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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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I've just watched Bret vs Vince at Wrestlemania 26 and was wondering did it ever come out why it was so astonishingly badly booked?

The actual match or the whole angle?


As for the build up, it wasnt that bad really......then again thats just me. As for the match, its because Bret has had a stroke, as well as a very serious Injury to the head , so he couldnt really take any shots to the face and thus only took gut/nut shots.


Hope that helps!

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  • Paid Members
I've just watched Bret vs Vince at Wrestlemania 26 and was wondering did it ever come out why it was so astonishingly badly booked?

The actual match or the whole angle?


As for the build up, it wasnt that bad really......then again thats just me. As for the match, its because Bret has had a stroke, as well as a very serious Injury to the head , so he couldnt really take any shots to the face and thus only took gut/nut shots.


Hope that helps!


Yeah I ment the match. I know all about Brets health limitations but that doesnt explain why the match was booked so poorly. There were about a thousand ways to work round Bret and have a better match. It's remarkable in its incompetence.

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  • Paid Members
I've just watched Bret vs Vince at Wrestlemania 26 and was wondering did it ever come out why it was so astonishingly badly booked?

The actual match or the whole angle?


As for the build up, it wasnt that bad really......then again thats just me. As for the match, its because Bret has had a stroke, as well as a very serious Injury to the head , so he couldnt really take any shots to the face and thus only took gut/nut shots.


Hope that helps!


Yeah I ment the match. I know all about Brets health limitations but that doesnt explain why the match was booked so poorly. There were about a thousand ways to work round Bret and have a better match. It's remarkable in its incompetence.

To be honest due to his health, its not like he could really have a huge match any way, such as wild brawling (which normally covers various injuries). But bar that the match was a bit to long........although i'm guessing as part of the deal of him coming back, vince just told bret to level him with a chair for 20 mins. It probably really helped him deal with the past issues in some sort of crazy way.


But yeah, a crazy match, which is half fair enough, the other half they could of done without.

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  • Paid Members

But it wasn't due to Brets health that they did the Hart family swerve on Vince at the start of the match and not build any sort of heat. Bret couldn't take bumps or head shots. That didn't leah he couldn't do anything. Selling a knee or arm would have been no problem. But even if Vince never got any offense in the match could have been booked better. As it was they inadvertently build sympathy for Vince and put Bret in the heel role. It makes no sense.

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But it wasn't due to Brets health that they did the Hart family swerve on Vince at the start of the match and not build any sort of heat. Bret couldn't take bumps or head shots. That didn't leah he couldn't do anything. Selling a knee or arm would have been no problem. But even if Vince never got any offense in the match could have been booked better. As it was they inadvertently build sympathy for Vince and put Bret in the heel role. It makes no sense.

in that case then, who knows!


For me personally i was bored to hell with the match until all the other Harts came out, as it sort of looked like interesting with one of them becoming a ref, and everybody looking really evil etc.


But either way it was a terrible match, so i felt pretty bad about it as a whole though!

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As it was they inadvertently build sympathy for Vince and put Bret in the heel role. It makes no sense.


I'm not sure if it was true, but I remember reading on the news sites shortly after the show that the intention was to have Vince come out of it as a face. Not turning Bret in any way, but portraying Vince in a slightly sympathetic light as a bloke who'd got his comeuppance, then moving on with him in a face role.


True or not, it's still a fucking abomination of a match. A stroke victim beating up a senior citizen for what seems like forever, with a ring surrounded by nutcases in evening wear, with the biggest nutcase of the lot refereeing.

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Does anybody know the upcoming matches for the WWE raw live event this coming saturday 05/11/2011?




Not much has been announced




***WWE Championship Match***

John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio

CM Punk vs. The Miz

John Morrison

Dolph Ziggler

Kofi Kingston

Evan Bourne



Beth Phoenix

And many more!


Source: https://www.theticketfactory.com/bookingsdi...E6-F2CF260592A0

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Anyone know why WCW dropped the WCW Women's Title so fast?


Seems weird to spend money on a new belt, hold a tournament and then drop the Title shortly after crowning the first ever champion, actually wasn't there even a WCW Women's Cruiserweight Title that was dropped by the company as well?


Watching some 1996 Nitro and it reminded me that the Title existed.

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  • Paid Members
Anyone know why WCW dropped the WCW Women's Title so fast?


Seems weird to spend money on a new belt, hold a tournament and then drop the Title shortly after crowning the first ever champion, actually wasn't there even a WCW Women's Cruiserweight Title that was dropped by the company as well?


Watching some 1996 Nitro and it reminded me that the Title existed.

Not 100% sure, but both titles basically went to japan for about a year or so to the GAEA promotion. Then they were dropped. God know, WCW would of set it to compete with WWE, although found that (most likely anyway) nothing improved in the ratings, so just dropped it.

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