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Guest DJM

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I haven't seen Part V, but I have a hard time believing that it could trump the first two parts of the Wishmaster series in terms of really stupid and funny horror movies... If stupid comedy horror is your bag, you gotta cop that shit!Also, I rewatched Crank the other day. I didn't know how it was going to stand up to a repeat viewing, but it did so remarkably well. Really awesome action flick... It's made perfectly for what it is, and is actually genuinely quite funny, not just stupid-funny.I think I could probably count the really good proper action films made in the last 10 years on one hand, and this is definitely up there...

Edited by Who has called me Hage?
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I watched Open Water last night. If watching people getting eaten by sharks floats your boat, this is for you. Otherwise, give it a wide berth.

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I saw Knocked Up the other day, thought it was a better film than Superbad and a good comedy. Perhaps not the greatness it got collared for, but still a solid 2 hours of entertainment. Judd Aptow is not the next Woody Allen, but hopefully we'll get a few more good flicks out of him.

I dont see the Woody Allen comparison at all, you might as well be sayin he's not the next Michael Bay(granted i haven't seen any of the early Woody's). He does have a hint of the John Hughes' to him though, Knocked Up is like a better version of She's having a baby.Eastern Promises was pretty good but i did find myself wanting a bit more from it and was left a little unsatisfied by the end. Also Viggo fighting with his dong out was a little out of the blue.
I made the Woody Allen comparison as it is a 'emotionally aware' comedy, which doesn't ditch a decent protrayl of a relationship for laughs. I really liked Eastern Promises, the fight scene is brutal and the nudity just helps hit home how fucking nasty it is. I thought it was brave move of Viggos' to go for it, but it pays off. Also, I always assumed the ending was some what anti-climatic to reinforce the fact that Cronnenberg wanted a fairly real and gritty protrayl of what is, supposedly, a real underground mafia in London. To have a big fighting scene with the cops turning up, and guns blazing etc etc would have just been there to tick a box in what a 'action thriller' is meant to deliever.
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The Mask: I watched this at the weekend for the first time in a decade. Some of it hasn't aged well, but it does retain bursts of goodness. Jim Carrey still looks a tad creepy to me in certain scenes, such as peeling himself from the road and coughing into the camera, though that might be due to having no ears. :/


Rambo: First Blood: My mates were shocked that I'd never seen this before, being in my twenties and all. Since the trilogy is going quite cheap I decided to see what I was missing. Seeing the emotional twist in it was a nice surprise, as I had it in my mind that it would be an all-out bloodfest. Will hopefully get round to watching Part II tomorrow.


Predator: Had only ever caught the end of this when I was a kid, despite owning the sequel. Hell of a film, even with the dated yet funny/excusable Preda-Vision.

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The Eye: Thought i'd watch this as the American version is out soon, and despite having the original on dvd for a while, i'd not watched it. And i really enjoyed it. Scary and heart-pumping at times. Did feel alot like The Ring/Dark Water, etc but i wouldn't say that was a bad thing. Thankfully i didnt read the back of the dvd cover before i watched it cos it gives away an important part of the film!

Edited by lostprophet_y2j
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Rambo: First Blood: My mates were shocked that I'd never seen this before, being in my twenties and all. Since the trilogy is going quite cheap I decided to see what I was missing. Seeing the emotional twist in it was a nice surprise, as I had it in my mind that it would be an all-out bloodfest. Will hopefully get round to watching Part II tomorrow.

The first one is the only decent one out of all of them. The second and third ones are just over-indulgent one-man gun totting foreign national hating Stallone shows. I watched Magicians last night, the first major film with both David Mitchell and Robert Webb in the lead. It's nowhere near the greatness of Peep Show (but what is?), and the script is fairly lousy, but there are enough laughs in the flick to keep the film on course for its short running time, with the 'stooge' meeting in the resturant being one of the few belly laugh moments. Plus if you like British comedy films where you spot all your favourite comedy actors, this will keep you smiling, with some good turns from the lesser known stars of BBC3 and Channel 4 shows. Not a bad film, not a great film, just an average British comedy.
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Rambo: First Blood: My mates were shocked that I'd never seen this before, being in my twenties and all. Since the trilogy is going quite cheap I decided to see what I was missing. Seeing the emotional twist in it was a nice surprise, as I had it in my mind that it would be an all-out bloodfest. Will hopefully get round to watching Part II tomorrow.

