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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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The Wrestling Channel used to show some really fun little promotion called Live Action Wrestling too. I've been trying to find out more about it - I think it was based in Memphis as I'm sure Lawler was on commentary in full heel mode. My memories of it are really vague, but I thought it was a lot of fun.


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I was watching Donague(?) about the sexual harrasment lawsuits from the WWF in the early 90's and Bruno Sammartino said that Vince McMahon Sr got him banned from every promoter in the States, what was the incident that led to that?

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Why does Roger Daltery think its still Christmas?

Because Tommy doesnt know what day it is. He doesnt know who Jesus was or what praying is.




For the record its been like that since Christmas 2009.

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Are there any backstage photos of Kane without his mask on from when he was still doing the mask gimmick?

A quick search says no, if i remember rightly he was very strict on his mask wearing etc.


Although, what about an unmasked kane backstage......with masked kane?



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Does anyone know how the wrestling terms "face" and "heel" have their origins in? I understand that it comes from carny speak, but is there more to it or are the terms random ones that stuck?

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Does anyone know how the wrestling terms "face" and "heel" have their origins in? I understand that it comes from carny speak, but is there more to it or are the terms random ones that stuck?

I know the term "Face" comes from the longer term "Babyface", as in to look sweet and nice etc. As for "Heel" i dont know the full term (if there is one) but i wouldnt be suprised if it was just a random word they picked that wouldnt be assciotiated with what they were talking about, just in case anybody over heard them.


hope that helps!

Edited by Bowyo T
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"Blue eyed babyface" is another extension commonly used in days of yore, and I've read both different shortenings, as in "maybe it's time for Cena to turn, he's getting stale as a blue-eye." Bit old fashioned mind.


In everyday life I've also heard people that a turncoat or two-faced referred to as a "shitheel."

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