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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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I got told they can be up to forty quid? Did I get robbed?


Yeah. Analog cables like Scart leads are a sliding scale with more expensive ones delivering a purer signal (though at what stage you stop noticing any difference depends how good your equipment is and how much you want to convince yourself you weren't ripped off.) A digital cable like HDMI either works or it doesn't. Once you've paid enough that it transmits all the ones and zeroes reliably (which will be a few quid), anything extra is a waste of cash.

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The TV has most fittings but the laptop just has USB's and what looks like a 15pin trapezium shape, fuck knows what that's for.


The 15 pin thing is the VGA for hooking it up to tellys.

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If I remember correctly she was with her highschool sweetheart all along, and they're married now. Possibly making her the first woman to be in the WWE and not be


a) Somewhat "loose"

b) Batistad

Edited by ButchReedMark
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If I remember correctly she was with her highschool sweetheart all along, and they're married now.


Yeah they got married a week or two after her retirement match at Unforgiven 2006.


This is the lucky bastard, who I reckon looks like a cross between Joaquin Phoenix and Barry from Eastenders.



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Which was also the Renegade's theme at the very same time in WCW. There's some trivia for you. It was also on the 10 minute freeview after Raw on Sky Sports 3 back in the 90s. If you fancied a wank with Marc Mero and Renegade in mind, the 10 minute freeview was the place to be:


Edited by Ian_hitmanhart
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