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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Two Abyss-related questions here:


1. A good while ago, someone on another, more cretinous wrestling forum said that TNA had toyed with the idea of creating a "Monsters" division revolving around Abyss, presumably their idea of a Hardcore division. Has anyone here ever heard of this? If so, is it true or total push?


There was a Monsters Division, for about 6 months. It was Abyss, Raven a bit, Black Reign, Rellik, Judas Mesias as well I think, and probably some others I've forgotten. It was sort of hardcore with a bit of supernatural/horror thrown in. It was terrible, and was a big part of Abyss going from a half-decent Kane ripoff to a terrible Kane ripoff;

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Before the debut of "THEY" at BFG a few years ago, someone (ShortOrderCook possibly) suggested the idea that it should have been a big stable of monsters, Abyss, Mike Knox, Big Daddy V, Snitsky and others.


It would have been much better than what we got.

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Adrian Adonis shouting "WHAT THE FUCK?!" on camera after having his head shaved at WrestleMania 3 sprung to my mind this morning, and I wondered if there are any other famous examples pre-Attitude era of wrestlers using proper swear-words (stuff other than Ass) on TV.


I feel like I should be remembering some, but the next earliest chronological example I can think of from the big 2 is Diesel looking into camera and saying "I'm the shit, I'm telling ya" at WrestleMania 12.


on that same show Shawn telling the cameraman to get the fuck out the way

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What is the best way to keep up with AAA ? I caught a match on youtube last night that seemed to be from last month, and was very impressed with what i saw. For what its worth, It involve Psicosis (now back under the old mask), Juvi (who looked to be in much better place personally), Teddy Hart and Jack Evans for the Cruiserweight belt.


If any body can help, that'd be fantastic!

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Ooh, just remembered that video is on line. Can't link directly to that section but it's at the 7:20 mark here:



Did that air on WWF TV like that?


Doesn't Flair shout "YOU FUCKING SONOFABITCH!!" after taking a (stiff) flying clothesline from Vader at Starrcade 1993?

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Ooh, just remembered that video is on line. Can't link directly to that section but it's at the 7:20 mark here:




Just finished watching the whole thing... Christ, you liked your ECW didn't you John?

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What is the best way to keep up with AAA ? I caught a match on youtube last night that seemed to be from last month, and was very impressed with what i saw. For what its worth, It involve Psicosis (now back under the old mask), Juvi (who looked to be in much better place personally), Teddy Hart and Jack Evans for the Cruiserweight belt.


If any body can help, that'd be fantastic!

AAA tv is mostly all up on youtube. It's only one show per week which works out at 3 or 4 matches. There's sometimes local tv shows uploaded too, but i'm not sure if that shows anything different, vamp'll tell you.


I think warriorsx2000 still puts up whole shows, but if not, you can watch the individual matches on thecubsfans channel (or download from his blog if you like)


You're not wrong about Juventud. He's looking pretty good these days and seems in excellent shape. Hart and Evans are hideous though. It's hard to find the words to adequate describe just how dreadful those two dicks are.

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Those Hulk Who? videos were great. I have them in the house. I wonder if Lister was to create a Hulk Who? in 2012, which wrestlers he would showcase on them.


What would be the ECW of 2012? roh and stuff like that are a dime a dozen, so I doubt it'd be anything like that. Lucha?

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What is the best way to keep up with AAA ? I caught a match on youtube last night that seemed to be from last month, and was very impressed with what i saw. For what its worth, It involve Psicosis (now back under the old mask), Juvi (who looked to be in much better place personally), Teddy Hart and Jack Evans for the Cruiserweight belt.


If any body can help, that'd be fantastic!

AAA tv is mostly all up on youtube. It's only one show per week which works out at 3 or 4 matches. There's sometimes local tv shows uploaded too, but i'm not sure if that shows anything different, vamp'll tell you.


I think warriorsx2000 still puts up whole shows, but if not, you can watch the individual matches on thecubsfans channel (or download from his blog if you like)


You're not wrong about Juventud. He's looking pretty good these days and seems in excellent shape. Hart and Evans are hideous though. It's hard to find the words to adequate describe just how dreadful those two dicks are.


Somebody called? There's probably never been a better time to follow AAA in terms of content being avilable. And you're getting in right when things should start kicking off in the build up to TripleMania, the biggest show of the year. I normally keep up through Warriorsx2000 who now that's he's uploading again is uploading AAA, some CMLL (although not always all), IWRG and Santo's promotion where all his OAP buddies battle it out inbetween posing for photos. LuchaLibredeMexico is also a good option, he's uploading full shows at the moment (in one handy video) although the picture quality isn't always great. He seems to upload random old stuff as well. And obviously there's The Cubs Fan although that's mainly individual matches. He might be more handy for checking out the regional show matches, some of which are better than what seems to end up on the main show. There's normally two or three of them. You don't really need to watch them to keep up with the general storylines though.


That match must be from the second half of the Night of Champions stuff, which I haven't checked out yet. I'm starting to slip behind. Psicosis is back under the mask because his enemy for the past year (in the feud that never fucking ends) decided to set his face on fire. Which if I remember rightly was revenge for Psicosis stapling him. I'm not sure it's an appropiate retaliation really, but the divide between technicos and rudos in AAA isn't exactly strong. Juvi's been great since his return, but I've always had a soft spot for him. I'd rather he got a big push than Jack Evans, who was being pushed at the start of the year but (praise the non-existent Lord) that seems to have stopped. I'm not a fan fo Evans in the slightest. Teddy Hart came back revently in what was a completely mental spot fest that looked more like a video montage.


