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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Nah. Orton has a good look to him and moves well, but he always comes across as a moron, all vacant eyes, shit tattoos and tantrums. Can't string a sentence together either. High school jock cool, high-fiving his mates after stuffing CM Punk in a locker. I'd much rather be John Cena than Randy Orton.

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Kevin Nash looks, acts and talks cool. Also, he's a fan of programmes like Quincy.


Actually, are Kevin Nash and Scott Hall the coolest wrestlers of all time? All of their shortcomings are easily forgiven as they are just so fucking cool.

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Christian when he FINALLY got a decent haircut has a good shout for being coolest wrestler ever, everyone else was still coming out with long hair and leather trousers while he had a smart haircut and was wearing clothes that have been in fashion after 1987, pretty cutting edge for a wrestler that

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Has Cabana's episode of the Steve Austin show been uploaded yet? I'm not sure whether that it's just my ITunes being silly or whether it hasn't been uploaded. The way that Colt was talking at the start of his episode with Hall last week made it sound like it was up though.

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Was there any ill feeling between Jim Ross and Steve Williams after Williams went to WCW and did those skits with Oklahoma? Seems a bit odd he'd do that seeing as I remember his hype video in the WWF showing photos of him with JR when he was at Uni or something, a wage is a wage though I suppose

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