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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Cage get's alot of unfair stick for me, he does choose some random/crap films but I don't think there can be much argument that he's a great actor, like De Niro in recent years the great films override the shit for me.

Edited by Inspector Paul Solo
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Cage get's alot of unfair stick for me, he does choose some random/crap films but I don't think there can be much argument that he's a great actor, like De Niro in recent years the great films override the shit for me.


I would definitely argue that he is not a great actor. As would many.


That said, it'd be hard to argue that he isn't great in some roles.


As well as being a ridiculous over-actor, he also seemingly has the worst taste in films ever, which is why he ends up in some real shite. Ghost Rider was like a "passion project" for him and it is utterly atrocious. I can only assume that the good films he's been in are ones that his agent forced him to do.

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Cage get's alot of unfair stick for me, he does choose some random/crap films but I don't think there can be much argument that he's a great actor, like De Niro in recent years the great films override the shit for me.


I would definitely argue that he is not a great actor. As would many.


That said, it'd be hard to argue that he isn't great in some roles.


As well as being a ridiculous over-actor, he also seemingly has the worst taste in films ever, which is why he ends up in some real shite. Ghost Rider was like a "passion project" for him and it is utterly atrocious. I can only assume that the good films he's been in are ones that his agent forced him to do.

Fair enough but the likes of LLV, The Rock, Con-Air etc are all great films in which he delivers a good performance but you are spot on with the point about his rubbish selection of films, again like De Niro he seems to take everything that's offered him and the less said about the likes of The Wickerman remake the better. If anyone hasn't seen his early/mid 90's work I'd encourage them to go back and have a look as there is some really good stuff in there.

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Cage is a pretty awful actor, but as Chest says when in the hands of a good director, they can channel his madness in interesting directions. Nobody who can turn in performances like in The Wicker Man can ever be described as great.

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Anybody watched Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip? Opinions?


I downloaded all of the first season earlier looking for some new American TV to get my teeth into, then after reading up on it I realised that was the only season. Is it still worth watching, knowing it will probably finish with loose ends, or is it good enough to justify watching just the one season?


Its only one season but it is worth watching. Very well written and a great cast. One thing though. Watch the opening rant by Wes Mandell in S60 and then watch the trailer for The Newsroom. Mr Sorkin is working to a formula.


Anyone watched Dirk Gentley on BBC Four? Watched the first episode and pilot from 2010 and thought it was ok, but felt a bit like a cheaper/spoof version of Sherlock.


Thats because it is. Sherlock is based on the Conan Doyle books (Loosely) and he took himself very seriously, barring his belief in faries. Gently is base on the Douglas Adams books and he was spoofing the genre of detective fiction and never took himself that seriously at all.

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I'm gonna try again, as I got no response last time; has anyone watched Touch? ...it's pretty fucking glorious. Very uplifting.


I really liked the first episode but then the second was pretty much the same with similar characters. The third was decent and I haven't got round to the fourth yet. It's intriguing, hopefully it goes somewhere.


I've also been watching The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret on Netflix. No idea how I'd not heard of it before as its written by and starring David Cross who I fucking love. Only 6 episodes but it's brilliant.

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I've given up on It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. It's really, really shit and I think I genuinely hate it.


Instead I've finally started watching Cracker from the beginning and I'm almost at the end of the first series. It's stood the test of time really well, amazing to think the first series is almost 20 years old. It's also really funny in parts and I've laughed at it far more than I did the aforementioned series. Fizz getting twatted with a traffic cone and mugged for the first winnings he managed all series is awesome.

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I've been enjoying Touch, like was said though, the first two episodes seemed exactly the same, the 3rd changed a little, but its seems to just be more or less the same thing every episode with a happy ever after ending.


It's still early days of course so there's plenty of time for it to progress and fill out etc, I like the the dad, social worker and danny glover's characters so i'll keep with it. Not really sure where they could go with it though, it's a lot like House in a way how every episode is more or less the same, follows a formula etc, i got bored with House before the first season ended so we'll see.

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I'm gonna try again, as I got no response last time; has anyone watched Touch? ...it's pretty fucking glorious. Very uplifting.


Im loving it upto now and it's the first show i've attempted to keep up with week by week, in a very long time. Whether im just getting old and overly emotional I dont know, but theres some seriously tender moments. It also cements my love for

Kiefer Sutherland, what a cool motherfucker!

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I've given up on It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. It's really, really shit and I think I genuinely hate it.


How far into it have you given up? I'll be honest we've not long started it and think it's fucking shit. Does it get better, then worse?

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I've given up on It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. It's really, really shit and I think I genuinely hate it.


How far into it have you given up? I'll be honest we've not long started it and think it's fucking shit. Does it get better, then worse?


I tried three episodes. Didn't laugh once. I've been told in this thread that it hits its strides in series 2, though, so you might want to jump ahead. I won't be.

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I've also been watching The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret on Netflix. No idea how I'd not heard of it before as its written by and starring David Cross who I fucking love. Only 6 episodes but it's brilliant.


There is a 2nd season of 6 episodes which finished in the US about 2 months ago, don't think it has been shown over here yet though. Think there was meant to be a 3rd, requested by the US network it is shown on, but David Cross decided against it.

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