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FYI - For any AEW+ subscribers, I got an email offering an AEW PPV bundle pack again, it's for Dynasty, Double or Nothing and Forbidden Door. It's $49.99, shows up as ÂŁ34.90 on the app via Roku.

Whilst I'm here, matches announced for tomorrow are:


Edited by Kamran
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This is the Mercedes Moné debut, right? I hope they do something other than either “lights go out, she appears in the ring” or “music hits at the end of the women’s match, out she comes.” I wish she actually had some vignettes in the run up. I miss vignettes for new people coming in. I can’t even remember the last time either company had those. 

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Dynamite 06/03/24

New graphics and entrance set up are lovely. Big improvement on the previous look. The song sounds like it was from about 25 years ago. A rare miss from Mikey Rukus. 

Swerve does stumble a little bit in his promos. He sounds confident and has the coolest demeanour but he sometimes gets ahead of himself. Still generally sounded good though. I like them opening with the World Title stuff and getting Swerve out there to keep him as hot as possible. Joe was once again dripping with swagger. So nice of him to let the people gaze upon an actual champion. A true public servant. 

Funny that they knew nobody would give a shit about the Taven/Bennett match so they tried to "next week" it and trick people into thinking they wanted it. 

I'd rather just the promo battle/Wardlow comes out/Joe chokes out Swerve. I skip The Kingdom matches on ROH TV and I feel great about it. Now they keep wrestling important people on the real shows and making me watch them. Uncool. 

They've done a good couple of weeks of rehabbing Wardlow but I hope this is just a holdover title defense for Joe. Cole awkwardly had to mention this staggeringly stupid idea that Wardlow will win and then give the belt to Cole. Whyyyyyyy. Why on Earth would he do that and why would Cole have any reason to believe Wardlow would do that? 

What does Wardlow have to gain by being Cole's lackey OR by pretending to be? The only possible reason he'd have any part in any of this scheming is because the plan was to fuck over MJF. He could have done that himself, but if we charitably say that's his motivation for going along with Cole's scheme. That's done now, so what leverage does Cole think he has over Wardlow? Especially when more recently Wardlow seems to have realised he could have got to the top on his own, can beat MJF and Joe himself, and has said this out loud in promos.

I had been saying this direction has made Wardlow look like the dumbest man alive, but Cole is the bigger idiot. 

Was getting big time groomer energy from Jericho approaching Hook. Hook vs Joe was fantastic, and I think the feud with Cage has been a very strong choice to follow up. David vs Goliath matches where Hook gets to be the scrappy underdog and try to suplex the big lads is exactly what I want for him. What a fun match this was, thought they worked great together and the finish made Hook like a real bad ass. If they go straight into some Jericho/Hook tag team nonsense instead of Hook vs Toa Liona in a singles match I will be very annoyed. Cage was excellent in this match but Toa is a different beast entirely; Hook trying to survive against him in a hardcore match would be so, so good. Or alternatively Hook can be the next Sammy Guevara and I'll end up sick of the sight of him. Both are options I suppose. 

Poor Daddy Magic man. Great fire from him here before the inevitable. Shocking theme music though, he deserves better than that. Christian stealing a guy's car to make his escape was hilarious. Carjack Jones indeed. More than happy with Copeland/Cage 3 after the first two belters, but hope Garcia doesn't get pushed aside. I need this run he's been on to end with a title win. 

Kyle O'Reilly is happy to be here. Wonder if the seemingly endless conundrum of what to do with Kyle O'Reilly will be solved on this run. 

Actually loved the Okada swerve. Gets him in the thick of things immediately and stops it feeling like an extended Forbidden Door situation where he's just the god of New Japan having dream matches against AEW guys. Sets him apart from the Okada who's appeared previously for AEW. 

Riho vs Statlander was excellent. Statlander has been on fire since she came back from the injury. Perfect opponent for most people right now but especially for Riho. Willow vs Riho is going to have the best pounce ever. Can't wait. 

Darby coming out with the bat was a nice touch, thought his entrance was quite an emotional scene, as was the promo. Jay White isn't even pretending to be a babyface at this point. 

Julia teleporting from her own promo into the HOB promo. Her powers are growing. I desperately want Mark Briscoe to jump them all from behind when they're doing one of their spooky pre tape promos. It doesn't make sense but I would bloody love it. Tremendous promo from him here. Jarrett Clan and Briscoe vs HOB sounds like a lot of fun. 

