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Interesting case, this one, because she's not your usual celebrity 'leaking' stuff to get some publicity, and so far no-one of any note has come forward to deny it or debunk it.


Still, there's something not right about this one considering she's been so protective of showing too much of her top bollocks to date and now she sloppily lets them out with some self-shot phone snaps? Not buying it. They look good, though, I will say that.

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I've been trying to re-size an image on Photobucket for my new sig and it seems to work on the website but every time i try and put in my sig on here it's only giving me the image in it original size which is far too big and will surely violate the sig rules for this place.

So does anyone know where i'm going wrong and how i can fix it?

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Can't seem to get it to work when I'm attemptint to capture an image off a DVD though. It works fine for youtube and online videos, just nothing on any media player. A friend told me it is something to do with the refresh rate (or something).


Had this problem a few years ago, Its because your graphics card is overlaying on top of the image. right click on your destop and go to graphics properties, they'll be an option in one of the menus for graphic aceleration. turn it on/off (whichever its on) and you should just be able to print screen after that




Select Control Panel > System > Performance tab > Graphics > Advanced settings. Set the Hardware acceleration slider to None. (remember to put it back on after)

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Is it possible for someone to have 2 mobile phone contracts?


Basically, I've got shite credit, so my sister get's me a contract in her name i pay her etc, she wants a contract phone now, with o2, im going to get a new contract on vodafone, so would they both be able to go in her name like?

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