly get.

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Just got through Season 5 of Mad Men. I enjoyed it, but came out of the end feeling like nothing had happened.


You thought that of Season 5? Really? How? I'd get that criticism of other seasons (although I quite like the slow paced Mad Men episodes where nothing really seems to happen) but season five seemdc to have big moments each and every week.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Because the big moments didn't really mean anything, or came out of nowhere. Lane killing himself over his debt was started and finished within about 3 or 4 episodes and seemed utterly pointless. Peggy leaving was a big moment until she appeared an episode or two later and it became obvious she's still going to feature just as much. Aside from that nothing stood out to me.


[close spoiler]

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Netflix don't have series two. Damn. Do I dare delve back into the world of Heroes? I gave up after season two because it was fucking wretched and I've heard it just gets worse from here. Admittedly, I'm curious to see just how bad it could possibly get.


People at the time all said "season 2 is really shit" which to be honest shocked and confused me greatly, because season 1 of Heroes was so unbelievably fucking bad that I couldn't imagine how a show could get any worse. I'm glad though that the show seems to have been completely forgotten by the masses since then.

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