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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Back in October I posted this piece on my blog about David Icke's followers' theories on Jimmy Savile. For the first month, I was regularly called a Masonic, Satanic Lizard-Jew and the like, enabling paedos from my blood-soaked ivory tower, and still to this day, nutters find it and leave me abuse. Today's nob, who's been replying constantly for 90 minutes so far, is so off his wacky nut, I feel I should share. And these are all individual comments, not segments from one long one.


Stuart comes off as a very smug ASSHOLE/GATEKEEPER/SHILL for the PTBs/DEGENERATES. His agenda is to keep the drones ST000PIFIED, worshipping these SATANIC POS, 'CELEBS'. Most of them are MK'd slaves just carrying out their sick programming.


His first mistake is thinking I have much of an agenda beyond nob jokes. As you can see he's one of the "Beyonce and Lady Gaga were programmed by the government to make all their videos Masonic to control the sheeple" ones.


THANX TONY, wankers like Stuart are here to criticize, and ridicule those who are getting to the truth. Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together can see that. I wonder how these POS, who try to protect pedophiles can live with themselves??? The David Icke Forum is rife with Masons/Jews/Satanists who are given a free hand on there. I was banned years ago by the corrupt moderators.


First warning sign: this guy is so crazy, he was banned from the David Icke forums. Let that sink in.


Yes Jane! The "House of Cards" of the PTBs is starting to fold and their pathetic POS agents like Stuart are scrambling doing damage control. 99.9% of them are COWARDS who would piss their pants and cry for mommy if they were ever confronted physically by a REAL MAN!


I think that's a threat? I'm presuming this guy, who, if you search for his name and 'conspiracy', gets thousands of results of him commenting on blogs 24/7, is the real, big tough man who'd kick me right in the pussy.


Who the fuck cares what YOU wrote Stuart? 5 minutes reading your drivel on here is enough for me to know you are a POS gatekeeper/damage control agent. Anyone who thinks you are not AWARE of what is really going on are deluding themselves. Those who 'debate' you are also wasting their time. Too bad it took me over 20 years to suss out LYING POS like you. The DIForum was one place where many like you spew their BS.


I'm a GATEKEEPER. Note: he's literally accusing me of being a government agent.


@salamander, the thread about So Vile on DIF is up to 3,300 pages, so the people are taking an interest in these evil fucks who rape children, and then ritually SLAUGHTER them. POS like Stuart just ooze depravity. I wonder what type of sewer-rat 'vibe' this asshole gives off in person? I would guess it is very similar to the vibe So Vile gave off.


Not just an agent -- I'm a DEPRAVITY OOZING SEWER RAT, and similar to Jimmy Savile. No wonder the ladies have been giving me a wide berth.


@John Matrix, oh you are SO clever, and funny! There is nothing so HILARIOUS as BABY-FUCKING, and RITUAL MURDER is there???


I dunno. Jethro's new video is pretty chucklicious. I hope that's not our John Matrix btw. I'd hate to think he finds baby-fucking a right laff :(


@Tom Ewing, what part of this society/system is NOT a conspiracy, should be the question???? It's amazing how those who have existed in the SEWER-RAT SOCIETY since day1 don't even smell the SHIT any more.


SEWER RAT SOCIETY. That was the name of my first band. We rocked the end of term dance.


@callie, I am sure EVERYONE is so glad that you are AMUSED?!? I, for one would like to bend you over, and have my way with you. THAT amuses me! Is that OK with you? (;


Threaten anyone who disagrees with rape lol


Jew/reptile, WTF is the difference again stevenson? If it walks like a duck....


Not quite so funny, here's that horrible undercurrent of anti-Semitism. Not even an undercurrent. Straight up Nazi bullshit.


But settle down, because I'm about to blow your minds. This thing goes all the way to the top...


@All Icked Out, yes, the DIF is lousy with LIARS, SATANISTS, JEWS,MASONS, and the mods protect them. I was banned about 5 years ago, and this injustice made me investigate Icke a little more. Go to www.loveforlife.com.au Search Icke's name on there. I have met Icke a few times, and he is a huge SNOB, and he really rubbed me the wrong way. My intuition was SCREAMING at me I reckon? The good people on loveforlife got the EXACT same vibe from Icke, who stayed with them way back when.



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@callie, I am sure EVERYONE is so glad that you are AMUSED?!? I, for one would like to bend you over, and have my way with you. THAT amuses me! Is that OK with you? (;


I think you're in there.

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I don't think people like this ever leave the house. Not with all those chemtrails in the sky.



Nobody is safe. :/


Thought I'd stop by and tell you why I chose not to buy your books. I can't tell what type of books they are. Do they fit into any genre? If so, I can't tell. Even reading the free sample didn't help. Perhaps if you made it clearer who your books might appeal to.

Second, I fear that you've fallen in a common internet trap. People come to your blog, leave complimentary comments, so you start to believe that what you've written is worth paying for (it's easy to see why you'd be misled...your blog readers purchase your books and leave you five star reviews!).

See that? In buying your books, you're being misled into thinking people will buy your books, when in reality, those people that bought your books WILL NEVER BUY YOUR BOOKS!!! HA HA HA!!! HA HA HA HAAAAAA!!!

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Regarding all the Icke-fan abuse, I couldn't let it go to waste.




You'd think that anti-Semitism isn't really a thing anymore, outside of Aryan Neo Nazi types, but the dashboard of my blog is fucking battered by it, day in, day out. There are still the searches for 'Jason Statham big dick' and 'Freddie Starr shitting in guitars', but there's just so much anti-Semitism, it makes me wonder just how much is out there, with so many Truther idiots in the world. A lot of posts in this thread are from people who've got a tinfoil hatter in the workplace, and I think they are everywhere these days. The Jew hate is so connected that you rarely, if ever, see a conspiracy-nob spouting their nonsense without a load of Jew-hate in there too.


Just looking at a random 10 search hits for today, there's these:


in the jimmy saville case not one jew has been accused

savile jew

was jimmy saville a jewish secret agent


It's Savile heavy right now, in the midst of Yewtree mania, but there's such an innate association with badness/being a Jew, and such a lot of Truthers, it makes me wonder how many people you pass in the street whose tiny brains are going "FUCKING KIKES :angry: " all because they sat down and watched Loose Change one day.


Although last week I did get this, so, swings and roundabouts.



Edited by Astro Hollywood
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