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This is a long shot....


I heard this song the other day, commercial dance track, and I can't get it out my head.


The annoying thing is the tune is crystal clear in my head but the lyrics I cannot fully remember. I Googled what I thought they were and it has brought up nothing. Wondering whether anyone on here can help. I am probably way off with the lyrics but I remember them going something like:


"I think you're bad but you're probably worth it".


Sung by a woman, dance track is really all I can tell you


Only track I can think of with lyrics like that is


Despite the fact that my lyrics were way off that is the track I was thinking of. Nice one fella.

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Like above this a real big long shot, but it's doing my nut in. Trying to think a song without anything but an image is a bastard.


All I know is that it is 2 or 3 years old, released by an alternative rock type band, would have been a single and the video is mainly the band performing in a sort of warehouse/car park type dark environment. The song may or may not be about a woman, :laugh:. There are other inklings I've got but don't want to confuse matters.


I heard it on Planet Rock last year-ish, looked it up and for some reason popped back in my head yesterday with the tiniest details, so any clues would be much appreciated :laugh:


EDIT - Oh and if I liked it, it's probably quite a catchy number!

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I know this is a bit of a long shot, but is anyone else having issues with closed captioning on their apps on Xbox 360? They keep popping up on the likes of NHL gamecenter, and when I googled the issue is says to simply remove them via the settings/system/console settings/display menu.


The problem is, apparently CC are only available in the US, and I'm on a UK format so the option just isn't available.

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Mate of mine and I used to absolutely love a game of Dots and Dashes (dots and boxes to some?) over our lunch break but we don't work together any more. Do any of you know of a Words With Friends/Draw Something version of this game where you can play your friends? Scoured the apps I can find but no joy. I have an iPhone and he has an android, which might complicate things too. Would maybe even pay a quid for it. Does anybody know of any I could try?? Thanks.

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Mate of mine and I used to absolutely love a game of Dots and Dashes (dots and boxes to some?) over our lunch break but we don't work together any more. Do any of you know of a Words With Friends/Draw Something version of this game where you can play your friends? Scoured the apps I can find but no joy. I have an iPhone and he has an android, which might complicate things too. Would maybe even pay a quid for it. Does anybody know of any I could try?? Thanks.


This what you're looking for, mate?


I don't know how it would work, mobile wise.

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