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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Wasn't there a Nitro from the arse end of 1996 that was in such poor quality that WWE 24/7 decided not to air it? I believe it was just after Piper debuted. Didn't they go on some trading board and buy a copy from somebody and tidy it up a bit?

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Wasn't there a Nitro from the arse end of 1996 that was in such poor quality that WWE 24/7 decided not to air it? I believe it was just after Piper debuted. Didn't they go on some trading board and buy a copy from somebody and tidy it up a bit?


The only Nitro I remember Piper debuting on was the one where Bischoff turned heel and joined the NWO probably around middle of November. Be interesting to find out which one they got hold of as I believe there was around 5 or 6 Nitro's left out of that year.


Kinda weird how when WWE want something they ignore copyright. Speaking of copyright ive always wondered how you can have shows called X-Factor or a film called The Heartbreak Kid when WWE surely owns the copyright to those names. Did WWE to a deal for usage of the names?

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Plus you copyright things for certain uses, so for example "Stone Cold" would be copyrighted for uses in professional wrestling and associated fields, so you couldn't start up "Stone Cold Wrestling" without getting into shit, but you could name a TV show about conspiracies "The Stone Cold Truth" because it has nothing to do with pro wrestling.

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Listening to the Observer podcast and they're discussing the possibility of CM Punk vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania and whether people could buy into the idea of Punk breaking the streak and it made me wonder something...


I guess it's something that would be impossible to know, but what's the likelihood of there being a case where wrestler is put into a program and told he's going to come out victorious, with that never being the plan, just to get the most believable performances out of them in promo's, etc, leading up to the big match?


I figure it's a good way to piss off your talent and obviously they should be able to deliver a believable performance regardless of what they know about the outcome but with last minute changes being made all the time I'm sure there's sometimes where you can never be sure...

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I reckon that happens all the time. Especially with Hogan. Wasn't he meant to lose to HBK in their famous match, but at the last moment (on the day) said "That doesn't work for me, brother"?

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Hogan was never going to lose to Shawn Michaels. He only did the match for footage to use on his reality show. Michaels thought he Hogan was going to return the favour but Hogan didn't even agree to anything like that. Makes no sense why he would have anyway. Hogan was only used once or twice a year. Doing a job would have damaged his drawing power for the next time he came in to up the buyrate.

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I thought Hogan was supposed to win and then HBK would win a rematch a few months later which Hogan bailed on?


The (alleged) best that Hogan would offer other than the one-off match was a rematch at Unforgiven in a cage match, which he would also win. Shawn wasn't keen.

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The biggest city in all of those states only has 200,000 and there's only a half dozen or so cities that have 100,000, so it's not really worth "wasting" TV dates there. Bear in mind you want to find two cities within easy driving distance (for Raw and Smackdown tapings on consecutive nights) and then strings of two or three cities for house shows beforehand. That's tricky in desolate, wide open areas like those states.

Edited by JNLister
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