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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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So what about Ricky Steamboat leaving WWE in the 80's? Was reading that he asked for time off for the birth of his son (now a WWE Superstar himself!) and they granted him time off but decided to punish him and bury him after he returned? Is there truth to all of that or is it something different like NWA offering more money or something?

Edited by Cobra1000
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I think he asked for time off right after winning the IC Title. In those days the IC champ was meant to headline B house shows, so Vince was rightly very fucking pissed off. Honky Tonk Man wins title in early June, Steamer disappears until late July when he does three shows between then and September, and then appears semi-regularly until his last appearance at Wrestlemania IV then did nothing for a year until Eddie Gilbert introduced him as a mystery tag partner in the NWA in 1989.


In hindsight, it probably worked out for the best for everyone that it all happened that way.

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Butch, is it true that Honky wasn't booked to beat Steamboat until someone no-showed?


According to some Butch Reed was due to win but no-showed, due to others he wasn't as is evidenced by him being in the locker room celebration. There's so many apocryphal tales of this nature in wrestling I'm not even going to hazard a guess whether the "Butch Reed no showed and Hulk said 'Give it to him!'" story is true or not.

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I know Steamboat thought they were punishing him. He said in his shoot interview I think that he thought they were gonna have him put Savage over in the tournament quarter or semi finals at Wrestlemania IV, returning the favour from the previous year. But someone (Pat Patterson maybe?) came up and said 'You can go home early tonight Ricky' and had him lose to Valentine in the first round.


Why did he disappear until 1989 after that? Some no compete thing, an injury or did he just want some time off?

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So what about Ricky Steamboat leaving WWE in the 80's? Was reading that he asked for time off for the birth of his son (now a WWE Superstar himself!)


Has Richie been promoted to TV now then or is he still down in Florida? I must admit, I thought he was one of the better wrestlers when I was following FCW late last year / early this year.

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