All in all, AAA's pretty easy to keep up with. If I remember later I'll post a general gist of the storylines. Maybe when I'm pissed and it'll all make sense. CMLL the one that's a bitch to follow. It has less storylines but rarely ever has promos so the characters and motivations for feuds aren't always the clearest if your Spanish if a bit shit (like mine). That and there's fucking loads of it. Apparently 9.5 hours of it is televised each week. Seemingly all of that reaches YouTube.

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What would be the ECW of 2012? roh and stuff like that are a dime a dozen, so I doubt it'd be anything like that. Lucha?

I dunno to be honest. Everywhere is pretty much on its arse as far as new people coming through. Ring of Honor's shite now, NOAH is struggling to put a tenner on the electric key, I don't think New Japan even has TV anymore, WWE's talent depth is pretty bad at the minute, the Indies don't have the same spark as they did a few years ago. As good as TNA has been recently, even they are using the same guys, just in better positions. All you really hear about now is internet based start up promotions using the same wrestlers everyone else uses, like that Billy Corgan group and the Jeff Katz thing, that don't last more than 6 badly produced shows. You never hear about never exciting promotions or super talents coming down the pike anymore.


Haven't seem much Lucha recently. Vamp's the best bloke to ask about that, but Kurt Angle's going over there soon by all accounts. Kurt vs LA Park is touted for TripleMania, which sounds amazing. Especially the form Kurt Angle is on at the minute.


If I remember later I'll post a general gist of the storylines.

Please do!

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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I don't think New Japan even has TV anymore


Actually NJPW has the absolute best coverage of any Japanese promotion.


Television Schedule Juni 2012 (von Sternness am 02.06.2012)



01.06.2012: AJPW 20.05.2012 @ Acros Fukuoka (120 Min)


05.06.2012: BJW 25.05.2012 @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall (120 Min)


08.06.2012: NJPW 03.06.2012 @ Akashi Municipal Industrial Exchange Center (120 Min)


09.06.2012: NJPW 06.06.2012 @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall (120 Min)


10.06.2012: NJPW 10.06.2012 @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall (240 Min / Live)


12.06.2012: Michinoku Pro 03.06.2012 @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall (120 Min)


17.06.2012: Kensuke Sasaki & Akira Hokuto Mexico Excursion (60 Min)


19.06.2012: ZERO1 14.06.2012 @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall (120 Min)


23.06.2012: NOAH 06.06.2012 @ Kumamoto Circulation Information Hall (120 Min)


29.06.2012: DDT 24.06.2012 @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall (120 Min)


30.06.2012: NOAH 10.06.2012 @ Matsushita IMP Hall (120 Min)





01.06.2012: Dragon Gate 19.05.2012 @ Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium #2 (Infinity #357) (180 Min)


04.06.2012: AJPW 27.05.2012 @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall (B-Banquet #310) (180 Min)


07.06.2012: OZ Academy 20.05.2012 @ Shinjuku FACE (Puroresu King #258) (120 Min)


07.06.2012: Dragon Gate 07.06.2012 @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall (Infinity #358) (225 Min)


18.06.2012: KAIENTAI DOJO 01.06.2012 @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall (Puroresu King #259) (120 Min)


20.06.2012: Dragon Gate 09.06.2012 @ Sapporo Teisen Hall (Infinity #359) (180 Min)


21.06.2012: Dragon Gate 10.06.2012 @ Sapporo Teisen Hall (Infinity #360) (180 Min)


25.06.2012: AJPW 17.06.2012 @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall (B-Banquet #311) (180 Min)





08.06.2012: NJPW 02.06.2012 @ Kyoto KBS Hall (120 Min)





04.06.2012: NOAH 22.04.2012 @ Sapporo Teisen Hall (Di Colosseo #487) (120 Min)


07.06.2012: NOAH 03.06.2012 @ Nagoya Sports Center (NOAH Special) (240 Min)


12.06.2012: NOAH 27.04.2012 @ Niigata City Gymnasium (Di Colosseo #488) (120 Min)


15.06.2012: NOAH 13.06.2012 @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NOAH Special) (210 Min)


18.06.2012: NOAH 29.04.2012 @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall (Di Colosseo #489) (120 Min)


25.06.2012: NOAH 29.04.2012 @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall (Di Colosseo #490) (120 Min)





05.06.2012: Osaka Pro 29.04.2012 @ Matsushita IMP Hall (150 Min)





05.06.2012: NJPW 03.05.2012 @ Fukuoka International Center (World Pro Wrestling Complete Edition #52) (210 Min)





07.06.2012: NJPW 18.06.2011 @ Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium (NJPW World Pro Wrestling Returns #10) (55 Min)


14.06.2012: NJPW 18.06.2011 @ Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium (NJPW World Pro Wrestling Returns #11) (55 Min)


21.06.2012: NJPW 18.06.2011 @ Makomanai Sekisui Heim Ice Arena (NJPW World Pro Wrestling Returns #12) (55 Min)





16.06.2012: NJPW 16.06.2012 @ Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium (Live)




New Japan and Dragon Gate have by far the best coverage TV wise and tend to draw the biggest crowds on a consistent basis.

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