Main event was fun. They're letting Osprey showcase what he does and he feels like a big deal. Very intrigued to see if Bryan Danielson, the actual best "rope to rope" wrestler in the world, can rein him in a bit and put on a classic at Dynasty. 

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Oh god damn it. So I said in my little write up there I'd be very disappointed if they went straight to Jericho/Hook vs Gates of Agony instead of Hook defending the FTW title against Toa in a singles match. I see from the graphic there they're doing exactly that. Boooooo I say. 

The Mogul Embassy thing is a bit of an odd fit at this point. I don't think it makes much sense for Swerve to be aligned with these three heel meatheads any more. I love Swerve, I love Nana with Swerve. I also like Toa and Cage, and I like Nana with The Embassy. If babyface Swerve is going to keep telling them not to interfere and he never teams up with them though it doesn't make much sense as a stable any more. I guess Nana can be one of those old school managers who has multiple clients without them all necessarily teaming together. Maybe it doesn't matter and I'm over thinking it.  



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Swerve and the Mogul Embassy is starting to feel like when The Rock was still a part of the Nation of Domination in late 1998. It’s time to call it a day. He’s completely outgrown them and is ready to have the rocket strapped to his back.

Plus, if Swerve remains part of the Mogul Embassy that’s a little bit too close for comfort in regards to the Vortex.

In 2024, you always want to be at least three or four degrees of separation away from Chris Jericho. The way things are right now, with Jericho feuding with Swerve’s close mates the Gates of Agony? Scary stuff. He’s almost within the perfect distance for a Dementor’s Kiss on Swerve. Probably licking his fat lips at all that relevance and momentum he could suck out of him.

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7 hours ago, Supremo said:

Swerve and the Mogul Embassy is starting to feel like when The Rock was still a part of the Nation of Domination in late 1998. It’s time to call it a day. He’s completely outgrown them and is ready to have the rocket strapped to his back.

OBJECTION, your honour. If they'd extricated The Rock as soon as it was obvious he was ready to ascend, we'd have been robbed of THIS lovely bit of backstage bants, just prior to one of my favourite Raw matches of all time ;


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That just makes me sad to think there's now a generation of WWE wrestlers who never got to have a one-on-one match with Kane on Raw.  Something of a rite of passage for so many years!

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12 minutes ago, Loki said:

That just makes me sad to think there's now a generation of WWE wrestlers who never got to have a one-on-one match with Kane on Raw.  Something of a rite of passage for so many years!

But the flip side is that soon we'll have a generation of fans that don't remember the crushing misery of thinking "Fucking hell, not Big Show and Kane again..." in the closing stages of a Royal Rumble. So, swings and roundabouts.

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4 minutes ago, air_raid said:

But the flip side is that soon we'll have a generation of fans that don't remember the crushing misery of thinking "Fucking hell, not Big Show and Kane again..." in the closing stages of a Royal Rumble. So, swings and roundabouts.

There was a match once where Big Show and Kane were teaming, I forget against who, on Raw and at the start of the match Big Show tagged himself in and said quite distinctly "let's get this shit over with", which was exactly what I was thinking at the same moment.

Nowadays I'd be so happy with a big man team where no flips or dives to the outside were likely.

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12 minutes ago, Loki said:

There was a match once where Big Show and Kane were teaming, I forget against who, on Raw and at the start of the match Big Show tagged himself in and said quite distinctly "let's get this shit over with", which was exactly what I was thinking at the same moment.

I mean, while I'm loath to dwell on late 90s WWF in an AEW thread, since I alluded to Rock vs Kane earlier... that handicap everybody loved has some awfully obvious calling of the audibles from Earl. You can clearly hear him say "35 seconds" to Shamrock just as he's about to tag Rocky in ;


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Obviously Mone is coming in tonight, but something about the blatant way it's been done makes me think there's a secondary, maybe less expected surprise in he offing too, possibly a return. Not sure why, but as it's been so overt I can see there being something more going on tonight. 

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21 hours ago, Dr. Alan Grant said:

This is the Mercedes Moné debut, right? I hope they do something other than either “lights go out, she appears in the ring” or “music hits at the end of the women’s match, out she comes.” I wish she actually had some vignettes in the run up. I miss vignettes for new people coming in. I can’t even remember the last time either company had those. 

You're telling us something, we don't already know.

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