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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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David Icke finds a new way of fleecing money from his gullible followers:




Kickstart! Yeah! He's raising money to start his own TV news channel to run the REAL stories that the sheeple news media won't touch due to all being lizards.


But it's not all about Icke, in case you were wondering.


"You are right, it is not about me. I am sure I will have a big input over the months, but there will be no
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Didn't really know exactly which thread to post this in but Kim Dotcom (the Megaupload guy) tweeted earlier that Microsoft, iPhone, Intel chips and Cisco routers all have built in NSA backdoors. He said that this will be leaked soon and to "get out of US tech stocks."

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Didn't really know exactly which thread to post this in but Kim Dotcom (the Megaupload guy) tweeted earlier that Microsoft, iPhone, Intel chips and Cisco routers all have built in NSA backdoors. He said that this will be leaked soon and to "get out of US tech stocks."


On that note, indirectly...was reported yesterday that Yahoo want to release information relating to Prism. That should stir up a suitable hornets' nest for the conspiracy nuts.

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Didn't really know exactly which thread to post this in but Kim Dotcom (the Megaupload guy) tweeted earlier that Microsoft, iPhone, Intel chips and Cisco routers all have built in NSA backdoors. He said that this will be leaked soon and to "get out of US tech stocks."

Going to call bullshit on this for one simple reason....why would an Intel chip have a backdoor? What purpose would that solve?

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Didn't really know exactly which thread to post this in but Kim Dotcom (the Megaupload guy) tweeted earlier that Microsoft, iPhone, Intel chips and Cisco routers all have built in NSA backdoors. He said that this will be leaked soon and to "get out of US tech stocks."

Going to call bullshit on this for one simple reason....why would an Intel chip have a backdoor? What purpose would that solve?


I have no idea, and he didn't really elaborate.

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Yeah but it was that fat bloke saying chips (fattie's got chips on his mind aint he lol).


Seeing as Kim Dotcom got in trouble for insider dealing before I wouldn't be surprised if he is trying to short the NASDAQ or those stocks with this alarmist news.

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The Chinese are up to their necks in it, so I've heard. Our government has been investing heavily in technology from a Chinese manufacturer Huawei that the security guys are convinced have built in backdoors and trojans into their hardware. But it's cheap, and austerity innit.

Edited by Loki
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Did anybody catch that thing in the Sun were Uri Geller was ranting about being an undercover Israeli spy? Supposedly this nutter will have his own programme talking about it on in the near future. Somewhere on the BBC too.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Did anybody catch that thing in the Sun were Uri Geller was ranting about being an undercover Israeli spy? Supposedly this nutter will have his own programme talking about it on in the near future. Somewhere on the BBC too.


Geller's just another Hulk Hogan or Steven Segal. He's spent so many years spouting his crazy lies, he can't distinguish them from the truth any more. The CIA stuff is in his autobiography, and he's been talking about it for years. Channel 4 followed him around for a documentary once, and it was essentially a portrait of a man with a crippling form of OCD related to thinking he has magic powers and constantly needing to prove this to everyone and himself. At one point, he stops a group of strangers and tries (and repeatedly fails) to guess the age of their dog, while his exhausted family look on. Whenever anything positive happens, be it political or sporting, Google for that thing + Uri Geller and he'll be taking the credit for it with his mind powers. Absolute headcase.


My favourite Geller moment is when he was Gotcha-ed on Noel's House Party. The set-up involves Geller at a restaurant, and before the prank bit even starts, he's showing off by bending a spoon for the person at his table, and then, the whole restaurant. Except there are hidden cameras everywhere, and as he stands up to show the spoon to one of the diners, he's caught from an angle he's never usually filmed at clearly bending it with both of his hands. He's had this clip pulled from Youtube dozens of times, claiming to own the footage, and generally, he's one of the most litigious men in the world, suing people at the drop of a hat.


Everyone probably knows this bit by now, but it the second round of Michael Jackson charges were, in a roundabout way, Uri Geller's fault. Jackson was eager to finally let a reporter trail him round for a fly on the wall doc, but he was unfamiliar with the -- both British -- presenters, so he left it to Geller to vet and choose which one. Geller didn't trust Louis Theroux, and thought him a snake (and probably, that he was offering less money), so told Michael to go with Martin Basir. Michael never forgave him, and that was basically the end of their friendship. Not that that stopped Geller waffling on about him constantly on every news channel after he died.


Fascinating guy, but one of those people who went on the slide from simple conman to legitimately mentally unwell. Interestingly, he shares an origin story with David Icke, although both have retconned this aspect out of their official stories now. Both were normal men until they started hearing voices, and a ball of light identifying itself as an alien intelligence entered their bodies. Not schizophrenia though. Definitely not.

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Geller didn't trust Louis Theroux, and thought him a snake (and probably, that he was offering less money), so told Michael to go with Martin Basir. Michael never forgave him, and that was basically the end of their friendship. Not that that stopped Geller waffling on about him constantly on every news channel after he died.

With a complete lack of snakey self awareness, when the charges were brought against Jackson, and people started taking them a bit more seriously as they were (at that stage) only going for conviction and not compensation, Gellar was all over TV claiming he'd been saying how inappropriate Jackson's relationship with children was for years.

When he was found not guilty, he flipped and knew that he was innocent all along.


And in his world, he ended the friendship with Jackson because Micheal was anti-Semitic.

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