The first one is the only decent one out of all of them. The second and third ones are just over-indulgent one-man gun totting foreign national hating Stallone shows.
And the fourth one might well be the most morally bankrupt thing that Hollywood has ever produced and marketed as big budget, mainstream movie.
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I watched Casino last night. What a tremendous film this is. The acting is utterly brilliant. I liked the little touches they added like shouting over each other in arguements. This happens in real life all the time but in movies and television you don't often see it because the focus shifts from one person to another. Pesci in particular is fucking awesome in this film. On top of the great acting the direction is top notch and there are some truly beautiful shots to behold in it. To be honest I think it's a crime I didn't pick this up sooner than I did. It's 3 hours of your life you'll be happy to put to the side. 10/10

Edited by El Nicko Loco
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Vantage Point


Um, there's going to be spoilers here. I'll put em in white so you can highlight if you want.


What an utter, utter waste of time.


Okay the film starts off quite well, the whole bombing/assasination thing, the press truck etc, that part was okay, the first couple of 'rewinds' are allright following different people through the same events. And then the 'reveals' start coming and fuck me, it goes insane.


I'm sorry there are SO MANY holes in this film, the mate I went with on the drive home went from thinking it was 'okay' at the start of the drive back, then pulled it apart himself so much that by the time we got back (about a 15 min drive) he hated it more than I did. The entire Cinema were groaning when the last rewind happened, 2 people walked out.


This film is THE most contrived 'wank over how great america is' piece of shit I have EVER had the displeasure of seeing. Please avoid it.


And. Now.


Here are just a few points I want to pick up.


Forrest Whittaker... Great actor, highly respected, his character starts off fun and then is made to look a fool, with a bad limp (his natural gait) he manages to keep up with two fit normal guys running at full pace while carrying a camera.... One time the decide he's too 'disabled' to really do what these guys can do (running across a busy road) so they make him sprint up onto an overpass instead... (spoiler) And the little girl, what the fuck. So she bumps into him in a crowd, drops her ice cream, her mother loses her in the chaos and he finds her and hands her over to a policewoman who then after promising to look after her completely ignores her and she goes wandering off in a random direction trying to find mummy and then randomly her mother is right by where the criminals are meeting and Forest's character is so he can be the hero and save her life from the crashing ambulance.... there will be more about that as we go along and you'll see what made me want to scream.


This whole paragraph is a spoiler so... (spoiler) When the president gets shot you believe it's the President. Why? well simply because a guy who's guarded the president in the past and took a bullet for him is there, the press have the cameras on his face and hey, he must be the president. But fuck no, it turns out the president that's shot is an imposter.... who doesn't look like the guy playing the president that much. You'd think a secret service guy sitting opposite him in a car who hasn't seen him since he took a bullet for the president might just have a small conversation and then realise he's not actually the president? Or are we led to believe that person could easily be duped by a lookalike who has different coloured hair...... Even then the press don't recognise their own president, fuck if he had looked the same I could accept it, but he looks different.... crikey.


More here (spoiler) And you've got the president staying in a hotel, he leaves, gets warned that there's a threat against his life, so where do you send him. To a safe house? to the American embassy which is a fortress? Get him directly onto a plane and get him out.... No, they go back to the same FUCKING hotel...... That makes no sense in the real world. GAH!


There's a car chase in this movie that appears to go on for miles and miles through the streets of Santa Monica.... what? Anyway, it does and speeding along driving thorugh many different roads, yet the US Secret service guy seems to know the name of every road he travels down.... great.... also this drive it turns out is just six blocks away from the plaza where all the chaos happens. But you figure it's gotta be close becuase no matter where they go, even after driving for minutes and minutes there are people running around in utter panic......... What??? GAH


Anyway, there are so many crazy inconsistancies, so many stupid things that I'll let you pick apart and realise for yourself if you're dumb enough to go and see this. But seriously, it's "America is great!" jingoistic nonsense that I wasted 2 hours of my life to go and see. What a waste.


