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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Have any of these things ever been caught on film? or photo?


I know there was one weird looking thing walking around someones garden not to long back.



The Fresno Nightcrawlers! I hope they appear in the next Muppet movie. My one experience worth talking about isn't really paranormal, as such, but still in the vein.


I looked out of the window at about eleven at night, and in the middle of the road, there were four cats and a fox all sat in a circle; all the neighbourhood cats, and some I didn't recognise. Then I noticed a couple more, one making his way to the others along a nearby wall and another sat by a parked car, a few feet away. They all sat there, silently looking at each other, and after a little while, as if someone said "Okay, meeting's over, back to work," they ambled off in different directions. About ten minutes later, there was a weird loud rattling sound outside, but I didn't give it much thought. That sound was the tail end of that minor earthquake we had, that stretched as far as Portsmouth, which is nearby. It happened right after the little animal meeting, so I guess they were convening a little emergency committee to make sure everyone would be okay.


Pretty creepy sight though. There are lots of reports of people witnessing cat meetings, or kangaroo courts of birds, encircling the accused before they hold it down and peck it to death.

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has anyone had experiences of birds doing strange things after death?


Just recently my uncle passed and my auntie said on the morning of the funeral a small bird sat on the window sill outside and just stared at her through the window. She laughed it off and made reference to it being a bit of an old folk tale but she also said it was pretty comforting on what was a tough day.


Another one i have no personal experience of, but something that's freaked me out since i was younger is of reports of dying people doing strange things just before they die. Reports of bed ridden people suddenly sitting up and saying odd things, or talking to things that ain't there. Anyone got any tales of that?



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I'm pretty much sceptical about a lot of paranormal stuff and have a particular dislike for psychics and mediums.


However, one thing that has awlays fascinated me is when kids appear to be able to see or percieve stuff that adults can't. I remember my son being about 18 months old and we were playing soem game on the rug in the living room when he suddenly stopped and turned to look at the door leading into the hall. Then he asked why there was a man standing next to the buzzer/intercom, which is right outside the door at the start of the hall. I actually felt shit scared and it took me a second or two to ask him what man he meant. When I did he just shrugged and said that he had gone away.


It really creeped me out because it was such a random thing to say and at that age he wasn't really prone to saying anything that didn't have a purpose, i.e. nothing more than, "Can I have some juice?"


His older cousin, who would have been about 4 when I still lived with his mum, also did this. She used to talk about the girl in her room a lot btu I dismissed it because by age 4 most kids are making up stories, people and events on a regular basis.


Typing this has also reminded me of a great story that I heard years ago. My sister-in-laws sister has a son who must be about 16 now and this happened the year before he started school, so maybe 12 years ago. They were in a restaurant or cafe type place with his mums friend and he suddenly started talking about a fire. I can't recall what it was he said but it was pretty detailed stuff for a 4 year old because it freaked his mum and her friend out enough that they researched it. As I recall they were even more freaked out when it turned out his story had a load of stuff in common with the great fire of London. I dismissed it at the time because again by age 4, most kids could catch part of a documentary and repeat it as if they were telling the story. His mum was adamant he couldn't have done as she was very strict on tv watching and I remember she even asked his nursery teahcers etc if they'd maybe been doing any books or had visited a museum where he could have picked it up but nobody seemed to have any idea where he could have picked it up.

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That's exactly why I'll always love this stuff. As sceptical as I am, there are so many weird, unique little stories that completely defy explanation. First stop with a new issue of the Fortean Times is always the letters page/It Happened to Me section.


In fact, here are my two favourite ever reader's stories from the FT. Both are utterly terrifying to me.




Falling asleep one night, I had a hypnagogic vision of a hag. She leaned right up to my face and breathed:

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Like with the Ghostwatch thing, there's an incident I've always really wanted to tackle. It's not well known at all, sadly, so I felt like it was someone's duty to collate together all the scraps and tell the story properly.


On the surface, it's a fake psychic who got pretty far before being busted, but the way it all went down is really interesting, and it gets into cults and some really fucked up places. I'm pretty sure this is by far the most comprehensive take on the whole thing, so it'd be swell if you could take a look, if that takes your fancy. Be warned though, it's super long. Like, obnoxiously long for something just up on a blog. Plenty of pictures though :-/


Fifteen-Minute Messiah -- The James Hydrick Story.


So regarding this, I've been contacted by a guy who lived with Hydrick for 8 months, worked out at his dojo, and who recorded "dozens of hours of tapes" for a biography that he later cancelled. He even travelled with him to the Randi appearance. It's legit, as he contacted me over Facebook too, an he's got a pretty lengthy wiki bio himself.



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:omg: awesome! he interested in getting the biography back off the ground?


Yes he is. What a bizarre turn of events. I've already had a lot of the gaps of the Hydrick story filled in.


Here's another brilliant thing, pinched off Reddit. Someone found this box of papers that had been thrown out. Regardless of what this is -- most likely someone who had an experience that they tried to understand using their knowledge of the bible and mechanics -- there's some beautiful work in there.



Edited by Astro Hollywood
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So regarding this, I've been contacted by a guy who lived with Hydrick for 8 months, worked out at his dojo, and who recorded "dozens of hours of tapes" for a biography that he later cancelled. He even travelled with him to the Randi appearance. It's legit, as he contacted me over Facebook too, an he's got a pretty lengthy wiki bio himself.

That's brilliant. What is he interested in doing? Are you going to work on a book together or something?

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:omg: awesome! he interested in getting the biography back off the ground?


Yes he is. What a bizarre turn of events. I've already had a lot of the gaps of the Hydrick story filled in.


Here's another brilliant thing, pinched off Reddit. Someone found this box of papers that had been thrown out. Regardless of what this is -- most likely someone who had an experience that they tried to understand using their knowledge of the bible and mechanics -- there's some beautiful work in there.




That box of crazy is amazing, just amazing.


From my limited experience of hallucinogenics, his drawings of his vision look a lot like a top drawer trip - repeating geometric patterns, merging animal and human figures, perspective tricks. The amount of work that's gone into capturing it is incredible.


The technical drawings are cool too - some sort of perpetual motion gearing system?


I hope someone tracks the guy down.


Edit: found the Reddit thread, which had a link to this amazing site of mental insanity.



Edited by Loki
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scares the shit out of me due to the fact I probably bumped into him two days ago.


He's supposed to be a paralyzed Polish sailor who missed the boat back home in the 70s. Sad story really.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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