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[NSFW] Less commercial or conventional hotties

The Sparkmeister

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Another one? Fucking hell, all she's done these past few years is "I'm proud of me body" photoshoots where she's thin then fat then thin then fat.


She's been on TV in many shows claiming to be depressed because she gained weight, then happy that she lost it, then depressed because she was skinny so she put it on etc etc etc. Annoying as fuck.

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  • Paid Members
Not really 'less commercial' as everyone will know who she is, but Claire Richards (former member of Steps) has done a naked photo shoot. She's put a few pounds on since her Steps days, but personally I think she still looks cracking. Nowt wrong with a woman with a bit of meat on her :thumbsup:



That's actually the nicest pic I've seen of her. Never liked the look of her, but there's something about her here that makes you want to roll her in flour and aim for the damp patch.

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  • Paid Members
Not really 'less commercial' as everyone will know who she is, but Claire Richards (former member of Steps) has done a naked photo shoot. She's put a few pounds on since her Steps days, but personally I think she still looks cracking. Nowt wrong with a woman with a bit of meat on her :thumbsup:



That's actually the nicest pic I've seen of her. Never liked the look of her, but there's something about her here that makes you want to roll her in flour and aim for the damp patch.


You're only supposed to do that when she's too fat for you to find her clunge. Dunno why anyone would want to shag someone rolled in flour.


She does look very destroyable, though.

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Amy Beth Hayes off Sirens


She's a good looking woman but if she walked past you in the street you probably wouldn't notice, however after watching her in Sirens for the past few weeks I've realised that she has possibly the most beautiful face ever, ever, ever


Think it's the eyes



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Not really 'less commercial' as everyone will know who she is, but Claire Richards (former member of Steps) has done a naked photo shoot. She's put a few pounds on since her Steps days, but personally I think she still looks cracking. Nowt wrong with a woman with a bit of meat on her :thumbsup:




Not wandered in here in a while but i would well smash her backdoor in!

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One on the right, obvs. She was the guide on that Icelandic Walk thing with Julia Bradbury. Really sexy and knowledgable, with a lovely soft voice and Icelandic accent. One bit had her quietly retelling an old local ghost story late at night. I proper melted.

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