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Surf Digby

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About Surf Digby

  • Birthday 09/09/1976

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    Notts, UK
  • Previous Names
    Nostalgia Nonce

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  1. Damn, Judi Dench! *Dame.
  2. All At Sea (AKA Barnacle Bill). Ealing comedy with Sir Alec Guinness as a naval captain who develops chronic sea sickness, and so buys a pier and runs it like a ship instead. It's all very daft, and so wonderfully British, with Guinness as the straight man while the environment provides the gags. Lovely stuff.
  3. I didn't know robots could gargle.
  4. Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker - Hell In a Cell After hitting that age when I had to concede that wrestling wasn't actually real and losing interest, this was the match that brought me back into it. There was none of the hokiness of the early 90s, and it was (at that time) the most brutal match I'd ever seen. This was closer to a live action movie than Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect - Summerslam '91 In my first period of fandom, I thought Bret was one of the greatest, and I thought that Hennig was a mouthy cunt that needed his head kicking in, so this was the match I was wanting see, and it didn't disappoint. Matches like this are why the IC Championship held more prestige than the World Championship for me. Owen Hart vs 123 Kid - KOTR '93 I probably consider this one of the top ten matches of all time. The chemistry between Owen and Waltman is as good as anybody's, and they're just hitting everything perfectly. It's probably the greatest case study of how you can all your shit in, and more, but not have it descend into a meandering spotfest. Everything just follows on in a believable way, and the winner could have been either of them. Kurt Angle vs Shane McMahon - KOTR '01 I can still remember the edge-of-the-seat excitement we had watching this for the first time. I genuinely thought Shane was going to get crippled or actually die. Kurt was brilliant by this point, and Shane was probably at his athletic best, throwing some nice looking armdrags and suplexes throughout the match.
  5. "Please generate me an AI image of Rishi Sunak showing a foreign dignitary some of our ants, while Hagrid's brother looks on". Our school newspaper had more convincing posed photos.
  6. I'm struggling to believe these photos are genuine. I thought that bus stop one was a Photoshopped "bus wankers" joke, and have no idea what it's actually supposed to portray.
  7. "The only evidence of his allegedly violent behaviour, was his previous conviction for violent behaviour".
  8. Surf Digby


    I'm so glad someone else has pointed out the Earthsea comparison, because it was one of the first things that sprung to mind when I watched the first film (I've not read any of the books, and apart from the first, I've only seen a bit of the one where he turns into a fish). When I watched the first film, I got an almost feeling of deja vu, because it was just a shopping list of ideas from other fantasy books/films. I'd already read The Hobbit, The Worst Witch, and the Earthsea trilogy (as it was at the time), some Discworld, etc. and so it offered nothing. My younger sister - who only likes things before they become popular - insisted that it wasn't derivative, but that Rowling was "re-interpreting classic fantasy themes for a new audience". Considering she regards Rowling as some sort of Goddess, but she also puts herself out as being the most inclusive person ever, I'd be curious as to what her thoughts on this are, but that means I'd have to endure a conversation with her.
  9. I'd love it even more if he just signed up a load of fitness influencers, thinking that all they need to provide is the physique, and he'll use his genius to turn them into another Hogan and Warrior. And instead we get the worst wrestling promotion ever, with a bunch of "megastars" that can't handle even a light wrestling schedule, and every rejected Attitude era idea getting blasted all over it.
  10. Apart from the last 20 minutes or so, when there was actually a bit of drama, I thought it was one of the dullest films I've seen in a long time. Far too long, and far too much of nothing really happening.
  11. For the benefit of any Flat Earthers reading, can you confirm whether or not that gravity stuff is real?
  12. Surf Digby


    There's now a version of The Tempest where Ariel is a robot. It's bad enough that she's the subservient to the Patriarchy in the form of Morbius Prospero, but now she's literally dehumanised too. I'm predicting riots.
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