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The UKFF Comics n Graphic Novels thread

Famous Mortimer

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Has anyone here checked out Batman: Cacophony by Kevin Smith and Walt Flanagan? I was thinking of picking up a copy, I havnt read any comics in a while (last ones I picked up were the Umbrella Academy ones) and im a fan of Smith, wondering if it was worth a read?

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I've not read the Batman story but in general, Smith seems to put alot effort into his comics and his stories are well thought out and usually very good. Sorry that doesn't really answer the question but, not just being a Smith fan, his work on Green Arrow and Spiderman have been quality stories.


Well, i came into a bit of a windfall and blew the load on comics :) I got Batman: A Death in the Family. It is quite a cool story with a nice touch at the end but it almost seemed like it's a bit rushed. However, most of the book is good and the little twist right at the end is very good.


Then i bought Deadpool: Dark Reign and Deadpool: Suicide Kings. Bit expensive as they're both hard backs, but damn i love them. I think i prefer Dark Reign over the two as the story is just more to my liking, although i'm wondering if i missed something due to the first frame, plus i now i need to read Deadpool Thunderbolts. Both are nice stories with lots of fun and good puns as you'd expect, but for those fans of Bullseye read Dark Reign as he's heavily involved and very nearly turns into a good guy.


Suicide Kings has alot of humour and plenty of 'guest star' appearances, so it's well worth a read. I just preferred the story of Dark Reign for some reason.


Finally, bought Punisher Max: Six Hours To Kill. I was a bit apprehensive as i thought no one could match Ennis' stint But the story was true Punisher as you would imagine. Very good art work and the panels were well thought out. The characters, while a bit like some in Ennis' work earlier on, are very good and the story followed a good narrative. Recommend to anyone like me who thought the punisher went downhill after Ennis.

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I've just read Dark Regin: Hercules. Over a bit too quick. Enjoyed it though. Those Greek gods are strange beings. Eating their own children! Madness.

Have also read World War Hulk. Didn't feel the need to read Planet Hulk. Thought everything was covered quite well in World War Hulk.

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Has anyone seen the new Batman / Superman animated film "Public Enemies"? I watched it the other day, and despite it being based on a Jeph Loeb story (boo) it was a surprising amount of fun. Batman and Superman whup the asses of a bunch of villains and quite a few of the smaller-time heroes and save the Earth from a giant kryptonite meteor. Nothing massively deep, but just a good old knock-down-drag-out superhero film.

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Has anyone seen the new Batman / Superman animated film "Public Enemies"? I watched it the other day, and despite it being based on a Jeph Loeb story (boo) it was a surprising amount of fun. Batman and Superman whup the asses of a bunch of villains and quite a few of the smaller-time heroes and save the Earth from a giant kryptonite meteor. Nothing massively deep, but just a good old knock-down-drag-out superhero film.


How close is it to the original GN? I went and re-read it recently, and it's really good, even better on second reading. The whole Batman/Superman series is well worth picking up.

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How close is it to the original GN? I went and re-read it recently, and it's really good, even better on second reading. The whole Batman/Superman series is well worth picking up.

Apparently, not very, although the person I watched it with who's read it says it's about as enjoyable as the comic.

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Has anyone seen the new Batman / Superman animated film "Public Enemies"? I watched it the other day, and despite it being based on a Jeph Loeb story (boo) it was a surprising amount of fun. Batman and Superman whup the asses of a bunch of villains and quite a few of the smaller-time heroes and save the Earth from a giant kryptonite meteor. Nothing massively deep, but just a good old knock-down-drag-out superhero film.


How close is it to the original GN? I went and re-read it recently, and it's really good, even better on second reading. The whole Batman/Superman series is well worth picking up.


I read Absolute Power and Supergirl and really enjoyed them. It's a fun dynamic between the two of them. What other ones are there?


Download yourself a proper comic book reader; they're free and small and it makes it a much more enjoyable experience.


Is there any particular one you would recommend?


I have ComicRack, I think.. I forget as I haven't used it in a while. IF that's the one I have though, it's very good.





Oh, and I'm not sure if I've mentioned it in this thread... Anyone else a fan of Walking Dead? I read the first 4 books a little while back and it's brilliant. Normally my comic reading is just whatever random books I can find in the library but this is the first series in a while that I've been quite excited about.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Oh, and I'm not sure if I've mentioned it in this thread... Anyone else a fan of Walking Dead? I read the first 4 books a little while back and it's brilliant. Normally my comic reading is just whatever random books I can find in the library but this is the first series in a while that I've been quite excited about.

Absolutely, one of the best comics of recent years, if incredibly light, per issue, on the amount of content (double splash pages are commonplace, for example). And the TV show will hopefully be just as good.

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Oh, and I'm not sure if I've mentioned it in this thread... Anyone else a fan of Walking Dead? I read the first 4 books a little while back and it's brilliant. Normally my comic reading is just whatever random books I can find in the library but this is the first series in a while that I've been quite excited about.

I have them. I'd recommend them to anyone. If you like Superhero comics, Kirkman's Invincible is his love letter to the genre. If you can track it down, I think you'll enjoy it.


And the TV show will hopefully be just as good.

Apparently, Frank Darabont reads it on a monthly basis and with his proven track record of producing good drama, I don't see how it could be anything less than good.


Who would you like to see cast? I'd go with Six Feet Under's Peter Krause as Rick Grimes, he's a decent enough actor and he looks right for the role.

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Has anyone seen the new Batman / Superman animated film "Public Enemies"? I watched it the other day, and despite it being based on a Jeph Loeb story (boo) it was a surprising amount of fun. Batman and Superman whup the asses of a bunch of villains and quite a few of the smaller-time heroes and save the Earth from a giant kryptonite meteor. Nothing massively deep, but just a good old knock-down-drag-out superhero film.


How close is it to the original GN? I went and re-read it recently, and it's really good, even better on second reading. The whole Batman/Superman series is well worth picking up.


I read Absolute Power and Supergirl and really enjoyed them. It's a fun dynamic between the two of them. What other ones are there?


There's the three already mentioned - Public Enemies, Absolute Power and Supergirl. I'm almost certain there's one more, but I forget the title. I decided not to buy it on account of running out of money at that point.

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