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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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You still getting persecuted by the Icke believers, SickWoy? I recall you making the mistake of mentioning him in a blog.


Thankfully that did wind down eventually. Hilarious as it was, I was still getting abusive emails a year later. If anyone wants to relieve my being outed as a Masonic Sodomite Jew, the post, and its 200+ comments in question is here. A brilliant side effect of that blog's going viral is that I still get a daily look into the minds of conspiracy loons, via the Google searches that bring them to it. Here's a couple from today:


pete townshend mk ultra

what was jill dando about to reveal. david icke

why does bray wyatt mock god


Last one not really relevant, just funny. I ended up loving the abuse so much, I turned it into publicity.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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Last one not really relevant, just funny. I ended up loving the abuse so much, I turned it into publicity.




Was trying my best not to burst into fits of giggles last night reading through that during break.


Whats the odds on at least one of those cretins being Duane?

Edited by The King Of Swing
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This might have been posted, but if not:


Utsuro-Bune - UFO in old Japan


There are apparently three accounts of this story: a group of travellers discovered a strange vessel washed up on the shore, containing an unusual-looking (to them) woman, carrying a strange box. According to the scrolls that were written and illustrated at the time, the vessel was marked with similar symbols to those found on the Rendlesham UFO.

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  • Paid Members
This might have been posted, but if not:


Utsuro-Bune - UFO in old Japan


There are apparently three accounts of this story: a group of travellers discovered a strange vessel washed up on the shore, containing an unusual-looking (to them) woman, carrying a strange box. According to the scrolls that were written and illustrated at the time, the vessel was marked with similar symbols to those found on the Rendlesham UFO.

Fabulous! And that website takes me straight back to 2001 :love:


Never seen this video before,


He says there were two surviving aliens from the Roswell incident. I want to believe him so much, I'm trying to find another source that says there were 2 survivors rather than the usual 1. Also looking into the 'interviews' but nothing from the articles sit right. The videos on YouTube are good fun though.


Link to a google docs version of The Alien Interview.

Edited by Kookoocachu
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Seems like an appropriate thread to break out my Area 51 trip report. I went to Las Vegas for a friend's wedding last year, and did one of those all-day minibus tours to Rachel NV and the surrounding 'landmarks' (term used loosely). I'm fascinated by the lore that surrounds the place, and it seemed like a unique photo opportunity - plus a chance to get away from the relentless plastic and neon of the city - so me and the Mrs went for it. Naturally, a day trip marketing itself as an Area 51 sightseeing tour is bound to attract a certain sort of punter - we were clearly the only skeptics on the bus but we'll come back to that later. It's us two Brits, a 9/11 truther from Pennsylvania who came to Vegas to see Shania Twain and booked this side trip on a whim, and two guys from Australia on a 6 week American road trip with this day trip as it's highlight. They were hardcore UFO/paranormal enthusiasts, with an encyclopaedic knowledge of alleged incidents over the years. Plus the driver, Bill, who clearly doesn't believe any of the stories so delivers it all with a smile and a wink.


The tour begins in the car park of a hotel/casino that overlooks McCarran Airport. In the distance, a plane with no markings save for a lone red stripe has passengers boarding. These are the planes which ferry workers to and from the base every day. A fellow guest on the trip barks over the fence to a security guard "Where are these people going? Who pays for this? What do they do?" His lack of answer is interpreted as someone trying to stifle the truth. The truth I suspect is that he probably doesn't know either, and is probably fed up of getting this question from the tourist bus every Wednesday.



The first stop - after a 2 hour trip to the middle of nowhere - is a dry lake bed that was to be used as an emergency landing site for the space shuttle. Nearby are some stick figure petroglyphs which are touted as being Native American representations of aliens. Here we get our first sign that we're approaching a military zone as several jets whizz past at a tremendous height, no more than specks performing acrobatics overhead with the sun reflecting off at certain points in their turns.




We stop for lunch at the "Little A'Le'Inn", the only business for about a 30 mile radius serving food and drinks (and a loo stop) for passing tourists. As we pull up, a camouflaged Jeep full of soldiers joins us, and they all pile in front of the sign for photos. "They knew we were coming. They've come to keep tabs on us. Look at them taking photos as if they aren't here every day, pretending they're tourists." I dismissed this talk as paranoia though they were all greeted on first name terms by staff.



Lunch itself was standard American diner fare, with portion sizes to match.



The walls are adorned with photos contributed by believers, signed photos from various sci-fi stars, and stills from sci-fi films. As these weren't clearly defined, I observed one of the Australian guests commenting "How can the media deny the lack of evidence? You never see photos like this in the press?" when looking at a still from Close Encounters Of The third Kind. I didn't have the heart to tell him.


Of course, there was a gift shop.



The penultimate stop was Steve Medlin's black mail box, now white, and helpfully plastered with graffiti and stickers from passing tourists.I can only imagine the poor bloke shaking his head picking up his mail in the morning and complaining that he's fed up of this shit.


Seconds later, the sound of a massive sonic boom hit us. Pants were nearly shat. In the distance a jet was doing figures of 8 in the sky - obviously miles away by the time the sound reached us. I can imagine if it was night time, with a light doing rapid manoeuvres in the distance and the odd sonic boom hits you, that you might attribute it to something else.



The final stop was Area 51 itself! Or at least, as close as you can get as a civilian without being shot, a point which is still 15 miles away from the base. Much is made of the high tech security surrounding the place and the surveillance from allegendly up to 50 miles away before getting to the base. I think that's less to do with technology and more to do with the fact it's in the middle of nowhere and you can see the smoke billowing behind any vehicle from at least 20 miles away. That said, with a keen eye you can spot aerials and other odd objects stuck up in trees from about 10 miles away.


The "line" between restricted area and regular land is not that clearly delineated. There's no gate, no physical line, get some signs to the side of the road which you could miss if you were travelling at speed. (Although you'd have to be very, VERY lost to find yourself out here.) When we turned the corner into the valley the road passes we noticed lots of aerials and cameras, some more obvious than others, and of course a lone white jeep atop a hill, looking down at us.



Our guide then told us an anecdote about a guest who couldn't understand why the tour ended here, and insisted he drive her to the base. She then gets out, starts walking and is arrested and taken away. All guests have their photos and footage erased and are sent packing. He never heard back from the woman in question.


As the jeep's occupants could likely hear every word we were saying, I wondered what sort of wild theories they'd listened to over the years, as I myself eavesdropped a conversation speculating that the jeep is remote controlled, or occupied by alien-human hybrids, or controlled by super-secret robots with synthetic skin. I realise upon reading this back that it may sometimes come across in a sneering or condescending way which isn't my intention at all, all the guys on the bus were a great laugh and we all got on well, but I couldn't share their faith that there's really something paranormal going on out here.


I came away from the trip believing far less in the myths about Area 51 than before I went... but if you find yourself with a spare day in Vegas (and have done the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam... FFS do those first!), then you might enjoy the day out and get some holiday snaps that not many people have. The truth may be out there, but you won't find it here.


If the photos don't embed, my full album can be viewed here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1...mp;l=d6e15402d6

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I've recently started reading about the Egyptian pyramids and some of the facts (or more precisely, unanswered questions) are baffling. I've never cared much for the Loch Ness or Big Foot-type theories and some of the helmets who talk about the moon landing being faked and 9/11 being an inside job are enough to stop me looking further into things like that. Can anybody recommend some good books or online sources on the pyramids for a novice in the field?

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