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The 'Currently Reading' Thread.

Guest Refuse Matt M

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I'm the last person who should post in a book thread, since up until Friday the last book I read was Robert Rankin's 'The Fandom Of The Operator', which was four years ago. Two years later I got halfway through 'The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies Of The Apocalypse', then stopped for zero reason. Due to having somewhat of a nothing-doing period at work, I brought it in last week and finished it. I felt it was the least I could do, since I recently met the man and got them both signed, feeling a tad dirty having not finished one of them.


I've now got a craving for more of his books. I ordered 'Sex And Drugs And Sausage Rolls' and bought 'The Da-Da-De-Da-Da Code' this week, the latter of which I'm halfway through. I've got my eye on The Toyminator after I've finished the aforementioned two, but after that I'm unsure what to get. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. :thumbsup:



Robert Rankin is God! Have you got the hard back of The Da Da.... ? Comes with a CD to accompany the reading. :laugh: I've got most of his books but don't like his Lazlo Woodbine character. You should read the Brentford Chainsaw Massacre trilogy with John O'Mally and Jim Pooley. Sex, Drugs and Sausage Rolls is a riot. I'm currently reading The Most Amazing Man That Ever Lived which is another good 'un. You'll find a lot of his characters popping up in different stories which is fun. Most of his work are all trilogy based in some way or another but work as stand alones also.



It must be an old charter or something.


I'm pretty sure it's the Texas Chainstore Massacre. I fucking loved The Anti-Pope and The Brentford Triangle. At some point, I'm going to get down to reading Armageddon: The Musical as well.

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I'm the last person who should post in a book thread, since up until Friday the last book I read was Robert Rankin's 'The Fandom Of The Operator', which was four years ago. Two years later I got halfway through 'The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies Of The Apocalypse', then stopped for zero reason. Due to having somewhat of a nothing-doing period at work, I brought it in last week and finished it. I felt it was the least I could do, since I recently met the man and got them both signed, feeling a tad dirty having not finished one of them.


I've now got a craving for more of his books. I ordered 'Sex And Drugs And Sausage Rolls' and bought 'The Da-Da-De-Da-Da Code' this week, the latter of which I'm halfway through. I've got my eye on The Toyminator after I've finished the aforementioned two, but after that I'm unsure what to get. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. :thumbsup:



Robert Rankin is God! Have you got the hard back of The Da Da.... ? Comes with a CD to accompany the reading. :laugh: I've got most of his books but don't like his Lazlo Woodbine character. You should read the Brentford Chainsaw Massacre trilogy with John O'Mally and Jim Pooley. Sex, Drugs and Sausage Rolls is a riot. I'm currently reading The Most Amazing Man That Ever Lived which is another good 'un. You'll find a lot of his characters popping up in different stories which is fun. Most of his work are all trilogy based in some way or another but work as stand alones also.



It must be an old charter or something.


I'm pretty sure it's the Texas Chainstore Massacre. I fucking loved The Anti-Pope and The Brentford Triangle. At some point, I'm going to get down to reading Armageddon: The Musical as well.


We were both so close. The Brentford Chainstore Massacre it was. For some reason that's what I thought the trilogy was called but it's the Brentford Triangle, after the first in the series.


A comprehensive list of novels here and what series they belong to. With Pictures!

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We were both so close. The Brentford Chainstore Massacre it was.

It's a well-known fact, to those that know it well. ;)


I've an unexplained hatred of hardbacks so I've got the CD-less paperback of The Da-Da-De-Da-Da Code, although I'm kind of wishing I invested in the former. I'm hopeful that I can find the songs online.


Oh, how I wish Rankin was my grandad. :(

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We were both so close. The Brentford Chainstore Massacre it was.

It's a well-known fact, to those that know it well. ;)


I've an unexplained hatred of hardbacks so I've got the CD-less paperback of The Da-Da-De-Da-Da Code, although I'm kind of wishing I invested in the former. I'm hopeful that I can find the songs online.


Oh, how I wish Rankin was my grandad. :(


If you can't find it I'll up it if you'd like. There's no track listing in my book or on the cd. I've had it on my shelf for two years and haven't read it yet. :confused:

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I couldn't recommend this book highly enough. Here's an Amazon link that will tell you a little more.


Basically, if you have an interest in Scottish history you'll love this book. If you don't, I suspect you'll also love it. It intertwines two intriguing plotlines, one set in the 17th Century, and the other set around the time of the 1997 general election. I don't want to reveal too much, as I think it's one of these books better discovered through reading than through explanation. I urge you - give this book a try.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got around to start reading Dune, by Frank Herbert (The rather lovely SF Masterworks Hardback edition, I might add) and I'm thoroughly enjoying it so far.




Of course, I really should have finished reading the Eisenhorn Omnibus, Can't Stop, Won't Stop: A history of the Hip-Hop Generation and The Corner first, but hey. And I've just ordered The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka off of Amazon too (it was only

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I finally got around to start reading Dune, by Frank Herbert (The rather lovely SF Masterworks Hardback edition, I might add) and I'm thoroughly enjoying it so far.


Great book. It's odd, though - whilst it's inevitable that a movie conversion of a book will omit a number of details, I thought it odd that the movie would actually add elements not present in the book, such as


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the Harkonnen heart plugs and the sound-based weaponry.


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On those points.


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The plugs are mentioned in some of the other Dune books but IIRC they were written after the film, the weapons on the other hand combined 2 storylines into 1 to shorten the plot lines from the book (the reason why Shadam wants rid of the Atreides and the 'weirding way' style of fighting used by Paul).


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  • 1 month later...
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Since my Rankin-loving post, I've finished The Da-Da-De-Da-Da Code, Sex & Drugs & Sausage Rolls, The Antipope and The Brentford Triangle; all so far have been swish. :thumbsup:


I'm part-way through East Of Ealing and have ordered The Sprouts Of Wrath, with the intention of going through the rest of his books in chronological order. Just wondering which ones to get signed when he appears at London's Forbidden Planet in a few weeks.

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