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BJ Whitmer vs. Jimmy Jacobs *Infamous Powerbomb Spot*


I got to admit I don't reallly follow ROH so have never seen this before. Apologies if this has been posted/discussed before. Really scary stuff. Saw another vid where this spot was performed and Jacobs was powerbombed into the crowd. Crikey!


If that wasn't an accident and a planned spot, then that is one of stupidest things I've ever seen and both men are absolute dickheads for performing it (more if they came up with the spot as well).

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BJ Whitmer vs. Jimmy Jacobs *Infamous Powerbomb Spot*


I got to admit I don't reallly follow ROH so have never seen this before. Apologies if this has been posted/discussed before. Really scary stuff. Saw another vid where this spot was performed and Jacobs was powerbombed into the crowd. Crikey!


If that wasn't an accident and a planned spot, then that is one of stupidest things I've ever seen and both men are absolute dickheads for performing it (more if they came up with the spot as well).


It wasn't planned, Whitmer clearly loses his footing. However, the move whether it was planned to be into the ring or the crowd was still super dumb and an example of the idiocy that ROH workers are all too often guilty of.

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BJ Whitmer vs. Jimmy Jacobs *Infamous Powerbomb Spot*


I got to admit I don't reallly follow ROH so have never seen this before. Apologies if this has been posted/discussed before. Really scary stuff. Saw another vid where this spot was performed and Jacobs was powerbombed into the crowd. Crikey!


If that wasn't an accident and a planned spot, then that is one of stupidest things I've ever seen and both men are absolute dickheads for performing it (more if they came up with the spot as well).


It wasn't planned, Whitmer clearly loses his footing. However, the move whether it was planned to be into the ring or the crowd was still super dumb and an example of the idiocy that ROH workers are all too often guilty of.

Also, planned or not, this doesn't even compare to the stupidity of the planned spot from their return match where they do a top rope powerbomb to the floor in the crowd.

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This is a bit mental from the same pair. Jimmy Jacobs was off his face on heroin and meth around this period, so any criticisms towards his ring style are redundant considering he actually had a death wish at the time. As Piper's first promoter said "if you're going to die, die in the ring. Its good for business". Daft bastards.


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This is a bit mental from the same pair. Jimmy Jacobs was off his face on heroin and meth around this period, so any criticisms towards his ring style are redundant considering he actually had a death wish at the time. As Piper's first promoter said "if you're going to die, die in the ring. Its good for business". Daft bastards.



I don't know what is worse really. You can't really see the landing and I surmise maybe some plants in the crowd were there for the fall. Even with that in place it's absolutely mental to even try that.

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BJ Whitmer vs. Jimmy Jacobs *Infamous Powerbomb Spot*


I got to admit I don't reallly follow ROH so have never seen this before. Apologies if this has been posted/discussed before. Really scary stuff. Saw another vid where this spot was performed and Jacobs was powerbombed into the crowd. Crikey!


Jesus Christ. If he's had been a foot to the right, his head would have bounced off the ringpost.

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I don't know what's sadder, what Jerry is on commentary these days or what Bobby Heenan was around 1999... :(


For me it's the latter.


I wouldn't have been surprised if Heenan was found trying to slit his wrists during a broadcast in the late 90s.

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Worth ten minutes or so of anyone's time (it says twenty, but that's because there's about ten minutes of people throwing money in the ring). If all you think of when you hear lucha is high flying and bloody brawling than this might change your mind a bit, neither man runs the ropes or does a dive. This is just holds and counter holds. In terms of background for the match, this is a battle of the masters under a ten minute time limit and with you only needing one fall or one submission to win.

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The chain wrestling in Lucha is pretty elite, to be fair. When they go to the mat, it's wonderful stuff. I used to hate Lucha, but then just one day it kind of *clicked* for me about three or four year back. The whole psychology of it and the realisation it wasn't just bumheads like Super Calo, but was instead fucking awesome.


Also, Lucha's the best proof that age means fuck all in wrestling as regards top top matches.

Edited by PowerButchi
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Yeah, what Butch says. There's a certain bunch of guys in lucha who are just fantastic at that type of wrestling. And they're all pretty much of a certain age. Its just a shame that its not really much of a priority for CMLL, especially when they're Arena Mexico main event style is the way it is. These kind of matches are creeping out on the terra show which is free (and legal) to steam online at 11pm by the way, Lister has the link in his thread I believe. There's none this week though. Guys like Black Terry and Negro Navarro might be worth checking out if you're into this kind of thing. I like Solar as well, although half of my fandom for Solar is his backbreakers. I need to watch more of that guy really.


Vamp, love you to show some Lucha love the way of my 100 matches thread.


Do it, you know you want to!


You know, I would, but I struggle with compiling lists. I don't really remember individual matches much, and I've only bee nwatchign for a few years now so I'm not sure my list would be that good. Plus I don't really go back and look at old lucha matches that much. I could maybe do a list of three or five matches that I could remember but that's about it. It'd possibly be more if Black Terry hadn't put up old matches behind a pay wall.

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I've got some lucha on my list, need to get round to writing that up at some point soon. That Virus vs Panther match is great too, I'm hoping it leads to a rematch which isn't bound by a ten minute time limit.

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