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I asked this question in comments that don't warrant a thread but it got lost in another discussion, so I thought I'd see if anyone could help me in here.I've had Virgin's 50mb broadband fitted at my new student gaff, the same broadband I had at my last one, the only difference being that this time they've given us a Virgin Media Superhub instead of a Virgin modem and D-Link router. I never once had internet problems at my last house, but I'm constantly having trouble with this one. The speed is ridiculously slow in my room and in my room only, it's fine when I'm anywhere else in the house. I've just done a speed test in my room and only got back 1.2mbps, while I'm getting 49mbps in the living room (where the router is).Would this be a problem with the router itself? If so, would a different router make a difference or is my room just shit?

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Is anyone here good with mobile phones?I recently got the HTC Desire S on 3. But i am having a right ballache with text messages on it. Sometimes they come through straight away, other times one will come through, i'll reply, then the reply won't come for about half hour at least afterwards, but in the meantime if the same person sends me another text, tha'tll come straight through before the original one.Also, whilst said message is taking ages to come through, other people could text me and they'd come through straight away etc, really annoying. Took it back to the shop and they;ve replaced the handset, even though they said there was nothing wrong with it, could it be the sim card maybe?

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My Facebook seems to have fucked up over the last few days - it's not showing people's posts on my wall, recent notifications and last night a lot of pictures weren't loading. Every other website seems to be running properly so it's not this computer, but no-one I know seems to be having the same problems. Anybody experiencing this?

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Yeah I had that too, I've no idea what the fuck is up with it now though, and no idea how to resolve it. It hasn't shown any notifications, posts on my wall etc since Monday, and if I update a status I can't see it but others can.

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Anyone know of a cheap, reliable place to get custom t-shirts made (IE upload your own Photoshop design)? Just want the one, not interested in bulk production or anything.

Can't go wrong with Vistaprint. :thumbsup:
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Anyone know of a cheap, reliable place to get custom t-shirts made (IE upload your own Photoshop design)? Just want the one, not interested in bulk production or anything.

Can't go wrong with Vistaprint. :thumbsup:
They did appear to be the cheapest when I Googled around earlier, but I've been advised against them by a couple of people who said they kept taking cash out of their bank account. Will have to do some more investigating into that.
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I've got a mate over in Russia for a year and want to give Skype a go. Any recommendations for what to buy etc? I'm not entirely sure how it works.

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All you need is a webcam... not sure what your question is here..?


Ah right any old web cam and Mic? That really was my question do I need specific Skype equipment? Sweet cheers.

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Any old cam will do, you can get a cam with a built in mic from Morrisons for less than a tenner. My little bro is currently working in the Carribean and been chatting to him on Skype, it works surprisingly well

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