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Didn’t want to clog up the Twitter thread but this account, Legal Gengar goes after the online grifters and their financial irregularities. Initially it was one person highlighting Jack Monroe, now the account has been taken over by a team and the scope has been widened. 

Their current assignments are “Britains kindest racist plumber” James Anderson AKA Depher CIC and Simon “Men Behaving Dadly” Harries. They’re looking into the fundraisers they’ve started and the complete lack of accounting as to where the funds have ended up. 

Next on their list are Supertanskii and Rachel Swinson. The former being the darling of thirsty centrist dads and the latter a left wing blogger who constantly hates asking for donations on a weekly basis. 

The slow reveal of Depher to the public is wonderful to see, I hate that prick with a passion, and the Men Behaving Dadly stuff is shocking. Looking forward to the Tanksii stuff immensely as well. 

Let’s talk about the grift!

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8 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Simon “Men Behaving Dadly” Harries.

Hate is such an ugly emotion, but I am so glad to see this utter prick being taken down.

Didn't that Depher guy invite that landlord nob who pretended to chainsaw a front door to their business and sing their praises as well? And try and charge people a tenner for "free" Christmas presents for those in need?

I hope RussInCheshire gets found out, but probably won't as he gives it some minge.

Also, not a grifter (although curiously says he isn't one in his bio profile so must've been some allegations) but that ADatingDad matey gives off proper danger vibes.

His passive aggressiveness over his ex, his children and their "santa lists" at Christmas was utterly rank.

Yes, yes I know we shouldn't care about Twitter people and the like, but we have to read something as we poo.

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29 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:


Didn't that Depher guy invite that landlord nob who pretended to chainsaw a front door to their business and sing their praises as well? And try and charge people a tenner for "free" Christmas presents for those in need

Yep, called him a wonderful gentleman then did a dirty delete when people pointed out what he’d done. The presents one is a long grift. He did a gift drive for “Children spending Christmas in hospital because they won’t get a gift on Christmas morning” because as every parent knows, if your kid is in hospital over Christmas you just leave them there and don’t visit or anything. 

Then he said he was giving away the gifts he had left and all you needed to do was cover the postage for 2 presents and quoted a flat fee of a tenner. People asked him if he bought them with funds that people donated for the elderly, his main source of donation, and of course he blocked them and called them trolls. He did the same when people pointed out it wouldn’t cost a tenner to post these out. 

I got blocked for pointing out he shared that Golliwog pic on his Facebook. He maintained that someone posted it to his wall and he didn’t know, but even the picture he offered as proof showed he shared it. One of the things that annoys me the most is how he posts his Jesus act when saving pensioners by installing a free boiler and when his worshippers kiss his ringpiece and ask how the council could let this happen to pensioners, he never ever points out that the only people who get free boilers have to be homeowners. 

Im unaware of ADatingDad, he ain’t that nonce who does those child dying in ridiculous scenarios vids is he?

Makes you yearn for the days when The Famileigh were the worst thing on social media!

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1 minute ago, Keith Houchen said:

Im unaware of ADatingDad, he ain’t that nonce who does those child dying in ridiculous scenarios vids is he?

No that's not him. He's just a massive weirdo and gives off a really unpleasant vibe. I'm pretty sure he set his account up to look for love (nothing wrong with that) but I dunno. There is something off there.

I wonder what football team he supports...oh ffs!

1 minute ago, Keith Houchen said:

Makes you yearn for the days when The Famileigh were the worst thing on social media!

I wonder what football team they support...OH FFS!!!

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4 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

He's just a massive weirdo and gives off a really unpleasant vibe

Oh he’s the one who didn’t like Santa getting any credit for the presents and wanted the kids to know he bought them!

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38 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Makes you yearn for the days when The Famileigh were the worst thing on social media!

I can go for months without seeing them pop up and then one bastard clip and I get angry all over again. They never fucking stop.

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2 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

I can go for months without seeing them pop up and then one bastard clip and I get angry all over again. They never fucking stop.

I don't mind them. Them and their gormless faces are pretty harmless.

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1 hour ago, SuperBacon said:


I hope RussInCheshire gets found out, but probably won't as he gives it some minge.


He lives in Sandbach (the neighbouring town to me) and I've seen him knocking about when I've been there with mates. I dont think he's actually a grifter though, just a smug prick.

Good to hear Rachel Swindon is in his sights though. When I was on Twitter her profile seemed omnipresent and I had my doubts if it was even an actual person or an account ran by a group?

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5 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

I don't mind them. Them and their gormless faces are pretty harmless.

Nah. That one video they did of them in the pub years ago is up there with the most rage inducing content I've experienced online. So any time they pop up it's like PTSD.

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30 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

Nah. That one video they did of them in the pub years ago is up there with the most rage inducing content I've experienced online. So any time they pop up it's like PTSD.

Therapist: And can you tell me about these night terrors?

DavidB6937: spacer.png

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1 hour ago, Dead Mike said:

I dont think he's actually a grifter though, just a smug prick.

I dunno. Remember when he defamed a Tory MP and the Tory said if he donated 6k to a food bank and apologised he’d drop it? He begged his followers for the money and they covered it. Maybe if he’d sold his brand new Tesla that he was praising the month before, that would’ve covered it AND had money left over for a decent car. 

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