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Guest DJM

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Apparently the Hangover lives up to the hype though if you're looking for a decent comedy.

It doesnt. Its a solid three star film at best, I was massively disappointed with it.


I was also pretty dissappointed with 'I Love You Man'. I loved Forgetting Sarah Marshall, so was looking forward to another film starring Jason Segal as a main character. Unfortunately it wasnt written by him and was pretty dull. I thought Role Models was a little better but nothing special.

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Your all crazy, I Love You Man is a laugh a minute.


As for Grotesque being banned, it takes a hell of a lot to get the BBFC to out right ban a film. Looking at what they have said the thing that jumps out straight away is sexual sadism which along with Child abuse and cruelty to animals are the main things that the BBFC will cut.


We have probably the best censorship laws in the world which is a hell of a turn around from what it was like up untill 2000. Given they've passed near enough all the video nasties of the 70's and 80's, stuff like Hostel, the Saw movies, Miike's films and plenty of hardcore scene's to hear them bashed is pretty ridiculous. There should always be some form of censorship (i love korean films but i don't want to see any of the Animal cruelity in some of their films) and for me the BBFC get it right, were damn lucky.


I'm not going to lose any sleep over not getting to see Grotesque looking at the trailer it looks shit.


Last Film watched: V For Vendetta which is fucking dreadful.

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Knocked Up is a perfectly average 80 minute long fim that is dragged out to a fucking dreadful and boring 2 hours plus. Also Forgetting Sarah Marshall is shit and my guess is I Love You Man is too. Jason Segal is the most unlikeable unfunny comedy actor I've seen in years.

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Also Forgetting Sarah Marshall is shit

How dare you! Its fantastic. How is Segal unlikeable? The poor bastard gets kicked in the nuts constantly throughout the film, he was great.


Sit in the corner with Ultimo and cry about V for Vendetta. You Vacant, Void and Vicious Vermin!


edit - I really liked Knocked Up but if they trimmed some of the fat (down to 90 minutes.) it would have gained a few more points.

Edited by Rob Lowe
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As for Grotesque being banned, it takes a hell of a lot to get the BBFC to out right ban a film. Looking at what they have said the thing that jumps out straight away is sexual sadism which along with Child abuse and cruelty to animals are the main things that the BBFC will cut.


We have probably the best censorship laws in the world which is a hell of a turn around from what it was like up untill 2000. Given they've passed near enough all the video nasties of the 70's and 80's, stuff like Hostel, the Saw movies, Miike's films and plenty of hardcore scene's to hear them bashed is pretty ridiculous. There should always be some form of censorship (i love korean films but i don't want to see any of the Animal cruelity in some of their films) and for me the BBFC get it right, were damn lucky.


The fact is that the BBFC have to move with the times and understand that a move like this is counter-productive. The majority of film-watchers out there probably would never even have heard of Grotesque. As soon as this lot hit it with their mighty banhammer then people are now going to clambering over themselves to find a torrent of it or get an import of it from eBay or Amazon.


What doesn't make any sense in this case is that the BBFC usually give out a list of cuts that should be made to achieve a certificate before banning something. In this case, they didn't. Still, I'm sure that squat cunt John Beyer is overjoyed.

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Yeah but during the movie Segal is so dull and wussy that he actually deserves to get brutally dumped. His timing sucks, he's got a face that just deserves to get punched and can't really act either. Also Sarah Marshall is really annoying and not even that fit. I found Russell Brand funny at times but apart from that I can't think of any paticularly good lines (that "you sound like you're from Lahdahn" doesn't count, it's really annoying and unfunny) and there isn't any paticularly memorable comic scenes or sequences. IT'S SHIT.


Though not as bad as V For Vendetta which is really, really terrible. I will send my fist through the internet and out off your screen straight into your headpiece if you disagree with this.



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Yeah but during the movie Segal is so dull and wussy that he actually deserves to get brutally dumped. His timing sucks, he's got a face that just deserves to get punched and can't really act either.

He is a bit of a wuss, but I dont think he's punchable at all. He isnt cocky or obnoxious. In fact I'd say he's incredibly likeable and I wanted him to move on, find a nice girl and write his play!


Also Sarah Marshall is really annoying and not even that fit.

She's the bad guy, its good that shes annoying and bitchy. I think she is attractive but its better for the story that Mila Kunis is much more.


