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The 'Currently Reading' Thread.

Guest Refuse Matt M

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Because I kept falling into "you can't criticise it if you haven't read it" arguments, I'm currently reading Master of the Universe, the original fanfic version of Fifty Shades of Grey that has all the characters from Twilight in it.


It's so abysmally shit. It's also going to take fucking ages to finish because it's so dull. I have absolutely no idea (a) how it became popular, or (b) why EL James got told to fuck off the fanfic forums. Apart from the fact it's just a load of shit set ups for the writer's rape fantasies, there's an abundant lack of incest or bestiality.

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I'm reading three books at the mo.

I'm milling through the old classic The Eight Legged Atomic Dustbin Will Eat Itself which is a bi-yearly thing, and I'm also reading Killer Instinct by Jane Hamsher on my lunch breaks which is fucking tremendous and utterly addictive. I'm beginning to resent Tarantino based on some lass I barely heard of's opinion, which is strange.

And finally on the fiction front, I'm reading Only Forward by Michael Marshall Smith again, which is always a joy.

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Has anyone read Go Set A Watchman yet? I've been on two planes this weekend and every fucker seemed to be clutching it with their carry on luggage


I read the first chapter in The Guardian :)


Currently reading: 1913: The World Before The Great War. Really enjoying it, never knew much about the Austro-Hungarian Empire and that sort of thing. Definitely recommended. Best thing about, and why I often avoid history non-fiction is that a lot of it can be inaccessible. This isn't the case, because although there is a huge amount of information, dates, times, names etc, it never once seems overwhelming.


Inverting The Pyramid for the third time. A wonderful book, I can't recommend this highly enough if you're a nerdy football fan.


Stillness and Speed: Denis Bergkamps autobiography. Loved it, quite brief, loved Bergkamp (despite being a Spurs fan). Selling it now if anyone is interested.


And always have a copy of High Fidelity on the go, as it's my go-to book as it's the loveliest thing ever, and restores my faith in humanity.


I have a huge list and stack and I'm constantly adding more all the time. The wife despairs.

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The missus just rang to say Herbie Hancocks ‘Possibilities’ book just came in the post for me. Fuckin’ made up now, I am.

Whether I can keep it for my holidays to Lanzagrotty in two weeks time, I don’t know? Sure, it’s not like you get to do anything by run around when you’ve a two year old, so I’m gonna start it this evening after I get back from the flicks.

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I've just finished Corner of the Globe by Robert Goddard. 


He's one of my favourite authors but recently some of the newer releases have been a little below par (to be fair, they weren't bad it's just they are usually so good!).  This is #2 in a trilogy and it is definitely a return to form.

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The missus just rang to say Herbie Hancocks ‘Possibilities’ book just came in the post for me. Fuckin’ made up now, I am.

Whether I can keep it for my holidays to Lanzagrotty in two weeks time, I don’t know? Sure, it’s not like you get to do anything by run around when you’ve a two year old, so I’m gonna start it this evening after I get back from the flicks.

Trust me, after 5 days in Majorca with a 5 year old and 2 year old, you're not getting any reading done!!! The wife laughed when I put two books in the bag. I now know why...

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Has anyone read The Martian? I really feel like the only person in the world who didn't like it, in fact I'd say I absolutely hated it. One of those books I wish I hadn't bothered to finish. Matt Damon is perfect for the lead in the up and coming film though!


I've been doing a few of the bigger self published books recently and it was a mistake.

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Reading the latest Lincoln Rhyme book from Jeffrey Deaver, I say latest but I thinks been out about a year. Barely find the time to read at the minute but will be looking to get a few crackers on the go for going on holiday.


Oh, and also reading a book on child development as part of some APL I'm doing for a uni course. It was revised in 2012 but it's a good 10 years behind that in terms of theory so I'm about to ditch it I reckon.

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I'm also about 2/3rds of the way through Scar Tissue the autobiography of Anthony Kiedis, the front man of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.




This is probably my favourite biography, if not book of all time. I give it a read at least once every couple years, its unreal what that guy got up to. 


I've just blasted through a few books whilst its been nice these past few weeks. I tend to only read when its sunny out so I can just sit in the garden. I've recently read.. 


Harry Redknapp's book (not a bad little read, he seems a bit bitter about certain bits though), Lee Evan's book (a really good insight into his life growing up, he seems to be a really self-conscious, shy guy. The book is really detailed but just stops when he's 21 and then thats it which I thought was odd.), Bob Dylan's 1st Chronicles (It just goes all over the place, its like he's just written it in streams of consciousness. He starts telling a story before going off on tangents about songs, folk history and other bits.), Heavier Than Heaven (A Kurt Cobain biog which is quite good, it seems the guy who wrote it got quite a lot of interviews with people close to him so seems to cut through a lot of the myths you hear about him. Another star whose childhood seemed to really shape his life, it seems he never quite got over his parents divorcing.) and then Playing The Moldovians At Tennis (I'm a massive fan of the Dave Gorman/Danny Wallace style books so this Tony Hawk book was a must after reading his book about going round Ireland with a fridge last year. What starts out as a bet with his mate to play the starting 11 of the Moldovian Football team at tennis turns into a really interesting look at a country I didn't actually know too much about. Fascinating read and the humour through it is good too.) 

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  • 4 weeks later...

After feeling terrible about not reading anything in years, (about 10 years to be exact), while also noticing my book shelf was obscenely bare, I've been on a bit of a mission with reading/purchasing books this year. Its been a combination of reading stuff I've always wanted to read and picking up some of the "classics" that I've missed out on.

So far I've busted through:

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Prestige
The Lovely Bones
The Game of Thrones books (currently on book 6 of 7)
The Catcher in the Rye

And have many others lined up hah. if anybody is interested I'll post some thoughts on the books I've read/will read.

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Has anyone read The Martian? I really feel like the only person in the world who didn't like it, in fact I'd say I absolutely hated it. One of those books I wish I hadn't bothered to finish. Matt Damon is perfect for the lead in the up and coming film though!


I've been doing a few of the bigger self published books recently and it was a mistake.

I've read it and really liked it - got through it really quickly which is usually a sign that I've enjoyed a book. I can see how it's not for everyone, what was it you didn't like?

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