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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I thought it was a bit ambulance-chasing myself, but that's probably because one of my friends was crew on the Concordia and lost a few colleagues. It's incredibly soon after 30 odd people died in it to put together a documentary with all the solemn piano music and all that.

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Yeah I quite liked Just Shoot Me, although there is that fear if I rewatch it I'll find it shit. Rules of Engagement I think its called is the most recent one!


Add me to liking the Just Shoot Me fan club. I liked that when it was on Channel 4 in a morning, was pleasant and engaging enough

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Do you think it's just to soon to do it at all, or that it was done distastefully?


Half and half I think. I remember when they did the one on the tsunami, it was all just camcorder footage and original sound, no soppy music. That was very effective, and it was about a year later. But this one just felt a bit over-produced and the way it made the families whose recordings were used into "character" and all that... I don't know, it just felt wrong. I turned it off after a while.

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Yeah, Rules of Engagement.


I think I enjoyed 8 Simple Rules because I have a soft spot for Ritter, and a raging hard on for James Garner. Also see Hope and Faith for Ted McGinley (Fuck off, he's great).


ABC1 was great "Well, there's fuck all else on" fodder.


Rules of Engagement had the milf from Grounded for Life, so if I flicked it on, it didn't go off for a while. :love:

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Just started watching Sparticus after seeing someone's face chopped off in a gif on here. Three episodes in and its got enough muff and violence to keep me interested but the stylized 300 type stuff does grow a bit tiring. Hoping for a build in quality. Also jumped on board with The Wire at the arse end of season one which I'm now regretting as I await delivery of the full boxset to watch that shit in all its chronological glory!

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I'm midway through Season 3 (or what's available of it) and I haven't seen a dip in quality. Tons of hyperbole in this thread regarding how shit it is now. It's not.

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People who are complaining about The Big Bang Theory being rubbish are way off the mark. It's an inoffensive, harmless mainstream sitcom that at least comes up with new scenarios for its non-stock set of characters.


If you compare it to other mainstream US comedies like Everybody Loves Raymond, or According To Jim, it looks like a Rembrandt.


Raymond pisses all over Big Bang Theory. Raymond is how you do a totally mainstream sitcom - bland as shite center, and some awesome character actors around them. Let's forget his terrible, terrible, nasty wife, though.



Or you do a King of Queens and hire Jerry Stiller and let him carry the show. Now that was some watchable shit sitcom! Raymond definitely got the inferior Costanza parent on his show.






Different people, Chest. Peter Boyle carries that show effortlessly for me.

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So, I understand Spartacus is basically people being hacked to death with stupidly unrealistic special effects and Xena Warrior Princess showing her knockers a lot. Does it have anything else to offer?

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So, I understand Spartacus is basically people being hacked to death with stupidly unrealistic special effects and Xena Warrior Princess showing her knockers a lot. Does it have anything else to offer?


The most blow-you-out-of-your-seat Shakespearean-type plotting in any show I've ever seen. It's just fantastic on every level, from the acting and the visuals (which become less cartooney once they find their groove) to the storyline itself, which is perfectly paced, and has the greatest twists, but twists that all make perfect sense from a character standpoint, and aren't just there out of cheap laziness. I can't recommend it enough. Get yourself through the first few episodes of trashy fun, and you're in for a treat when it becomes amazing. In the first season, John Hannah gives one of the all time great bad-guy performances.



"Once again, the gods spread cheeks and ram cock in ass..."

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