My two final points are this though:


(spoiler) The spanish cop, when lying on the floor and meeting the military trained assassin who's brother has been kidnapped so he works for the terrorists (Oh and why are the terrorists from Morocco? Why can't they bloody be basque seperatists or something since the film is set in spain?) says to the guy "looks like we've both been caught out" then turn around and just say "Fuck you" to the guy when he knows he's nothing to do with 'em he's just been roped in? :bored:


(spoiler) Fox's character is quite clever, however he throws it all away with this line "I can finally end this double life" to explain, he's a member of the american secret service, he's friends with the main good guy and got him back in the secret service after he got shot, so he's obviously respected. Yet he's part of the terrorist group, a guy who must have spent YEARS and YEARS and YEARS becoming a member of the special forces, must've been born in america for that to take place and yet.... there's no sembilence of backstory there, just the line that he's been living a double life for years... Fuck off..... Seriously.


I could spend another 20,000 words pulling this movie apart.


But I'm going to stop here... wait a sec (spoiler) The spanish cop? He is let through security with a BOMB as he has a 'weapon' because he's a police officer, see I don't mind the fact that maybe they shuffle him through security, yet I know, and you know that when they let someone like that through security they make him place his badge and his gun in a tray and make him walk through the metal detector SO THAT PERSON ISN'T CARRYING A BOMB and you know, there's something rather important to stop people carrying bombs into places where US Presidents are making important speaches to people in an area where there's obviously some unrest, it's called a sniffer dog. sorry. Had to get that off my chest.


I'll stop now... wait.... No....


See that's the thing. The story is actually a decent idea, but they've just put in so many daft things that you can't even let them go.


Oh and if you like bond like technology try the sniper rifle that they use. Fucking mindblowing.


It's shit. Really really shit.


But I enjoyed getting that off my chest, please don't go and see this.

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Rambo: First Blood: My mates were shocked that I'd never seen this before, being in my twenties and all. Since the trilogy is going quite cheap I decided to see what I was missing. Seeing the emotional twist in it was a nice surprise, as I had it in my mind that it would be an all-out bloodfest. Will hopefully get round to watching Part II tomorrow.

The first one is the only decent one out of all of them. The second and third ones are just over-indulgent one-man gun totting foreign national hating Stallone shows.
The Rambo films are pretty much overrated in my humble opinion. The first one is ok, the rest are a bit rank though.
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Had a fun packed week of films


Double Dragon - The Movie


Have never got round to watching this, I remember seeing a trailer for it on either Bad Influence or Games Master years ago.

Anyway it was on one of the dodgy movie channels on sky the other day and it was crap-tastic. The fact that they had they guy from Party of 5 as one of the brothers who seemed to have zero martial arts skills was just stupid casting, Their 2nd mistake was having Mark Dacacos and giving him some of the worst fights ever seen in an action flick, its sub Hero turtles! Oh and Robert Patrick as one of the gayest bad guys of all time. Still Alyssa Milano looks hot in it.




Pretty much exactly what I expected but a lot more gory. The film drags everytime there is any attempt at dialogue, which luckily is not often, the script is clunky and forced and the action is overly graphic to the point that it becomes cartoony. The actual images of genocide at the begining is actually insulting, as if they are trying to make a statement with this film when in fact all it is is a throwback to the guns and ammo films of the 80's. Whereas Rocky Balboa captured the spirit of the original Rocky, this film leans more towards Rambo III than First Blood.


First Blood


I know this film seems to divide people but i genuinely love it and think that with a different actor in the lead role could have been a genuine oscar contender when it was released.

Sly is good enough in the lead role though and this film is still one of his best performances to date


Semi Pro


Wasn't that impressed with this film. The problem with Will Ferrell films is that he needs a good supporting cast to play off and this film just didn't have it, in fact I cant say that any of the cast stood out, Woody Harrilson seemed to just be going through the motions. The comedy commentators thing has been done to death and Fred Willards performance in Best in show has still not been bettered


Planet of the Apes (Original)


Bought the box set from HMV for

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