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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Anyone know what the deal is with Justin.tv? last year when I was bored I often popped on there and watched some old Nitro's/Raw's etc but I have checked twice this year and there is no wrestling what so ever on there


I'm guessing WWE threatened them with legal action?




You get hardly any sports on there nowadays.

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Just watching Vintage collection and noticed they have the ECW logo as part of Mean gene's set. I doubt they have, but have they ever featured an actual ECW match on the show?


I'm pretty sure that they've used one of Dean Malenko's and possibly one of Rey Mysterio's ECW matches on there before, during the cruiserweight season they do once every year or so.

Edited by His_Airness
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Have there ever been any examples of AJ Styles having a shitty attitude? I've been watching his match from last month with El Mesias and it drags and drags with AJ applying constant rest holds for the first ten minutes before they've even done much. And we're talking lazy rest holds not wearing down a body part or anything like that. I suppose it could be that they booked it to go twenty minutes but Mesias was too unfit to go that at any pace, he doesn't look his fittest here, but I'm actually inclined to think it's Styles. He gets no reaction when he comes out and just doesn't quite seem to have his working boots on. Normally I think he's capable of having an exciting match but I really can't stress how boring this thing was.

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I have never heard anything solid against AJ, however over the years have seena few comments from individuals which makes me think he isnt always on top form in terms of his attitude. Mostly this is outside of the ring when people have said he comes across a bit arrogant and unfriendly. However he was fine when I have spoken to him and you never know how people have been when approaching him.

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Hmm, I suppose hanging about with a bunch of exoticos (I'm not saying that all cross dressers are gay...) before going out there to set up a Rob Terry beatdown and the return of the corpse of Vampiro in front of a crowd that really doesn't give a shit about him might not be the highlight of his career.

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WWE didn't buy the ECW Tape Library until 2003, so who had the footage inbetween 2001 and 2003?

Simon Worden got it right. Administrators.


I remember there being an argument between the WWF and the Admins after the WWF starting using the ECW logo in that "InVasion" storyline. They had to pay-off a bunch of people for the rights.

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Why did the Pitbulls leave ECW? They just disappeared and are one of the few big guys in ECW who never did anything afterwards.


Also were there any rumours going around before the 2001 Royal Rumble about Drew Carey being in the match or was it a genuine surprise on the night?

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Didnt they grass someone up in real life and left the business for a period? I remember something was fishy about their exit from ECW. Dont know if thats why they left ECW, but definitely something drug-related where they were recieving threats on their life happened around this period.

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