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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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We are all binary in a matrix. add your year of birth '74 for example plus your age this coming year - 111. and anyone born after 2000 will always add up to 11............food for thought


I'm 35 this year, born '76. 35 + 76 = 111


Anyone it doesn't work for? I wanna know!


Bizarre... Or can any naturally scientifically inclined left brain thinkers explain it away?

Duane, can you elaborate on what is so strange about this?


Ok, I was born in 1984. I'm going to be 27 on Monday. 1984 + 27 = 2011. My brother was born in 1993, he turned 17 in October, meaning he will be 18 this year. 1993 + 18 = 2011. Wow, it really works. But wait, isnt it kinda obvious that it was going to add up that way, seen as you take the year you were born, add the amount of years you are alive, and hey presto you get this year. The reason everyone ends in 11 is because you take the year you were born in, add your age, and you get to this year. What is so special about that?


Next year, I will be 28. 1984 + 28 = 2012. My brother will be 19. 1993 + 19 = 2012. Last year I was 26. 1984 + 26 = 2010. My brother was 17. 1993 + 17 = 2010. It is always going to add up to the year we are currently in. Its like saying, "Man, isnt it kinda weird that you are 27 years old, and you were born 27 years ago? You telling me thats a coincidence?" Seriously dude.


This is the most stupid thing I have heard. How could you have ever possibly thought there was going to be another answer to it? The answer is so heavily implied I cant believe you cant see that. Really Duane, come on.

Edited by Legend Killer
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Nabbed this off Facebook:


We are all binary in a matrix. add your year of birth '74 for example plus your age this coming year - 111. and anyone born after 2000 will always add up to 11............food for thought


I'm 35 this year, born '76. 35 + 76 = 111


Anyone it doesn't work for? I wanna know!


Bizarre... Or can any naturally scientifically inclined left brain thinkers explain it away? :)


Duane, I have a big spoiler for you


If you apply the same rule to someone born in the 19th century, then their one will add up to 211.




When you try this next year, everyone's number will end in 12!




This, Duane, is absolutely BASIC mathematics. What the fuck are you doing posting it in this thread?


There's nothing paranormal or spooky about it.


Is this really that much of a revelation to you? That the current year minus the year you were born will always equal your age during the current year. It will always end up ending in 11 because this is 2011. You are a fucking moron.

Edited by matbro1984
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Guys I've got one too, and this is really spooky... take an odd number, any odd number. Now add it to another odd number. What you'll get is an EVEN number! Coincidence? I think not. What do you think the. Powers that be are trying to tell us?


Jesus fucking Christ duane.

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Duane, that is funny timing because I've just discovered something crazy about numbers as well!


There are certain numbers that are only completely divisible by themselves or 1. For example, 2 is like that, you can only divide it by 2 or 1. Also, 3 is like that. But 4 you can divide by 2 so it is not one of these numbers.


I'm thinking of calling these "neil numbers". Although I'm open to other catchy names if anyone has ideas.





If you take a non-neil number, like 4. Then you try and create that number using other numbers...YOU CAN ONLY DO IT WITH NEIL NUMBERS!!!!!!!!!!


4 = 2 * 2 (2 is a neil number remember)


If you still don't believe me then consider this:


Is 12 a neil number? No it is not (please read the first paragraph to see why). But how can you create 12?


12 = 2 * 6 (2 is a neil number but is 6? No, 6 is not a neil number)




6 = 2 * 3 (2 is a neil number AND SO IS 3)




12 = 2 * 2 * 3




I think I'm onto something VERY big here lads.

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Nabbed this off Facebook:


We are all binary in a matrix. add your year of birth '74 for example plus your age this coming year - 111. and anyone born after 2000 will always add up to 11............food for thought


I'm 35 this year, born '76. 35 + 76 = 111


Anyone it doesn't work for? I wanna know!


Bizarre... Or can any naturally scientifically inclined left brain thinkers explain it away? :)




Oh by the way I don't believe Matrix film is real, thought I better get in there 1st ;):p

...well I know how some you vocal few think.



"Food for thought"?


How can you be so desperate to find a conspiracy that you abandon all common sense and logic to determine a simple example of addition makes us "binary in a matrix"??

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It's Duane. So no.


This is Duane's M.O. though. He'll say something that, even by his standards, is complete and utter drivel, and then he promptly disappears from said thread for a week or so until he reappears to post his latest YouTube video of some low-forehead hobo giving a speech about how the police are really conscripts of the military from the planet Ballsack and that their helmets are a new silicon-based lifeform that live in the bottoms of the Obamas.

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