I found Russell Brand funny at times

I liked that Brand is a cocky bastard but becomes more likeable as the film goes on.


Theres loads of good lines...




(Rachel calls Peters room)

Rachel: Are you alright Peter? People have been complaining about hearing a woman crying.

Peter: *weepy* Yeah I heard her, Shes in the room above me.

Rachel: Your on the top floor Peter...

Peter: Okay, I'll stop now.

Matthew: I have a question for you real quick. What did you think of my demo? Did you get it?

Aldous Snow: I was gonna listen to that, but then, um, I just carried on living my life.

Surfing Instructor: I like her red hair. I wonder if the carpet matches her pubes.

(walks in to see peter laying in bed surrounded by tissues)

Kemo: Are those sad tissues or happy tissues?

(Talking about the local tough guy)

Surfing Instructor: I once saw him beat a guy up with a starfish!

Peter Bretter: That's ridiculous.

Surfing Instructor: That guy was me.

Aldous Snow: Come on tour with me. I'll serenade you every night in front of thousands of women.

Sarah Marshall: I didn't know you were going on tour.

Aldous Snow: Yeah, I'm going in two weeks. It's like an 18 month tour, 43 countries, Infant Sorrow, and it's gonna be a massive tour.

Sarah Marshall: Yeah, I can't come cause I have a job. I'm a working actress.

Aldous Snow: Not anymore. You're an unemployed actress. Perfect. You could be the queen of the groupies, queen of the Sorrow Suckers.

Sarah Marshall: The Sorrow Suckers?

Aldous Snow: Sorrow Suckers. I don't know why they call them that.


Oh listing lines out of context cant emphasise how great the film is! Its a great story, full of good lines and funny, likeable characters. A lot of the secondary characters are strong too. Its probably the best comedy released in the last two years. (which isnt saying much) 8/10!


Though not as bad as V For Vendetta which is really, really terrible. I will send my fist through the internet and out off your screen straight into your headpiece if you disagree with this.

V for Vendetta was decent, not great. I had a few things I didnt like but overall it was a thumbs up. I liked it enough to buy the comics and read about Alan Moore too. Maybe you should punch yourself in the face. It might knock some sense and good taste into you!


Pee Wee's Big adventure is one of my favourites though, your avatar gains you some credibility back.

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The only thing I remember about his FSM appearance was him getting his dick out in a scene that screamed "Hey girls, I'm ugly. But I got a big dick!".


It's smacks of when Seth "It hurts to look at you" Rogan always gets the pretty girl in the film to tell him how attractive he is. Despite that not being the case.

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The only thing I remember about his FSM appearance was him getting his dick out in a scene that screamed "Hey girls, I'm ugly. But I got a big dick!".

I think you're looking into it a bit too much. It was a cheap cringe gag, not a personal statement.

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Pee Wee's Big adventure is one of my favourites though, your avatar gains you some credibility back.


Oh yeah?! Well you like Forgetting Sarah Marshall and V For Vendetta so you ain't got no credibility, motherfucker.


And maybe YOU should punch YOURSELF in the face because....erm...you're gay!

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I like V For Vendetta.


Anyways, went to Inglourious Basterds today. Having said this several months ago:


Tarantino's next;



Looks like a whole load of fun to me!

Looks fucking brilliant.


Typical Tarrantino IMO, quite an over the top premise which he will make fucking Golden.


Oh and the fact that it's been in the works for fucking years will make it even more special.


Wow that random profanity makes you appear well hard. I'd say Death Proof was "quite an over the top premise" too, only he didn't make it "fucking golden", he made it fucking shit. Trailer for this is underwhelming. Nothing wrong with Pitt's delivery there, he's done that style before. I'm more concerned with the presence of Eli Roth, one of the worst filmmakers to emerge in the last decade. Mike Myers is apparently in the film too, with Tarantino revealing that "Mike let it be known that he's a huge fan of my work", so I guess that's all it takes these days. Mickey Rourke has turned down the opportunity to work with Tarantino twice, citing not strong enough material, which QT naturally baulked at.


We all know the guy is a mark for himself, but he's losing the run of himself too. Don't get me wrong, I like the majority of his back catalogue, but this is his make or break film. He's been talking about for years and years and I just have the feeling it's going to be self-indulgent shit.


I'm glad to report I was wrong (yes, imagine that) and it is infact, excellent. I'll probably elaborate more later.

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