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The Marquis of Queensbury, I'm going to watch all them in a bit I think. I remember being quite into these 'best of' series. I liked the Benoit vs Booker T best of 7 series in '98 as well at the time. I was only 8 when the Flair vs Regal matches happened so my memory's hazy, I'll have to give them another look.

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They're really good. Regal is booked as almost the complete equal of Flair. Heenan and Ventura are great on commentary during them.They should have renamed the TV Title to the Steven Regal Title as well. That's who I think of when I think of that belt.

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Looks like an attention seeking tactic to me. Okerlund was terrible for that in WCW. He'd just take the microphone away from some wrestlers mouths and started disagreeing or he'd pull some funny face as the wrestler was making their point. Bobby Heenan would do it as well. I remember once he tried to leave the announce desk when the nWo showed up and he pretended to get his foot caught in the wires and they just stood about waiting for him to leave.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Looks like an attention seeking tactic to me. Okerlund was terrible for that in WCW. He'd just take the microphone away from some wrestlers mouths and started disagreeing or he'd pull some funny face as the wrestler was making their point. Bobby Heenan would do it as well. I remember once he tried to leave the announce desk when the nWo showed up and he pretended to get his foot caught in the wires and they just stood about waiting for him to leave.

Prob more of a rib to get someone backstage to laugh
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I'm so glad that they made such twats of themselves when they had a tryout at WWE. Because there's little I hate more in wrestling than those two shite-hawks. That was super shit.

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I'm so glad that they made such twats of themselves when they had a tryout at WWE. Because there's little I hate more in wrestling than those two shite-hawks. That was super shit.

Heh, I'm not going to argue because they aren't to everyones liking and I can see why. Sometimes when I get in from work and I can't be assed to move, I do enjoy switching off my brain and watching a good old floppy flippy flip match. Hence why I probably am the only person on here that likes Jack Evans :love: Edited by pain-giver
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I do enjoy switching off my brain and watching a good old floppy flippy flip match. Hence why I probably am the only person on here that likes Jack Evans :love:

That's another one of the (thousand or so) things that get me about that walloper; he isn't even a good flyer. The one thing he's hyped up at excelling at is a myth. Every spot or dive he hits is as ugly as sin. And looks like the impact would be akin to running up to his opponent and giving him a tickle. There are so many great high flyers and bare faced flippers out there, and the messy, contrived shit that he comes up with is just pitiful by any standards.Even if you are just an unashamed spotfest fan, there's a hundred or more better guys to watch for that kind of thing before you would check out Jack Evans. A good number of them even know how to work.
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I do enjoy switching off my brain and watching a good old floppy flippy flip match. Hence why I probably am the only person on here that likes Jack Evans :love:

That's another one of the (thousand or so) things that get me about that walloper; he isn't even a good flyer. The one thing he's hyped up at excelling at is a myth. Every spot or dive he hits is as ugly as sin. And looks like the impact would be akin to running up to his opponent and giving him a tickle. There are so many great high flyers and bare faced flippers out there, and the messy, contrived shit that he comes up with is just pitiful by any standards.Even if you are just an unashamed spotfest fan, there's a hundred or more better guys to watch for that kind of thing before you would check out Jack Evans. A good number of them even know how to work.
He was one of the first 'indy' talents that I ever discovered though. Hence why I also like 'Sick' Nick Mondo. They are both as sloppy as hell, but I only remember their big spots which simply blew my mind back in 2003/2004 as I had never seen anything like them at the time and when it comes to them, nostalgia clearly forms a big part of my opinion (bare in mind I was around 14 when I first saw them!) Edited by pain-giver
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