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Guest DJM

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Street fighter 2 the animated movie


Funny thing is i have the comic adaptation of this film but i have never seen the actual film.


Saw Caddyshack for the first time last night. Love Bill Murray and (as sad as it sounds) loved all the lame jokes by Rodney Dangerfield. Apart from that and the gopher, i could take it or leave it. Not bad but i don't love it.

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Robocop the tv series

The wire season 2

Street fighter 2 the animated movie

Clerks 2


All epic in their own different ways.


I find The Wire being compared with those in anyway incredibly offensive. :sneaky:

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Street fighter 2 the animated movie

I was seriously contemplating watching that tonight. Instead I've got Mortal Kombat on. Talissa Soto ~


Saw Caddyshack for the first time last night. Love Bill Murray and (as sad as it sounds) loved all the lame jokes by Rodney Dangerfield. Apart from that and the gopher, i could take it or leave it. Not bad but i don't love it.

Also, Cindy Morgan's tits. ~~~

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Saw Caddyshack for the first time last night. Love Bill Murray and (as sad as it sounds) loved all the lame jokes by Rodney Dangerfield. Apart from that and the gopher, i could take it or leave it. Not bad but i don't love it.

I saw Caddyshack for the first time a couple of years ago and I was pretty disappointed. I love Murray usually but I thought his character just wasnt funny. Rodney Dangerfield was the clear MVP of the film.


Overall It was alright, but certainly doesnt deserve its comedy classic reputation.

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I remember Caddyshack 2 being absolutely shite. Anybody else ever watched that?

Christ it was terrible, Dan Ackroyd was shocking bad. Also Judge Smails is the best character in Caddyshack.

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It was M Night Shymalan, not Gibson who directed - you can tell by the big twist that's in every Shymalan film.


It's not really very good, is it? I still like 6th Sense, Unbreakable and The Village, but the rest of his stuff is derivative.


I like Unbreakable, probably due to the comic book elements, though the Village and Sixth Sense didn't make me want to watch them again. I have Signs on DVD, it's the only one of his films I've purchased, I do like it but the ending is pretty flat. The tone of the comedy appeals to me which is about it...


Watched The Wrestler again and it remains a highly depressing film. Good though. Introduced my girlfriend to Spaced and Indy 4. She liked Indy 4 more than she thought she would, I showed her Spaced as she recently became a fan of Simon Pegg... I don't think she enjoyed it as much as I did but there were a few laugh out loud moments for her. Leaves me happy.

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The Doctor Who TV Movie with Paul McGann.


It's actually not too bad a film, well not as bad as hardcore Whovians make it out to be. An interview with the director from 2001 also sheds some light on it's weaker spots though his commentary over the film is dreadful.


Loved Paul McGann in the role, always loved that TARDIS set and if you just shut off the inner geek it's not too bad.

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- saw for 1st time the other day, bloody funny but not quite as good as the other Ben Stiller movie about the ice skating(?)

Can't say I'm familiar with a Ben Stiller ice skating movie. If you mean Blades of Glory and you're saying it's better than Zoolander, then you must be shot.


Zoolander's one of my favourite films of all time. One of the main reasons is for Will Ferrel as the awesome Mugatu.

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